The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I'm surprised Trump hasn't sold Alaska back to the Russians yet for a dollar, I'm sure if Vlad asked he would, it's not like the republicans would object either. If it wasn't for the senate seats Mitch would be OK with it in exchange for a few more partisan judges. What Mitch does not realize is they have lost control of the dragon and what the GOP is morphing into, no judge can support, not even the ones he's appointing now. The republican party is already shattered and changed beyond all recognition and control is slipping from their hands and into those of the mindless mob. It's the Trump party now and he will try to control it from prison one day, trouble is they don't allow twitter and phones in a supermax.
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Have a look at HR1, if you want your country back get behind it and move heaven and earth to make it law. It will be one Hell of a fight and worth every bit of effort, no excuses get on board. Screw the fact that Trump is president and the GOP has the senate, build momentum over this and the democrats will utterly destroy the GOP in 2020. Make those cocksuckers eat it. Some American should start a thread over this one and keep it on the top of the stack, it's the most important thing besides getting rid of Trump.
HR 1: The Historic Bill No One Is Talking About
Equal Citizens is working to spread the word about HR 1, the soon-to-be-introduced House bill that would fix our democracy. Watch as Lessig invokes the memory of Doris "Granny D" Haddock to illustrate just how significant HR 1 (and the fight to get it passed) will be.

House Democrats Taking On Campaign Corruption
The new Democrat Majority in the House are proposing a new bill to take on dark money. John Iadarola, Michael Shure, Brooke Thomas, and Maytha Alhassen hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Read more here:

"House Democrats unveiled details of their first bill in the new Congress on Friday — a sweeping anti-corruption bill aimed at stamping out the influence of money in politics and expanding voting rights.

This is House Resolution 1 — the first thing House Democrats will tackle after the speaker’s vote in early January. To be clear, this legislation has little-to-no chance of passing the Republican-controlled Senate or being signed by President Donald Trump.

But by making anti-corruption their No. 1 priority, House Democrats are throwing down the gauntlet for Republicans. A vast majority of Americans want to get the influence of money out of politics, and want Congress to pass laws to do so, according to a 2018 Pew Research survey. Given Trump’s multitude of scandals, it looks bad for Republicans to be the party opposing campaign finance reform — especially going into 2020."
Hell even when he does vote, he can't recall whom he voted for
Nah, this shit is public record. There are even apps to tell you if your friends voted. He won't vote - just like the primary.

Did you know they even post your phone number with your registration if you are stupid enough to give it to them?

Its true.

Nah, this shit is public record. There are even apps to tell you if your friends voted. He won't vote - just like the primary.

Did you know they even post your phone number with your registration if you are stupid enough to give it to them?

Its true.

