News of the Warm

Stupid scared people are very scary; they're often unpredictable, impulsive and dangerous.

The only way we're going to have another Ice Age is if we get rid of all the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere AND blast cubic miles of dust (by whatever means) into the upper stratosphere. One or the other won't be enough for lasting change.
we're never going to do that. people do not head off problems...they let them happen, then act like they're heroes for surviving the shit storm they caused to begin what's going to happen is the ice will melt, sea levels will rise, billions of dollars worth of property along the coast will be lost, and the fucking idiots who stayed will first beg to be saved, then start to demand it....i say bar the door and let the fucking idiots drown....that's that many less idiots to deal with in the future...that many less idiots to feed....that many less idiots to breed more idiots.....
I bet that's a great song to sip the Kool-Aid by!
youtube should have a little responsibility in what they allow fucking idiots to much harm has youtube done to the intelligence of the whole race? people who are stupid to begin with go looking for information (in a profoundly stupid place to look for facts) and find this ridiculous, retarded bullshit, instead of anything approaching the truth...or facts. then they start talking to each other and reinforcing the fucking fallacies that some other idiot posted.....and ignoring the truth.....ignoring the facts.....becoming more and more entrenched and invested in the fallacious fantasy......
Complete blithering idiots go to YouTube for “science.” It’s so sad.

There’s YouTube “science” showing Santa, Easter bunny, unicorns, slender man as real

You can’t take the stupid out of people.
Antarctica is a belt of ice that gains in thickness a little every year. As the belt of ice slowly thickens over the years it also causes the sea level to rise. The top of the belt of ice maintains a constant distance from the ocean's surface. Admiral Byrd said this belt of ice was 1,200 miles thick hmmm and fwiw In 2014 oceans were discovered 400 miles beneath the earth's crust.
Not worth even reading their posts anymore. They’re the same idiotic posts from two years ago. Nothing new
The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it was in the 1990s.

I wonder how many times faster than now it will be melting in 2040?
The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it was in the 1990s.

I wonder how many times faster than now it will be melting in 2040?
You don't know the difference between Antarctica and the Arctic. Obviously confused. The Arctic has indeed been experiencing a thaw and polar bears are starving. The Antarctic belt of ice does not get prolonged sunlight at any point during the year to induce thaw. This is because the belt of ice is twice the circumference of the equatorial line. The lack of prolonged sunlight is what makes it by far the coldest place on earth. Anything contrary to this was in error or NASA propaganda. The belt of ice has basically no native plants or animals whereas the Arctic in stark contrast is teeming with life. The sub-antarctic islands is where you find the emperor penguin and seals.
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The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it was in the 1990s.

I wonder how many times faster than now it will be melting in 2040?
Gloom and doom. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD !! Stop the freon and hydrocarbons you're putting a hole in the ozone layer. The sun is going to fry us all !! :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: you are DAF lmao
You don't know the difference between Antarctica and the Arctic. Obviously confused. The Arctic has indeed been experiencing a thaw and polar bears are starving. The Antarctic belt of ice does not get prolonged sunlight at any point during the year to induce thaw. This is because the belt of ice is twice the circumference of the equatorial line. The lack of prolonged sunlight is what makes it by far the coldest place on earth. Anything contrary to this was in error or NASA propaganda. The belt of ice has basically no native plants or animals whereas the Arctic in stark contrast is teeming with life. The sub-antarctic islands is where you find the emperor penguin and seals.
NOAA disagrees you. Since they work there and you don't, I'm inclined to believe them over a Daffy tool who thinks the Earth is flat.
youtube should have a little responsibility in what they allow fucking idiots to much harm has youtube done to the intelligence of the whole race? people who are stupid to begin with go looking for information (in a profoundly stupid place to look for facts) and find this ridiculous, retarded bullshit, instead of anything approaching the truth...or facts. then they start talking to each other and reinforcing the fucking fallacies that some other idiot posted.....and ignoring the truth.....ignoring the facts.....becoming more and more entrenched and invested in the fallacious fantasy......
According to you and the U.S. government that beyond a shadow of doubt everything taught about history and evolution is 100% accurate and the absolute truth? Yet "science" has been proven wrong time and time again. What a fucking idiot. :dunce: I assume you didn't watch the video. The human footprints were found under excavated bedrock.
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NOAA disagrees you. Since they work there and you don't, I'm inclined to believe them over a Daffy tool who thinks the Earth is flat.
Just because you have seen the Empire Strikes Back 1,118 times doesn't prove your intelligence or that space exist or of a spinning ball earth. If you had a basic knowledge of math and physics you would know that this is a impossibility. You were taught science by Steven Spielberg. :lol: Good God you are DAF :dunce::dunce:
I watched a YouTube clip about the Maunder Minimum and this is an interesting phenomenon. The clip I watched was published in 2013 and they were certain we were heading into another one- but that hasn't happened.

If we do, it will surely be mitigated by the excess CO² in the atmosphere. It would be great if they cancelled out.

My concern is that the Maunder Minimum came to an end... as would the next one, presumably- so then what?
According to your minions that have brilliant minds (or lack of) here at rollitup youtube has dumbed down the population. No youtube allowed !!