best soil and cheap decent nutrients to use ?

hey so im gonna do my first grow soon and use a soil medium need some tips on the best soil to use and which nutrients are good but cheap ive been looking and some are hella expensive any help much appreciated


Well-Known Member
I cant advise on soil as im a coco or hydro guy but as far as nutrients go a simple one part like ionic is good or a two part base nutrient like canna or dutch pro is fairly cheap.
No need to buy into the concept of 17 bottles of this and that.

Megacrop is supposed to be very good and very cheap. Maybe do a search for that on here, I know there are some threads about it.

As far as im aware you don't usually add nutrients to a soil until the soil is depleting, usually in flower..
Like I say though, soil aint my bag.
I cant advise on soil as im a coco or hydro guy but as far as nutrients go a simple one part like ionic is good or a two part base nutrient like canna or dutch pro is fairly cheap.
No need to buy into the concept of 17 bottles of this and that.

Megacrop is supposed to be very good and very cheap. Maybe do a search for that on here, I know there are some threads about it.

As far as im aware you don't usually add nutrients to a soil until the soil is depleting, usually in flower..
Like I say though, soil aint my bag.
thanks will have a good read on here later when finished work


Well-Known Member

I only have one grow to base this on but I used Fox farms ocean Forrest from seed

30% perilite mixed with it

Went from solo cup to 2g pot to 5g final pot. The soil has enough nutes in it to last for 4-5 weeks depending on strain and how fast your plants are using it up of course.

I fed at day 33 I think it was, and plants began to show slight signs of N tox, guys on here said it's cause the soil nutes still weren't used up. I had to feed just ph water next 2 times and they just kept growing.

I can't speak for any others because as I said, this is my first time, but my expierence as a newbie with Fox farms ocean Forrest has been easy and pretty stress free.

Here are my plants

First pic dec 1
Second dec 11
Third dec 26
Fourth 2 days ago

Hope this helped you


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I only have one grow to base this on but I used Fox farms ocean Forrest from seed

30% perilite mixed with it

Went from solo cup to 2g pot to 5g final pot. The soil has enough nutes in it to last for 4-5 weeks depending on strain and how fast your plants are using it up of course.

I fed at day 33 I think it was, and plants began to show slight signs of N tox, guys on here said it's cause the soil nutes still weren't used up. I had to feed just ph water next 2 times and they just kept growing.

I can't speak for any others because as I said, this is my first time, but my expierence as a newbie with Fox farms ocean Forrest has been easy and pretty stress free.

Here are my plants

First pic dec 1
Second dec 11
Third dec 26
Fourth 2 days ago

Hope this helped you
Thanks for the advice bro lovely looking plants


Ursus marijanus

I only have one grow to base this on but I used Fox farms ocean Forrest from seed

30% perilite mixed with it

Went from solo cup to 2g pot to 5g final pot. The soil has enough nutes in it to last for 4-5 weeks depending on strain and how fast your plants are using it up of course.

I fed at day 33 I think it was, and plants began to show slight signs of N tox, guys on here said it's cause the soil nutes still weren't used up. I had to feed just ph water next 2 times and they just kept growing.

I can't speak for any others because as I said, this is my first time, but my expierence as a newbie with Fox farms ocean Forrest has been easy and pretty stress free.

Here are my plants

First pic dec 1
Second dec 11
Third dec 26
Fourth 2 days ago

Hope this helped you
I have not used Ocean Forest but I have used Happy Frog. The soil was great for like 60 days, then lost all its nutes at once apparently.

I supplemented with Gen Hydro 3-part liquid nutes and the grow went well.

So they may have a different, longer-lasting formula here, but I'd be on the lookout for deficiencies or imbalances. And stand ready with some nutes. I've had no reason to switch from gen Hydro 3-part. But you could be lucky and finish well without supplements.

wizard cabbage

Well-Known Member
Don’t get cheap soil With slow release fertilizer in it gives every one I know problems . The general hydro flora trio is good 3 part don’t get sucked into buying a ton for additives like bloom boosters .


At the moment I am running Happy Frog, and running a 5 gallon bucket with bubblers to aerate about 4 or 5 handfuls of composted cow manure(sterilised from the store), with water filled to the top. I come in stir it up good and then dip my watering can and water my plants as normal. My water is like 8-9ph.. SO I don't even add lime to it, until I see it's necessary by the plants calling for it through leaf diagnosis(I let the plant tell me).