You can see if they voted, not who they voted for. Tty himself will not be able to tell you who he voted for. It has done this before. It is not very smart
Rachel talks about HR1 at 15:00 min. HR1 is the democrats first bill, contrast that with the republicans first bill in 2016 that allowed crazy people to buy guns! This is America's chance to get their country back and if yer gonna expend political effort or money you might want to look into this and get behind it for the next big 2 year push. Make Mitch eat it for desert after he swallows a full dose of Trump. This is important, don't be stupid.
Democrats Paint Stark Contrast With Outgoing Republicans | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow reports on some of the early actions taken by new Democratic governors in their first days in office and outlines the Democratic congressional priorities illustrated in H.R. 1.
i'm not trying to be a dick....but hr1 is doomed. there's no way it'll ever pass....ever...ever.
if the dems are as savvy as i hope they are, they know this, and have no expectation of it's a negotiating's a position to work's the baseline of what they want, and they know they'll never get it, so they'll use it as a platform to stand on while negotiating for what they can get from the republicans....the democrats don't have a large enough majority to ram anything through without the support of at least a few expect a long and bitter fight to get ANYTHING done for quite a while....the dems can put a stop to most of the republican fuckery that's been going on...but not all of it.
and i'm not convinced every dem that got in should have....republicans have been standing in the shit shower for a while now, but democrats have been known to be crooks from time to time i'm watching all the motherfuckers.....rep and dem.....don't trust a single one of them...
i'm not trying to be a dick....but hr1 is doomed. there's no way it'll ever pass....ever...ever.
if the dems are as savvy as i hope they are, they know this, and have no expectation of it's a negotiating's a position to work's the baseline of what they want, and they know they'll never get it, so they'll use it as a platform to stand on while negotiating for what they can get from the republicans....the democrats don't have a large enough majority to ram anything through without the support of at least a few expect a long and bitter fight to get ANYTHING done for quite a while....the dems can put a stop to most of the republican fuckery that's been going on...but not all of it.
and i'm not convinced every dem that got in should have....republicans have been standing in the shit shower for a while now, but democrats have been known to be crooks from time to time i'm watching all the motherfuckers.....rep and dem.....don't trust a single one of them...
I figure they are playing the long game on this and I've noticed the republicans and extreme right are already freaking out (a good sign). When this becomes more widely know I think it will catch on, people need to be for something, not just against Trump. HR1 will go a Helluva long way towards getting the country back under the control of the people and is worth all the skin you can spare to move forward. After 2 years of pounding it the democrats can run on it in 2020 and win in another landslide taking the senate and increasing the majority in the house. People want their government back and they are going to get it or there's gonna be big trouble, this is an excellent first step. It kinda looks like what happened in California is gonna happen nationally with the sidelining of the GOP. After Trump, America will be ready for a good anti corruption law and election reform, there should be a lot of support for if they play it right. Democrats as well as republicans can be busted under this law, it's anti corruption and anti sleaze and is designed to get support from the public.

The current system has holes in it that the Russians walked right through, change is required for survival.
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it would be great...but most politicians aren't that concerned about what the public supports...they're concerned about what gets them what they want. they don't all want the same thing and some...even most of them are essentially honest...( almost hurts to say that)....but the bad ones are still there...still taking bribes, still "advancing" legislation that moves the country backwards...still writing laws to order for corporations to use to kill steal and rape, literally and're expecting the change to come quickly...i'm expecting it to bloody step at a time, fought for and won with sweat, tears, and acrimony.....i'm actually expecting the beast to die and the new beast to rise from it's rotting carcass....the trick is to get the halter on the new beast before it starts to rampage on it's own......
Liberal Redneck - The God Damn Wall
Let's talk about walls, y'all. One hypothetical dumb dumb wall in particular.
Also Happy Fuckin New Year, baybas.
The latest on treason...
Why the latest Paul Manafort news is a very big deal

(CNN)On Tuesday we learned -- thanks to a redaction error in a filing in the special counsel's investigation into Russian interference -- that Paul Manafort met with a Russian-linked operative named Konstantin Kilimnik during the course of the 2016 campaign. And in that meeting, according to special counsel Robert Mueller's office, Manafort discussed policies related to the Russia-Ukraine relationship and shared polling data about the 2016 campaign with Kilimnik.

