Active Member
So I need some input from y’all.
Here’s my setup
2 - 5gal DWC buckets. (Lowe’s blues then switched to blacks)
Growstones as the medium.
Active aqua 8l air pump running drip rings (pre roots in the water) switched to only air stones (when roots dropped into the water)
Blue dream from seed in rockwool plugs.
NPK industries RAW all in one grow nutes.
Cytoplus seaweed/humic with micronutes.
Super thrive.
600w LED light.
Temp controlled room around 75° with RH at about 65.
Res temps about 68°
The issue I’m having:
So, I just started a small grow and have had nothing but problems with my girls.
First off, before the roots even dropped into the water I was getting bad algae blooms in my res. Black snot gooping up my air stone, the walls of the bucket and just big ol pieses of black nasties that would just float around. My ph would rise daily from 5.8 to about 6.7 and my ppms we’re slowly rising.....
After some research I found out that the most likely culprit was Cyanobacteria and that my blue Lowe’s buckets could be letting light into the res allowing the bloom. So I switched out my buckets, bleached everything, ran a H202 drip to help sterilize my girls and started out with fresh RO water in new black buckets. For a while, the issue seemed to clear up.... well after a few weeks of slow recovery, the girls started picking up their pace and started sending down some roots!
Success! Or so I thought.....
Well, after about a week of them doing their thing, I went to change my res water and saw the most saddening thing. All my beautiful roots are covered with this black gunk! Affected roots are weak and break off easily when trying to clean and unaffected roots seem healthy and strong. Almost every root just covered with this grainy/goopy like black stuff.... oh no! I thought I beat that! So back online to see what to do.... my ph was still climbing (now to 6.3 in 24hr) and the ppms we’re still climbing a little).... what to do?!
well, I came across the Heisenberg tea recipe and was super excited to give it a try. After reading about 100 pages on that thread I figured that was probably the best bet to try and cure this problem. (Still thinking cynobacteria) so I rounded up some great white, EWC, and some pondzyme and made a batch of tea.
The tea brewed just like everyone said, smelled like earth and had foam by 48hr.
So I pulled my girls out, sprayed em down with a sprayer to remove 99% of the black gunk, bleached everything (but the girls) and inoculated my res’s and root crown and made a batch of fresh nutes to about 300ppm and three cups of H Tea.
I set everything up as others had done and hoped for the best! Well, I came back the next day to find that black gunk on all my roots! Almost worse than before! But no gunk on the buckets, air stones or in the water (other than what sloughed off during inspection)
FFS!!! I swore I had it on the run!
So I repeated what I did above and even brewed a fresh batch of tea just in case I did something wrong....same tea, same smell, same results after the cleaning and inoculating.
Same root results.....
So, I went back, reread a bunch and decided to drop the pondzyme seeing as that can be a real cynobacteria feeder and just made a tea out of the great white and EWC.
So again I sanitize everything except this time I went full on war with my room and girls.
This time though, after the cleaning, I ran just PH’ed RO water, and H202 for 24hr with my girls. (They were Not happy about that) I hooked up my drip rings and let them drip for a full 24hr and then pulled everything apart, cleaned with bleach (the equip not the girls) and decided I’ll run just water and tea for a day for maximum inoculation. So I ran my buckets for 24hr on just tea and to my dismay, the next day that black gunk is back!!! I added another cup or so of tea to each bucket and another 24hr and it’s only worse!
Anything that has the black gunk will not grow new roots but any part that isn’t gunked still show slight signs of growth. Although many said there may be an aftergrowth with tea use, I don’t think this is that growth.... no new roots are coming out of the gunk, only unaffected roots show any sign of growing.... the last photo I uploaded you can see new root growth above the affected roots but everything below is gunked to hell.
So I started to get a little more sciency and started looking up the differences between algae’s, bacteria’s and the likes. After many may hours of reading, I started to suspect that I do no have a bacteria problem but a diatom problem. This is where I’m at a loss....
It seems this stuff keeps coming back no matter what I’ve done and I’m starting to think I need to hard reset and start a new... 2 months in and I’m gonna either give in to this gunk or die fighting it!
Well, after some more research and a little science, I decided to look at this goop under a microscope... I’ll be damned.... it looks like a bunch of little diamonds under the scope.... so I’m guessing it’s probably a diatom problem. Seeing as it comes back again and again, with teas, h202, and bleach, I do not know what to do anymore! Seems diatoms feed on sicate and phosphorus and do not need light to survive.
Seeing as I removed my nutes and it still came back, my only guess is that the grow stones (puffed glass) are feeding these buggers and unless I switch media, I’m gonna be plagued by this.... I haven’t seen my exact problem on any grow forum but it seems it’s common in aquariums but the fixes are not conducive to hydroponics.... their fixes don’t seem compatible with growing plants....
So, after all the above, my question is:
Has anyone had this and defeated it? What did it take?
Should I try and replant my girls in a different medium? They surely will hate it since I’d have to cut roots to get em out....
I’d like to stay using DWC so I’m really trying to figure out a solution to this that doesn’t involve going to a different grow style like drain to waste or soil. I’ve already spent a lot to set this up, the last thing I wanna tell my wife is I need to spend even more to switch grow styles. Besides I like the daily checks and such. Hydro is fun for me when I’m not fighting off the Black Plague...
Thanks in advance to everyone! Y’all are awesome!
