Doc's Dank Seeds

Howdy everyone. Just got back from the Indo Expo yesterday lunch time and by the time i mafe it home i was super done. Crashed out hella early. I left the Expo about 30 minutes before closed and drove the whole way back. Stoped for a rest just in OR for an hour and a half and got back going at dawn. Was a super show and got to meet a lot of great new poeple and saw a lot of our friends. Picked up a ton of seeds for my hommies and my self and really was a great time. Was how the Emerald Cup used to be minus all the flower for sale
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DOC..OR ANY ONE THAT CAN HELP.Iam looking for a strain that is called PINKLEBERRY it is a OREGON strain.reg, or fem, if any one knows where I can buy that strain and get it shipped to me pm me that would be great and I will owe you one..thank you people for reading.
Just one of them? I have a couple that are starting a little funky but I might have damaged them when planting?
yea, I fucked up the a3's with dampening, its a b3 and its one of ten youngins, the other 9 seem fine, did nothing diff and it started normal. I too was trying to backtrack my steps but i don't remember having to mess with any helmets or anything this lil round.


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