Well-Known Member
Lowe's or Walmart - a bag of topsoil, a bale of cheap peat and a bag of perlite.

Nutes- I've switched to Dakine 420. Cheap, easy. Be sure to thoroughly stir and mix any dry salts.

Even cheap Miracle Gro works fine. Just go easy on whatever you use. Less is better.
I am with hrh. He has helped me a ton. Simple is the way. Good genetics are impotant too. I just finished a run og grandaddy purple and now have 4 sskunks. They are beauts. You cant go wrong if u keep it simple.
Good luck on your grow. Be sure to post your results.
I am with hrh. He has helped me a ton. Simple is the way. Good genetics are impotant too. I just finished a run og grandaddy purple and now have 4 sskunks. They are beauts. You cant go wrong if u keep it simple.
Good luck on your grow. Be sure to post your results.
yes defo will post results
Lowe's or Walmart - a bag of topsoil, a bale of cheap peat and a bag of perlite.

Nutes- I've switched to Dakine 420. Cheap, easy. Be sure to thoroughly stir and mix any dry salts.

Even cheap Miracle Gro works fine. Just go easy on whatever you use. Less is better.
whats the ratio of topsoil peat and perlite


Well-Known Member
Spend money on decent soil and add 1/3 perlite .

Mega crop is doing free samples just pay shipping .
Spend money on decent soil and add 1/3 perlite .

Mega crop is doing free samples just pay shipping .
im in EU and most people recommend soils that are bought in US and it causes more to ship it than the actual soil costs, and I'm doing this all on a small budget


Well-Known Member
im in EU and most people recommend soils that are bought in US and it causes more to ship it than the actual soil costs, and I'm doing this all on a small budget

You should search your area and see what's available to you or what you can order and afford to have it shipped.

That way these guys with years of expierence could help you pick something a little easier.

Everyone suggesting the best soils they know of but you might not have access to or may not be affordable enough to be worthwhile
i dunno if i done a good thing or not but we will see when the grow is done, i bought some plagron bat mix for my soil just for the ease of it as its what my store had, the only thing im unsure on is the nutes now as the bag says enought nutes already in soil to last up to six weeks so would the plagron alga grow and bloom be ok to use if/when needed ? and also is it a good idea to give liquid seaweed when watering ?


Well-Known Member
hey so im gonna do my first grow soon and use a soil medium need some tips on the best soil to use and which nutrients are good but cheap ive been looking and some are hella expensive any help much appreciated

When I started growing my own a dozen or so years ago I bought soil. I tried most of the brands you will regularly find recommend here and other sites. I was impressed with the results, mostly I think because I had grown my own. Then I started reading about organic growing and liked the ideas behind the principle. But even then there were shopping lists of all these different items and ratios for mixing blah. I wanted simple and low or no cost with serious results.

The organic method had all the answers but I wanted it simple and cheap so this is my no cost method and by no cost I mean my wallet stays closed but you do have to invest time and labor. But now that I’ve done it and made it work it isn’t labor anymore it’s my passion.

1) Soil base - mine is baked clay hard as concrete.
2) Amendments- grass clippings, sticks and stems, leaves, horse poop (we own a horse), bunny poop (I have 2 rabbits), and compost that is composted right in the grow site (see pit composting).
3) Water- recycled water from bathing to changing out the dogs water to rain run off from the roof.

The soil needs to be broken up if it’s like mine and organic materials blended in, the labor part of this operation. Cut the lawn and blend that in. Rake the leaves and sticks ect blend in. My manures blend in. Post hole digger or shovel dig 18 to 24 inch deep hole where you plan to plant your plant(s) and put in the material you plan to compost and fill with your blended soil and let it do it’s thing. For my purposes it breaks down over a year. My grow holes are made planning out for the next season so that while I’m growing in one spot the next spot is already cooking up to be the next spot kinda like crop rotation. Anything organic that will break down is saved and added to the garden. I add cardboard from shipping boxes, junk mail, toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes, hair, the vacuum cleaner bags and content, the wood ash from my smoker. To many things to list.

As far as results I could not be happier. Huge plants with monster colas that don’t require me to monitor or decipher plant problems, just water and watch.