Once and for all.. L.E.D or H.I.D ??!

All of this anger over cannabis....get mellower strains. PUT DOWN THE LANDRACE SATIVA

But it always happens when LED vs HID. CMH just fucks the conversation up.


If I had the height i would get an old school 600 just to see what it does. To run one full cycle averages about 22 dollars a month for electricity here. The height limitation makes samsung lighting preferential (can get about 8 to 10 inches to tops and they are only 3 inches tall). My CMH is about 14 inches tall so it takes 1 foot of grow height away in my 5 foot 3 height clearance.

For my purpose the newer lights work the best (COBS and Samsung strips and boards)
No you didnt see the spectral dist. then.....

Dumbass quit trolling, you have made no discussion here ion this site just trolled, i mean look how you write.... like an asshole, i need to go back to blocking half of you so called established peeps - really your just aggressive wankers and we see that which is my other point, great site you create (not) :-)

I am not trolling or being disrespectful, even if I was it would be hypocritical, since you are one of the most toxic posters in this topic and many others.

Will you answer the questions I've asked?. You continually do this, make claims then run behind a wall of hostility when questioned. The claims you make might well be true but it makes you and every claim you make look completely false when you refuse to discuss.

If you don't care about that then I can only see 3 reasons. A: You're a troll. B: You actually have no idea what youre talking about. C: You know what you are talking about but can't be bothered to prove it.

None seem good, even if it's C, why bother posting at all with that mentality?.
Everybody should appreciate their own research and buying decisions, whether its HID or LED.
Be happy and grow the best herb possible. There is no "best" light....so many variables to get good bud.
genetics, enough light, just enough nutes (less is more, if ya like taste).....and nice aerated roots always help
USA is not short on dumb asses. After all, look @ who our President is. Innocent people shot every day on the streets.

Rich folk keep getting richer, the poor ppl reproduce like rabbits. Corporations get a huge permanent tax cut, the rest of us got a temporary one, and much smaller. The disparity continues to escalate.

Not a lot makes sense.

Do you understand the core concept of order and chaos?. If so, then you should also understand that to define something you need something to compare it too. How do we know it's night if no day, good with no evil, love with no hate, and so on. With ought definition we have nothing. That is what nothing is, a continual state of one thing that has no reverse part to define it, so one thing is continually no thing. Many call that the place we go after death, but who really knows.

Democracy and capitalism are the best efforts we have in limiting the unavoidable presence of chaos, as chaos is required to define order, but they are not a perfect solution. Capitalism can be monopolised, democracy can be manipulated into elements of dictatorship, this is the element of free will, within free will of humans is actions of order and chaos. Do you have an alternative other than removing free will?, communism sounds great on paper, fails horrendously in practice. Dictatorship.. pick from the many holocaust's that followed. Maybe another system nobody has thought of yet?.

Country's who increasingly incorporate capitalism and/or democracy reduce the amount of poverty, over population, toxic environments and so on.

Poverty isn't a word to be used lightly, true poverty is when your kids are on the brink of starvation, if you are lucky. People in the west think they are hard done by, but they are not, they are soft and weak from having no ''real'' struggle. Even the poorest people in the west are far better off then they ever could be in third world country or any point in history prior recent times. If you define yourself in the west by a rich person you'll always come up short. Define it by the fundamental ability to stay alive.. and then all of a sudden the poor westerners are not so poor, or hard done by.

Bit of a wall of text but basically, be more grateful and optimistic.. we have reason to be.
I am not trolling or being disrespectful, even if I was it would be hypocritical, since you are one of the most toxic posters in this topic and many others.

Will you answer the questions I've asked?. You continually do this, make claims then run behind a wall of hostility when questioned. The claims you make might well be true but it makes you and every claim you make look completely false when you refuse to discuss.

If you don't care about that then I can only see 3 reasons. A: You're a troll. B: You actually have no idea what youre talking about. C: You know what you are talking about but can't be bothered to prove it.

None seem good, even if it's C, why bother posting at all with that mentality?.

I did post data to support what i said you must just be thick or not know how to click a link.

Im not toxic you are, this aint the only subject ive called fools out on and my rep for being right on that preceeds you always.

Ppfd - you all know bunk and this aint the first thread ive explained the difference in led cmh and hps with accuracy that simply most seem to not spend any time checking.

Stop trolling and start learning, probably not done that since you learnt to grow and thought you had it down.

Aint nobody but a few posters think im toxic, the rest loving you lot getting ass whipped, did you think you were this site or somthing the way you act like some seniority here, a noob posted cleverer stuff than you the other day so you got a lot of work to do.

Let us know when your back hete wont ya :-)
I did post data to support what i said you must just be thick or not know how to click a link.

