Well-Known Member
The pics below were taken with a real camera Cannon 80D 18-135mm on auto because grow lighting sucks for photography. Although the featured plant on gen's website for Graveyard Whisperer was beautiful, the picture quite frankly is embarrassing, I'll save you the trouble, its mine and I was and still am honored Gen asked me to use it. A few others have grown it and I encourage ya'll to post up some bud porn. I think theses came out pretty good for a short sesh and the camera is now set up in there so I'll work on my photography and gardening at the same time.

I still need a good free photo editor so I cut down the file size below the 10 meg limit, I lost my old one when windows upgraded so if anyone has a suggestion let me know. Also not letting me embed pics either??

I still need a good free photo editor so I cut down the file size below the 10 meg limit, I lost my old one when windows upgraded so if anyone has a suggestion let me know. Also not letting me embed pics either??