trump announces to our enemies when we will leave


Active Member
It’s pretty tame but some real losers get so upset by it that they create a dozen new email accounts and keep coming back again and again

It’s pathetic but not illegal
Dozens would be lame. But they get up to 100's and then maybe they are the real deal.


Well-Known Member
He gets people banned for being abrasive, whiny, Nazi sympathizers. Nobody gives a shit about your bitchass fence straddling you coward so you're safe.

Lol. I dont agree with the tactics and agendas of both parties so im a coward.

You are the one acting like a coward. You are accusing me of rediculous lies. Im jewish born and raised. My great grandfather was murdered in germany.

Am an extremely liberal person raised in a well educated liberal family. Well my brother votes republican as he is a doctor and they support his interests. He is not my kind of person.

Calling me a nazi anything online from behind your computer makes you a coward. Me telling my beliefs and not joining a hysterical peer pressuring crowd is sure not a cowardly act. I would do it at a rally in person.

And agreeing with the posters that originally called me that questions your intelligence.

If you are a man who can admit he is wrong i would still meet to share a smoke. We do not live terribly far from each other if i remember correctly.