Im not toxic you are, this aint the only subject ive called fools out on and my rep for being right on that preceeds you always.

Ppfd - you all know bunk and this aint the first thread ive explained the difference in led cmh and hps with accuracy that simply most seem to not spend any time checking.

Stop trolling and start learning, probably not done that since you learnt to grow and thought you had it down.

Aint nobody but a few posters think im toxic, the rest loving you lot getting ass whipped, did you think you were this site or somthing the way you act like some seniority here, a noob posted cleverer stuff than you the other day so you got a lot of work to do.

Let us know when your back hete wont ya :-)

Really, If your as knowledgeable as you think then why not get into a debate with references instead of downgrading any one who disagrees with your thoughts as that's all you ever supply.
I did post data to support what i said you must just be thick or not know how to click a link.

Im not toxic you are, this aint the only subject ive called fools out on and my rep for being right on that preceeds you always.

Ppfd - you all know bunk and this aint the first thread ive explained the difference in led cmh and hps with accuracy that simply most seem to not spend any time checking.

Stop trolling and start learning, probably not done that since you learnt to grow and thought you had it down.

Aint nobody but a few posters think im toxic, the rest loving you lot getting ass whipped, did you think you were this site or somthing the way you act like some seniority here, a noob posted cleverer stuff than you the other day so you got a lot of work to do.

Let us know when your back hete wont ya :-)
Nah you ain't toxic you just come off as a douche lol

Be happy about the choices you've made. Reading about constant arguments is getting old. We all live by our own decisions.
quantum board is also their cult slogan..instead of saying samsung leds they say quantum...constantly...over and over

do you people like being brainwashed...thats kinda sick. and this is on top of the stalking

like a big shit sandwich. and they want you to buy it and eat it
Sorry i don't have time to stalk anyone like you. Too busy working.
got to launch a new product every 2 weeks and keep that SMT line going

Let me brainwash you some more with Quantum Board

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I did post data to support what i said you must just be thick or not know how to click a link.

Im not toxic you are, this aint the only subject ive called fools out on and my rep for being right on that preceeds you always.

Ppfd - you all know bunk and this aint the first thread ive explained the difference in led cmh and hps with accuracy that simply most seem to not spend any time checking.

Stop trolling and start learning, probably not done that since you learnt to grow and thought you had it down.

Aint nobody but a few posters think im toxic, the rest loving you lot getting ass whipped, did you think you were this site or somthing the way you act like some seniority here, a noob posted cleverer stuff than you the other day so you got a lot of work to do.

Let us know when your back hete wont ya :-)

I read the link before I responded to you. That's why I said ''I contemplated'' what you said in the following posts. As I continued to point out with various questions, the issue I have is your interpretation of the facts provided by the link. Judging by the amount of likes the post got then others clearly see the same contradictions. So either I and they are wrong (very possible) and you need to elaborate on the questions I asked so we can learn why, or, you have indeed misinterpreted the facts you draw from. If you are right and I have misunderstood your points, then I apologise, again. But we are not going to get to that point unless you put down some answers.

You are the only person around here I end up becoming toxic with, think about that. I only post for factual advice too or from, could not give a flying fuck about rep.

I never have a cycle renewal with ought a change of some sort, even if it's a small logistical change for lower labour requirement. So with that, no, I have not got blinkers on when it comes to learning.

I've been here a while but I don't think of myself as a senior or highly experienced. At the same time, I can offer good enough advice (usually first hand) so that anybody with less experience than me will benefit, that's what knowledge is for. The longer this goes on, your refusal to answer specifics, the more it appears you actually don't know anything. But notice how even now, after months of you making claims then hiding from specifics, I'm still trying to get you to elaborate. That's because maybe you do have something to learn me?..

Honestly, no toxicity meant here, I don't think I've learned anything from you. That's not a bias issue since other posters around here in the past who I don't like (no names required) have still learnt me something.. as I said, it's not about ''rep''. I do genuinely wish you'd stop being a prick and start answering and elaborating on things.
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I did post data to support what i said you must just be thick or not know how to click a link.

Im not toxic you are, this aint the only subject ive called fools out on and my rep for being right on that preceeds you always.

Ppfd - you all know bunk and this aint the first thread ive explained the difference in led cmh and hps with accuracy that simply most seem to not spend any time checking.

Stop trolling and start learning, probably not done that since you learnt to grow and thought you had it down.

Aint nobody but a few posters think im toxic, the rest loving you lot getting ass whipped, did you think you were this site or somthing the way you act like some seniority here, a noob posted cleverer stuff than you the other day so you got a lot of work to do.

Let us know when your back hete wont ya :-)
No, man- you're toxic.

I've been watching you for years and you are the very definition of toxic.

Just calling it for what it is.