
Do You believe in the "New World Order"

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Well-Known Member
The NWO is real, and they suck. Hopefully we will evolve away from using money then they won't be able to control everything like they are now.


Well-Known Member
hell yea, spread the word, shit is corrput big time, yall will see soon enough, jus remeber all the people who tried to warn you


Well-Known Member
We are already fucked. We still have our guns. They are mobilizing units right now for martial law. I find it very hard to believe that US military would kill citizens. Read about the coup attempt in Venezuela. We can take our government back, we just have to stop watching the tv and start thinking outside the box.


Well-Known Member
This shit is crazy dude serious conspiracy theory with like hundreds and thousands of people involved. No way man people are not as smart as we would like to believe. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i thought their early stuff was amazing for the time but they haven't put out a decent album since the early nineties


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in the NWO, but I believe in the OWO. They are very real. Look at the present situation now. All markets are crashing...everyone is looking for a remedy, and look where they go? To Huge Central banks that make billions appear from nowhere without taxation or oversight.


Well-Known Member
haha there's fuck all you can do about it anyway.

Revolution is NOT coming.

They know who you are, and they know what you've been watching.
Just wait, they'll drag you outa your beds at 2 in the morning ;)

p.s. i'm screwed too. :(


Well-Known Member
What is the OWO? The NWO is engineering the market collapse...did you not hear about members of Congress being threatened that martial law would be declared if they did not vote for the bailout bill?


Well-Known Member
Lmfao... If you say so. We know absolutely nothing.
Well there are some types of people that are historically beyond the control of Government. I'm one of those types . . . . intelligent, not easily motivated, deviant, passionate, creative, and ever defiant of authority. People like us are unpredictable, I have picked up and changed my life on a whim several times and I would not exchange all the gold in the world for my life experiences. So I'm not worried about larger conspiracy because I just let things happen in life and try to experience them the best I can. I believe that the only thing constant in life is change and I also believe that all change is driven by love. So even if "bad" people are trying to take over the world and they do bad things, it will not last long . . .:peace:

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always. Mahatma Gandhi


Well-Known Member
yes thru out history tryrants have fallen but not after doing considerable damage, and hey didnt just fall out of nowhere someone has to stand up against it because if you dont they will takeover and they wont fall. they have technology on their side now, and so do we but only what they hav allowed us to have. we have fight back or become slaves in the global village.


Well-Known Member
yes thru out history tryrants have fallen but not after doing considerable damage, and hey didnt just fall out of nowhere someone has to stand up against it because if you dont they will takeover and they wont fall. they have technology on their side now, and so do we but only what they hav allowed us to have. we have fight back or become slaves in the global village.
True but I'm one to fight that is why I'm not worried. Some people can not be enslaved . . . .;-) But why worry now what are we supposed to to do?:lol:


Well-Known Member
if u know the truth u should tell other people wake them up. and ur right some peopel wont be slaves.... they will just be sent to the camps and killed. thats why we need to wake everyone up so we can live free finally.


Well-Known Member
if u know the truth u should tell other people wake them up. and ur right some peopel wont be slaves.... they will just be sent to the camps and killed. thats why we need to wake everyone up so we can live free finally.
Who is gonna believe you? I don't even believe this conspiracy theory . . . and I live on the "counter culture" side of society. Inform yourself, I think that is the best you can do right now . . . we are about to see some pretty crazy stuff go down I'm sure of that. I'm just not ready to accept some crazy global conspiracy theory. Hell maybe I'm wrong but will it really matter either way?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
stop kidding yourselves...

we're all consumers. very few of us could produce enough to keep ourselves alive without intervention from the government and commercialism.