Considering the fact that our President is a mean spirited prick who will punish anyone who says something negative about him or his policies, I don't find that terribly convincing. Kind of like interviewing people on the street after Kristallnacht and taking the word of the local merchant's society that claims that it was just random vandalism and had nothing to do with Jews.
I work in an company that consumes millions of pounds of steel per month. Times are hard and it is absolutely because of the tariffs. Bonuses for the shop employees have been cut down to nothing. No wage increases whatsoever, no overtime except in rare cases. We have laid off dozens and not replaced many others who have left on their own accord. We have lost most of our clients outside the country but we still import a fuckload of steel from Canada because US companies aren't making suitable high-carbon steel for our needs.
Meanwhile, all of our requests for tariff exceptions are being blocked in DC by a hundred Trump cronies wearing $5000 suits who are working for US Steel companies like Nucor and US Steel.
You think we are complaining about the tariffs publicly? Nope, not publicly - because we know our current President is a petty motherfucker who will punish us if we do.
Wise up, dipshit.