
Do You believe in the "New World Order"

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Well-Known Member
The current world financial crisis is the beginning of steps to bring about the change. The world will either end up with one currency or some form of digital payment device eventually. I think this will come sooner than later.


Well-Known Member
We will see. There are people that will never stop fighting. Look at the middle east. Look at Afghanistan for fucks sake. They fought of the Soviets and they are fighting us off now. They will never stop fighting.

If the American people remember what it is like to have to fight for rights...then we can stop this thing in its tracks.


Well-Known Member
The current world financial crisis is the beginning of steps to bring about the change. The world will either end up with one currency or some form of digital payment device eventually. I think this will come sooner than later.
How will this work with a failed monetary system? Why would we want to go back? Evolve or Die . . . .


Well-Known Member
A collapse doesnt mean the ystem failed its natural for the market to have a low point its design that way, but it doesnt mean the system failed. until you realize the big picture and stop thinking your somehow immune to it because your a zeitgiest follower, they will continue on their path to completecontrol and global enslavement.


Well-Known Member
A collapse doesnt mean the ystem failed its natural for the market to have a low point its design that way, but it doesnt mean the system failed. until you realize the big picture and stop thinking your somehow immune to it because your a zeitgiest follower, they will continue on their path to completecontrol and global enslavement.
Never said I was immune:roll: Global enslavement? Come on how long do you think that would last? Global enslavement already exists in many forms. The system has failed and we have no choice but to move forward or perish as a species. All I'm saying is love will prevail and always has :peace:


Well-Known Member
yes love usually preveils but not before unspeakable acts have occured...remember the nazi's.
I'm too young to remember the Natzi's. I have been to the Holocaust museum many times however. Love prevailed, human indecencies exposed, people united, children born, all in the face of these terrible atrocities. It took me many visits to the Holocaust Museum to expose the love hidden just beneath the vain efforts of the Natzi's. Shortly after I experienced our underlying interconnectedness.

In the space between
Love exists
Unchanging the force behind the current
The reason for all becoming
The end of all that was

and the system hasnt failed what you see is the market trying to adjust to hyperinflation
Is inflation not "built in":lol:
That is like saying: "The car's engine did not fail, it was adjusting to having no oil in the crankcase":wink: