Cannaventure seeds thread


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing everyone is lifting skirts and checking for balls right now by the way you guys are talking. :lol:
Yeah I had to check. I think I've seen 3 different people with arcata ghost with sacks and nanners. So I had to check before it got to far along. Hopefully I dont see any. Late late flower nanners i dont mind. I mean I'd prefer none. But way late doesnt bother me.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else hearing back from Rusty? This dude is pissing me off.
My first email to him was early November and Im STILL waiting for resolve.....but he got all the time in the world to hit me with sales promo emails. My patience is officially at ZERO. Do I need to start getting shitty at this point, because Im about to tell this motherfucker to eat my dick. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Anyone else hearing back from Rusty? This dude is pissing me off.
My first email to him was early November and Im STILL waiting for resolve.....but he got all the time in the world to hit me with sales promo emails. My patience is officially at ZERO. Do I need to start getting shitty at this point, because Im about to tell this motherfucker to eat my dick. :finger:
I have had excellent luck contacting him using the phone number listed on the site and texting him. Sometimes it may take him a day but he has responded every time so far. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Anyone else hearing back from Rusty? This dude is pissing me off.
My first email to him was early November and Im STILL waiting for resolve.....but he got all the time in the world to hit me with sales promo emails. My patience is officially at ZERO. Do I need to start getting shitty at this point, because Im about to tell this motherfucker to eat my dick. :finger:

What's going on? Did you order something and not get it? Or something else?


Well-Known Member
I spoke too soon, one of the lemon crash og came down today. It had more male preflowers than female so I chopped. The other had several male preflowers so I plucked them but if it continues to throw them I'll choppy chop as well.

It maybe from stress and I may keep the clone to run again and see if it was 1st run jinx.


Well-Known Member
All these herm reports are making me nervous about all these packs i got lol.
Hermies also mean a couple months totally wasted time, Space, effort and hope! Nervous and pissed after while.

Cannaventure seeds for wrens and Verioles. Done!

Never had one damn hermie from Peak Seeds BC, DNA, BombSeeds, Dutch Passion, Seedsman or even Nirvana! Only 'Mercian with no damn hermies has been BOG!
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Well-Known Member
Well that sucks.

Not that it matters to those finding sacks...but I ran 10-12 big monsters outside of CVS gear and never saw a hermie one. Ditto Cannarado (2nd year of lotsa plants from his gear). In fact...i guess I've been damn lucky cus all I've ran for 15 years are fems. This summer was the first regs I've done in all that time and i ended up sexin em and then they revegged...mid july. No more of that crap for me.

BOG has been running the same strains for decades. They won't herm....but nobody wants it...even moreso than the other stuff they don't want...

So it's interesting to see how differently we approach it. Of course, I'm not cash cropping....nor do I need the bud. The OD garden takes care of supply and then some. I still don't know what to do with it all (thanks "legality") and I'm growing inside again and already planning next years OD garden. LOL. I've given so much bubble away it's crazy....and the freezer is still full of frozen bud.

Seems like those newer crosses in the last drop are the ones folks are reporting on. Glad I passed up the offer cus I'm sick of OG/lemon pot and have my own S-1's of chem-whatever/etc.

And while I certainly understand being pisseed off over seed purchases/bunk seeds/lost CASH and all the other shit that goes down in the Seed(y) world of Seed sales.......I also remember the days (OK...DECADES) when you rarely GOT YOUR SEEDS....or they were crushed....and folks like the Gypper would threaten you when you complained/call you a liar/tell you to piss off if you asked for replacements.....IF you could even contact them at all. Not standing up for anyone....just makin the comparison. Things today are far better than they were in the past. Hope you get it resolved Red.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else hearing back from Rusty? This dude is pissing me off.
My first email to him was early November and Im STILL waiting for resolve.....but he got all the time in the world to hit me with sales promo emails. My patience is officially at ZERO. Do I need to start getting shitty at this point, because Im about to tell this motherfucker to eat my dick. :finger:
I agree with Mr.@Red. Communication is a key element in running a successful business. If i purchase something from a company and have trouble contacting them. To me that's saying they rely don't appreciate my business. Returning messages a week or two later is not acceptable. Between the intersex reports and poor communication i am done with this joke of a company. My last crop is in the dry boxes right now and i am very nervous that the whole crop could be seeded.

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Anyone else hearing back from Rusty? This dude is pissing me off.
My first email to him was early November and Im STILL waiting for resolve.....but he got all the time in the world to hit me with sales promo emails. My patience is officially at ZERO. Do I need to start getting shitty at this point, because Im about to tell this motherfucker to eat my dick. :finger:
You are not alone.
I have given up on Rusty and his seeds.
Told me he would replace the albert supertramp on December 28 and today is Jan 21.
He isn't playing the seed game right..
Gonna sell seeds well you better have excellent customer service or your biz will fail large.
I don't care what he has for sale ..or in the future no more money from me to him.
Am done....moving on to sellers who stand behind what they sell....


Well-Known Member

Only ran a couple BOG to finish and hated it. Lifesavers they were. Antonio Green
apparently loves the Sour Bubble, fwiw. :blsmoke:
Sour Bubble has been very potent and tasty for us but very fussy early and never had what I thought was “full sized” from there. Very much enjoy the finished product and Progeny look and vape just the same. One pheno has blue calyxes and green leaves. Night medication for sure.


Well-Known Member
PRK... started 12 , got 10, tossed 6
Vegged 4 for 12 weeks(no they where not 5 feet tall) , cut 3 @ 60days
2 where ready , one was good enough.
The other one needs probably another week 10 Days . Going to lop the tops so I can move it to a different room, to finish up.


No problem with balls or nanners for what it’s worth and I did manage to find 1 that will yield , hopefully it’s strong.
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