Here’s my setup
2 - 5gal DWC buckets. (Lowe’s blues then switched to blacks)
Growstones as the medium.
Active aqua 8l air pump running drip rings (pre roots in the water) switched to only air stones (when roots dropped into the water)
Blue dream from seed in rockwool plugs.
NPK industries RAW all in one grow nutes.
Cytoplus seaweed/humic with micronutes.
Super thrive.
600w LED light.
Temp controlled room around 75° with RH at about 65.
Res temps about 68°
The issue I’m having:
So, I just started a small grow and have had nothing but problems with my girls.
First off, before the roots even dropped into the water I was getting bad algae blooms in my res. Black snot gooping up my air stone, the walls of the bucket and just big ol pieses of black nasties that would just float around. My ph would rise daily from 5.8 to about 6.7 and my ppms we’re slowly rising.....
After some research I found out that the most likely culprit was Cyanobacteria and that my blue Lowe’s buckets could be letting light into the res allowing the bloom. So I switched out my buckets, bleached everything, ran a H202 drip to help sterilize my girls and started out with fresh RO water in new black buckets. For a while, the issue seemed to clear up.... well after a few weeks of slow recovery, the girls started picking up their pace and started sending down some roots!
Success! Or so I thought.....
Well, after about a week of them doing their thing, I went to change my res water and saw the most saddening thing. All my beautiful roots are covered with this black gunk! Affected roots are weak and break off easily when trying to clean and unaffected roots seem healthy and strong. Almost every root just covered with this grainy/goopy like black stuff.... oh no! I thought I beat that! So back online to see what to do.... my ph was still climbing (now to 6.3 in 24hr) and the ppms we’re still climbing a little).... what to do?!
well, I came across the Heisenberg tea recipe and was super excited to give it a try. After reading about 100 pages on that thread I figured that was probably the best bet to try and cure this problem. (Still thinking cynobacteria) so I rounded up some great white, EWC, and some pondzyme and made a batch of tea.
The tea brewed just like everyone said, smelled like earth and had foam by 48hr.
So I pulled my girls out, sprayed em down with a sprayer to remove 99% of the black gunk, bleached everything (but the girls) and inoculated my res’s and root crown and made a batch of fresh nutes to about 300ppm and three cups of H Tea.
I set everything up as others had done and hoped for the best! Well, I came back the next day to find that black gunk on all my roots! Almost worse than before! But no gunk on the buckets, air stones or in the water (other than what sloughed off during inspection)
FFS!!! I swore I had it on the run!
So I repeated what I did above and even brewed a fresh batch of tea just in case I did something wrong....same tea, same smell, same results after the cleaning and inoculating.
Same root results.....
So, I went back, reread a bunch and decided to drop the pondzyme seeing as that can be a real cynobacteria feeder and just made a tea out of the great white and EWC.
So again I sanitize everything except this time I went full on war with my room and girls.
This time though, after the cleaning, I ran just PH’ed RO water, and H202 for 24hr with my girls. (They were Not happy about that) I hooked up my drip rings and let them drip for a full 24hr and then pulled everything apart, cleaned with bleach (the equip not the girls) and decided I’ll run just water and tea for a day for maximum inoculation. So I ran my buckets for 24hr on just tea and to my dismay, the next day that black gunk is back!!! I added another cup or so of tea to each bucket and another 24hr and it’s only worse!
Anything that has the black gunk will not grow new roots but any part that isn’t gunked still show slight signs of growth. Although many said there may be an aftergrowth with tea use, I don’t think this is that growth.... no new roots are coming out of the gunk, only unaffected roots show any sign of growing.... the last photo I uploaded you can see new root growth above the affected roots but everything below is gunked to hell.
So I started to get a little more sciency and started looking up the differences between algae’s, bacteria’s and the likes. After many may hours of reading, I started to suspect that I do no have a bacteria problem but a diatom problem. This is where I’m at a loss....
It seems this stuff keeps coming back no matter what I’ve done and I’m starting to think I need to hard reset and start a new... 2 months in and I’m gonna either give in to this gunk or die fighting it!
Well, after some more research and a little science, I decided to look at this goop under a microscope... I’ll be damned.... it looks like a bunch of little diamonds under the scope.... so I’m guessing it’s probably a diatom problem. Seeing as it comes back again and again, with teas, h202, and bleach, I do not know what to do anymore! Seems diatoms feed on sicate and phosphorus and do not need light to survive.
Seeing as I removed my nutes and it still came back, my only guess is that the grow stones (puffed glass) are feeding these buggers and unless I switch media, I’m gonna be plagued by this.... I haven’t seen my exact problem on any grow forum but it seems it’s common in aquariums but the fixes are not conducive to hydroponics.... their fixes don’t seem compatible with growing plants....
So, after all the above, my question is:
Has anyone had this and defeated it? What did it take?
Should I try and replant my girls in a different medium? They surely will hate it since I’d have to cut roots to get em out....
I’d like to stay using DWC so I’m really trying to figure out a solution to this that doesn’t involve going to a different grow style like drain to waste or soil. I’ve already spent a lot to set this up, the last thing I wanna tell my wife is I need to spend even more to switch grow styles. Besides I like the daily checks and such. Hydro is fun for me when I’m not fighting off the Black Plague...
Thanks in advance to everyone! Y’all are awesome!
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