The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yea cause what you’re watching is bias, paid for propaganda that news station knows sells. They sell drama and opinions. Then they pass it off as fact. Then when it falls apart, they move on to something new and shocking to get you to forget about the last thing they mislead you about. You don’t hear much from David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Dr. Christine Fraud these days do you? I wonder why?
did you read what i said? i don't watch network news. i start with google news, then go to pbs,, BBC, Reuters......i don't even know who the anchors are on any of the networks. so, while i can't say any news source is completely unbiased, i think i get a pretty fair cross section to draw my own conclusions from.
so where do you get your news? i'm guessing Fox is high on the list


Well-Known Member
The awkward debate around Trump's mental fitness
Trump has made questions about his mental fitness unavoidable, with nearly every major news network now openly discussing whether the president has the the cognitive stability to do his job. But psychiatrists and mental health experts have been largely absent in the debate about Trump’s mental health. That’s thanks to the Goldwater Rule, a decades-old ethical guideline that’s coming under serious pressure as Trump starts his second year in office.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The awkward debate around Trump's mental fitness
Trump has made questions about his mental fitness unavoidable, with nearly every major news network now openly discussing whether the president has the the cognitive stability to do his job. But psychiatrists and mental health experts have been largely absent in the debate about Trump’s mental health. That’s thanks to the Goldwater Rule, a decades-old ethical guideline that’s coming under serious pressure as Trump starts his second year in office.
it might not be a bad idea for presidential candidates to be given a psychological screening before the campaign'd have to have a partisan board of examiners, who have to reach a consensus. say 7 examiners, and 2 have to be picked by republicans, 2 by democrats...the other three independent/unaligned....if they can't agree on a candidates mental health....well, they still get to run, but with the public being informed of their mental state.......
that probably won't work....but something, for god's's been proven that fucking insane people can be elected president....recently.....


Well-Known Member
it might not be a bad idea for presidential candidates to be given a psychological screening before the campaign'd have to have a partisan board of examiners, who have to reach a consensus. say 7 examiners, and 2 have to be picked by republicans, 2 by democrats...the other three independent/unaligned....if they can't agree on a candidates mental health....well, they still get to run, but with the public being informed of their mental state.......
that probably won't work....but something, for god's's been proven that fucking insane people can be elected president....recently.....
no. they could've leveraged the 25th or any number of things and still can..the GOP has no spine and is greedy as the day is long- they ignored him in lieu of tax cuts that aren't paid for.

if we need to see anything? let's make it TAX RETURNS.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
honestly, i think that a presidential candidate should have very little expectation of privacy. they should all be required to make their taxes from at least the previous 5 years public, any criminal record, any history of psychiatric treatment......if you want to occupy the highest office in the land, you should be prepared to be completely transparent


Well-Known Member
honestly, i think that a presidential candidate should have very little expectation of privacy. they should all be required to make their taxes from at least the previous 5 years public, any criminal record, any history of psychiatric treatment......if you want to occupy the highest office in the land, you should be prepared to be completely transparent
i agree with all except for the psych treatment because it goes against HIPAA compliance..medical history is private.

should we ask the female candidates how many abortions they've had?


Active Member
Wooohooo the typical response from a FAR LEFTIST. I bet you would love to silence everyone with a differing opinion than yours. And you call everyone else Nazi and Communists lol. You’re a joke.


Well-Known Member
This is how Donald is spending Christmas, not exactly the picture of peace and good will, more like panicked and frantic. Donald is scared and trying to get mighty Matt Whitaker to stand in front of the speeding Mueller and SDNY freight trains like he was some kind of superman. He wants Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to interfere in the markets because they are going south and with Donald's help the decline is getting deeper and steeper. He fucked up on the government shut down, Syria and Jim Mattis one of the few "adults in the room" resigned, Trump is in a snit about his resignation letter and is forcing him out two months early with out a proper replacement.

The wheels are coming off the Trump presidency and Donald is hiding behind it to avoid indictment and imprisonment. Donald is already a publicly known co conspirator in 2 crimes that netted his lawyer Cohen 3 years, Donald could get up to 10 years for directing election fraud in a slam dunk case that already has one conviction, multiple witnesses, a ton of documents and even recordings. Donald obtained his office by several fraudulent schemes using his company, his charitable foundation and by conspiring with the Russians to defraud the USA. Uncle Sam can easily prove it all in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt because Donald was so impulsive, lazy, sloppy and stupid.

