Cannaventure seeds thread


Well-Known Member
Not a good run this time with cannaV 2/2 lemon crashes hermied, this last one I chopped down today at day 20 something due to dicks up and down her and I found a dick on the Hurkle as well today. And 2/2 Hurkles hermied so fuck, lol.

I only found on dick on the hurkle so I'll give it 1 last chance, I plucked it and we'll see. Clones are all in the garbage. Was looking forward to both those strains, lol. I'll try again later.


Well-Known Member
Not a good run this time with cannaV 2/2 lemon crashes hermied, this last one I chopped down today at day 20 something due to dicks up and down her and I found a dick on the Hurkle as well today. And 2/2 Hurkles hermied so fuck, lol.

I only found on dick on the hurkle so I'll give it 1 last chance, I plucked it and we'll see. Clones are all in the garbage. Was looking forward to both those strains, lol. I'll try again later.

Fuxk man theres just so many hermies in this arcata line and pure line. Pretty much everything in his new site release and 10 year anny drop has been a shit fest. CannaV is slippin bad lately.


Well-Known Member
You fuckers need to check for light leaks and change your nutrient line and hold yer mouth differently....sheesh... (j/k) Fuckin A....this is getting to be a serious chicks with dicks party.

I still believe there's a cut off line in there where something changed. A shit load of us grew these out over the last year with very few problems I remember....and then BAM...seems like everything from/after that 10 year drop went south. I can't detemine of my packs are affected...or of i just got lucky (doubtful) in my picks of seeds across the board for last Summer's trouble-free fest.
I'm gonna have to wait til Summer to find out. Looks like a bunch of these will get to play in the outdoor SOG to show their stuff. Hopefully...not shemale stuff... eeeeewwwww.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bud I reckon I'll wait on Heisens drop them
Time is gonna tell on that one as well. Like's an >incredibly< big plate being served at the table from the same basic (pee'd in) gene pool. Most big ops don't mix things up like that in one spot....

But maybe it's all up to "breeder" skill, huh? o_O Either way...we're gonna find out soon if haphazard came to play or if the fun is simply in the cards waiting to be dealt out again.


Well-Known Member
It is just like that...some folks get lemons....some drive their 'yota's 300K or me. Now that one and only Chevy I had...shelled out @ trash. Yet...other guys swear by 'em!

Yup. Physics.Seeds are like that too! Drive that seed mobile too fast....and you'll never make the curve...I don't care how good of a driver you think you are. It's just not possible @ that speed.

Until they slow down....lotsa gardens are headin for the ditch.


Well-Known Member
This on going sausage party could do some major damage to his brand with out a doubt. With all the competition that didn't exist 10 years ago, people have no reason to take a chance.

This thread is the top result if you google Cannaventure seeds review, I wonder how many sales he has already lost from the last 30ish pages of this thread.

I am not giving up yet, my triple novas have been great, it was a LVTK that balled out for me. Of course I have two packs of LVTK and the first one popped didn't inspire a ton of confidence, but I need to plant some more and see if I have better luck.
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Well-Known Member
I ordered a pack of LA Affie a while back, and have been wondering if anyone has had any success with them. I am seeing that @hillbill had some herm problems with his. That sucks, because I was really excited to pop those. Now I am not so sure. Rusty said that the plants are some of the easiest genetics to grow, and that was one of the selling points to me. That, and the fact that I am a sucker for a good heavy Afghani.

As far as customer service goes, Rusty was really cool with me, and answered all my questions before ordering. I'll give him his due for that. Having never grown his gear yet, I can't comment on whether it's any good or not. It looks like some people are having success though.


Well-Known Member
Im running LVTK triple nova and pure ghost OG right now. LVTK and triple nova are killing it. Really surprised how vigorous the triple novas are. Ghost og has disappointed in the vigor department. I have 2 LVTK's and 2 very different phenos. One is over a foot taller than the other. Overall very pleased with CV so far. Keeping an eye out for intersex issues. Just starting week 3. Nothing so far. Has anyone grown the arcata skunk? Ive heard a lot about the arcata ghost but not the arcata skunk?


Well-Known Member
I ordered a pack of LA Affie a while back, and have been wondering if anyone has had any success with them. I am seeing that @hillbill had some herm problems with his. That sucks, because I was really excited to pop those. Now I am not so sure. Rusty said that the plants are some of the easiest genetics to grow, and that was one of the selling points to me. That, and the fact that I am a sucker for a good heavy Afghani.

As far as customer service goes, Rusty was really cool with me, and answered all my questions before ordering. I'll give him his due for that. Having never grown his gear yet, I can't comment on whether it's any good or not. It looks like some people are having success though.
DIdn't have any problems with my la affie. Lil better buzz than I was expecting, stretched a tad more, but not bad than I was expecting. Taste was sweet but lacked a tad more than I was expectin, lol. All I got. East Coast Cookie Wreck fems and Cookie Wreck fems for me have been most potent so far, but I got the 91d set back. Surprised no more liked the ECCW than did, a cookie chem heatdthumper. jme


Well-Known Member
Now how would a light leak make just the four cannaV plants herm but nothing else? How come the lvtk went through a 100x the stress than either hurkle or lc but still havent seen a single male part? Just luck of the draw.

I can't take credit for these 4 hermies. A little fuss with nutes shouldnt cause hermies. Hell even solid strain wont herm from "light leaks" either, in my experience.

Im surprised that all 4 hermied, again I wouldnt have popped them if that was the case.