That. Is. Huge.
You'll remember that President Donald Trump's constant refrain when it comes to Manafort, who has already been convicted of a series of financial crimes related to his dealing with the Ukrainian government, is that any and all charges against him happened well before he entered Trump's orbit.
"Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign," tweeted Trump in October 2017. "But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????"
Which, until we got a look at the accidentally unredacted material on Tuesday, was true! While you could argue -- and many people have -- that Trump should have done his due diligence on Manafort, who had spent years advising foreign governments, before hiring him to run his campaign in the spring of 2016, it was hard to dispute Trump's main point that any and all wrongdoing by Manafort happened prior to his being involved with Trump.
Except, not now.
Manafort, according to the filings, had conversations with Kilimnik, who is suspected to be a member of the Russian intelligence organization, while he was serving as the head of Trump's campaign. (Manafort's official title was "campaign chairman" but functioned as campaign manager during his time with Trump.) Those conversations apparently came even as Russian officials were hacking into the email servers at the Democratic National Committee -- which led to a series of damaging leaks via the website WikiLeaks later in 2016.
Not only that, but Manafort's legal team also acknowledges that he shared polling information with Kilimnik in those conversations, a fact that seems to make clear -- as if it needed to be made any more clear -- that this wasn't simply a social call between two old friends.
House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff told CNN Wednesday that the revelation raises "profound questions about why all the secrecy, why all the lies. And most seriously, why is a campaign manager of a US presidential candidate providing campaign polling data to someone linked to a foreign adversary's intelligence agency?''
Now, it's important to note here that nowhere in the latest Manafort-Mueller filings is there any evidence that Manafort was directed by Trump to meet with Kilimnik or that Trump was ever aware that Manafort did so. This latest filing matters, but it is far from the smoking gun against Trump that some people have been searching for.
But make no mistake: The Manafort filings on Tuesday do matter in a major way -- in that they rebut two central claims that Trump makes ad nauseam:
1) All of Manafort's criminal activity and wrongdoing came years before he was formally involved in the Trump campaign
2) There wasn't even the whiff of collusion between anyone in his campaign and the Russians.
On that second point, it's not clear from the filings whether or not Mueller believes that the meetings and conversations between Manafort and Kilimnik constitute collusion to aid Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton between the Russians and Manafort. But given Manafort's role in the campaign, the timing of the meetings and the Russia hacking and the unanimous conclusion of the US intelligence community that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton, there's a whole lot of reasons to suspect at least the possibility of collusion.
The broader point here -- and I have to remind myself of this every day -- is that we don't know all (or even close to most) of what Mueller knows. And neither does Trump. The President's constant lamentations about the probe's lack of material evidence are belied seemingly on a weekly basis these days by release -- accidental or purposeful -- of details of the Mueller investigation we didn't know before.
What we learned on Tuesday puts Manafort back at the very center of all of this. Which is a very big deal given not only his prominent place in the Trump campaign but the fact that he was one of three top Trump aides in that June 2016 Trump Tower meeting in which Russians had promised dirt on Clinton.

Put simply: This latest Manafort news is a very big deal.
This should get Donald dancing! Cohen has enough on Trump to bury him many times over and I don't think Mikey will disappoint, let the fireworks begin. Just think how many witnesses that Cohen is gonna drag in with his testimony, of course he's gonna tell them that the president directed him to perjure himself before congress. I wonder if the congress are gonna get any of the documents the government seized from his office. Also, he was involved with the Russians too, remember that trip to Prague, it's gonna be a bad day(s) for Donald. Look for this shit to blow wide open in February with Mueller tabling his report while Donald is distracted by this stuff, a one two punch to the face, a left jab followed up by a right hand hay maker. Mikey might distract Donald and prime congress for impeachment, looks like he's gonna be the opening act.
Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, to testify publicly before Congress

(CNN)President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen will testify before the House Oversight Committee, the first major move by House Democrats to haul in a member of Trump's team connected to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, according to a schedule published by the committee.

Cohen has agreed to testify publicly before the panel on February 7, according to a statement from Cohen.
"I thank Michael Cohen for agreeing to testify before the Oversight Committee voluntarily," said Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland, in a statement. "I want to make clear that we have no interest in inappropriately interfering with any ongoing criminal investigations, and to that end, we are in the process of consulting with Special Counsel Mueller's office."

Big news tonight, a consequence of the democrats taking the house and chairmanship of committees, somebody read this private congressional testimony to the NYT ...
F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia

Following President Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, the bureau grew increasingly concerned about whether the president’s actions constituted anti-American activity.CreditCreditSarah Silbiger/The New York Times
By Adam Goldman, Michael S. Schmidt and Nicholas Fandos
Jan. 11, 2019

WASHINGTON — In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

The investigation the F.B.I. opened into Mr. Trump also had a criminal aspect, which has long been publicly known: whether his firing of Mr. Comey constituted obstruction of justice.

Agents and senior F.B.I. officials had grown suspicious of Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign but held off on opening an investigation into him, the people said, in part because they were uncertain how to proceed with an inquiry of such sensitivity and magnitude. But the president’s activities before and after Mr. Comey’s firing in May 2017, particularly two instances in which Mr. Trump tied the Comey dismissal to the Russia investigation, helped prompt the counterintelligence aspect of the inquiry, the people said.
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