Well-Known Member
And I am mearly saying, that if the OP needs an extra couple hundred dollars a month, and has the ability to work, maybe that is what he needs to do, I have several friends who fought for our country, and came home, let's say, less than whole, and got shit on by the government that dictates the hoops they have to go through to get the benefits they deserve. Some of them were denied those benefits because of marijuana in their system. Had they instead taken the hardcore drugs they're prescribed, and lived in a zombie like state, with no awareness of the world around them, becoming more and more addicted, all would have been good. But because they found a plant helps more, with far fewer side affects, while also allowing them to live a fuller life, they don't get the help they deserve. If the OP wants to move to a legal state, grow MEDICINE, and sell it to dispensarys, then by all means please do. but he is wanting to do something illeagle, while turning a profit,. And your condoning this behavior, says everything there is to know about you. Free pot, free yourself, free the world.and I was mealy saying that they can afford to pay for it. which would help the OP out. Win/win.
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