Trump rants while 'all alone' in White House on Christmas Eve

(CNN)It's Christmas in America: The President is home alone in the White House, ranting at his foes inside and outside; an administration lurching deeper into crisis; stock markets are in free fall and the government is paralyzed by a partial shutdown.

Donald Trump is spending the festive season as he did much of the year, sparking chaos and raising concerns in the capital and around the world about his impulsive behavior and boiling with frustration as he barges right up to the limits on his power.
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Well-Known Member
Donald trying to act human and failing...
Trump asks 7-year-old 'Are you still a believer in Santa?'

(CNN)At what age do children wise up to the truth about Santa?

President Trump would like to know.
In a Christmas Eve call with a young child Monday night, Trump asked a 7-year-old named Coleman whether he or she still believes in Santa Claus, saying that was a "marginal" age for knowing the truth.


Well-Known Member
This is how Donald is spending Christmas, not exactly the picture of peace and good will, more like panicked and frantic. Donald is scared and trying to get mighty Matt Whitaker to stand in front of the speeding Mueller and SDNY freight trains like he was some kind of superman. He wants Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to interfere in the markets because they are going south and with Donald's help the decline is getting deeper and steeper. He fucked up on the government shut down, Syria and Jim Mattis one of the few "adults in the room" resigned, Trump is in a snit about his resignation letter and is forcing him out two months early with out a proper replacement.

The wheels are coming off the Trump presidency and Donald is hiding behind it to avoid indictment and imprisonment. Donald is already a publicly known co conspirator in 2 crimes that netted his lawyer Cohen 3 years, Donald could get up to 10 years for directing election fraud in a slam dunk case that already has one conviction, multiple witnesses, a ton of documents and even recordings. Donald obtained his office by several fraudulent schemes using his company, his charitable foundation and by conspiring with the Russians to defraud the USA. Uncle Sam can easily prove it all in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt because Donald was so impulsive, lazy, sloppy and stupid.

Trump rants while 'all alone' in White House on Christmas Eve

(CNN)It's Christmas in America: The President is home alone in the White House, ranting at his foes inside and outside; an administration lurching deeper into crisis; stock markets are in free fall and the government is paralyzed by a partial shutdown.

Donald Trump is spending the festive season as he did much of the year, sparking chaos and raising concerns in the capital and around the world about his impulsive behavior and boiling with frustration as he barges right up to the limits on his power.
re:mnuchin..calling bank ceo's on christmas eve eve, to ask if they have money in their vaults, is a bad sign, men..this is what happens before everyone runs to the bank to take their money out when the market crashes..banks often have to order money from the fed similar to a grocery list..what happens when they don't have enough when panic sets in?- more panic..then Martial Law.

media reported he made melania fly back to DC after she and her BF exchanged presents and fvcks in NY.
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Well-Known Member
Donald trying to act human and failing...
Trump asks 7-year-old 'Are you still a believer in Santa?'

(CNN)At what age do children wise up to the truth about Santa?

President Trump would like to know.
In a Christmas Eve call with a young child Monday night, Trump asked a 7-year-old named Coleman whether he or she still believes in Santa Claus, saying that was a "marginal" age for knowing the truth.
'marginal' like his presidency..:lol:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
so he can't even practice statesmanship with a 7 year old? it didn't occur to him to ask "so what did you ask Santa for this year?"....which would have presented the kid with an opportunity to answer the question without trump ever having to ask it.....
i'm a socially inept hermit that lives on the side of a mountain....and it occurred to me......


Well-Known Member
Donald trying to act human and failing...
Trump asks 7-year-old 'Are you still a believer in Santa?'

(CNN)At what age do children wise up to the truth about Santa?

President Trump would like to know.
In a Christmas Eve call with a young child Monday night, Trump asked a 7-year-old named Coleman whether he or she still believes in Santa Claus, saying that was a "marginal" age for knowing the truth.
"You know all that Santa stuff is fake news, dontcha' kid? Hey, where ya' goin', crybaby? Snowflake."


Well-Known Member
so he can't even practice statesmanship with a 7 year old? it didn't occur to him to ask "so what did you ask Santa for this year?"....which would have presented the kid with an opportunity to answer the question without trump ever having to ask it.....
i'm a socially inept hermit that lives on the side of a mountain....and it occurred to me......
He’s a white guy like you, socially inept and crying white tears. Leave the kids out of this, it looks you don’t give a shit about them except to virtue signal.