how about being a Humanist....every person alive today is a member of the same species...we're all homo sapiens...what's good for one of us is good for all of us, and what demeans, dehumanizes, and degrades one of us, demeans, dehumanizes, and degrades all of us.....
political ideology is somethng we made up to protect ourselves from neighbors that either were hostile, or that we feared might be hostile. it's a way to draw people together in the face of a threat, and give them something larger than themselves to fight for. unfortunately, immoral, reprehensible con men, can tap into that sentiment and use it to manipulate weak minded people into thinking there is a threat to defend against, when the threat really doesn't exist.
there is nothing wrong with loving your country...but where does it say you have to hate all other countries, or the people who live in them?
there is something wrong with supporting the con need to learn how to tell whose a cheating, treasonous, manipulative, racist, misogynistic, pathological liar....and whose not.....