Cannaventure seeds thread


Well-Known Member
I barely have to adjust the ph using megacrop, why I like it so much. I even add a half capful of FishShit and URB and alternate with capful of liquid karma, and it still stays really close to 5.5 to 6. In flower I add the RIU homeade calmag/budcandy recipe and even then, if I have to use any ph down at all, its like drops, lol, no shit. its that close.
You got a link to the recipe?


Well-Known Member
As far as ph I usually run 6.3 to 6.7 in soil, once in every 3 or so feedings I might drop closer to 6. Between that and regular waterings that aren't ph'ed, I feel it ensures every element is getting a chance to be taken by the plant. I rarely have a deficiency, and if I do it's my own fault for not paying attention close enough.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried any of the other products offered by MC? I run ROLS but with kids and work I find that it actually is a bit too time consuming right now. I would like something that is a bit easier and when I am out of town for work then wife can do it.
Pure blend pro used to be certified organic, not sure if it still is but for soil it should be. Its a one part grow and bloom. More pricey than MC but its on the organic tip and works good.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried any of the other products offered by MC? I run ROLS but with kids and work I find that it actually is a bit too time consuming right now. I would like something that is a bit easier and when I am out of town for work then wife can do it.
The only thing I use from them is their Megacrop and bud explosion. They sponsor me. They send me both MC and B.E. But I havent used any of their other products.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried any of the other products offered by MC? I run ROLS but with kids and work I find that it actually is a bit too time consuming right now. I would like something that is a bit easier and when I am out of town for work then wife can do it.
I just started to use sweet candy. I immediately noticed my smells from my mimosa are weird now. It used to smell like grapefruit and oranges but now its smell I cant distinguish. No smells from my lvtk yet. That or maybe the mimosa was too loud and the smell was masked or something. Ill give this sweet candy another week and ill stop it if the smell dont come back. I liked it for the sulfur boost and what not.


Well-Known Member
Lol wheres the tape hahahaha.
We’re way past the tape, I supercropped every day for two weeks and still ended up closer to the lights than I like. One plant of this would be great for me in my lil 4x4.

That's awesome. You're gonna have a story to tell after this run lol.
Thanks man. It’s been a lot of fun so far, I got lucky with what I got. I’m thankful for what was in that pack so far, we’ll see what it smokes like.

Damn son, beast mode. Hang in there, some them phenos are worth the battle.
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I think they’re slowing that stretch down finally. The back two were the ones I thought weren’t gonna stretch. I was wrong hahahahaha