What did you accomplish today?

It's probably caused by global warming

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seriously, lard.

when i was a kid, there was an old man named Hedwig that lived across the alley from us. he always had a cheap cigar in his mouth. he drank a pint or more of cheap vodka every day....he bought salt pork to slice and fry for breakfast, because bacon was "too lean"..he was 97 when he died....of a heart attack, while shovelling snow...
maybe there's something to lard being good for you
Imagine how many you could make if you had a cnc router?

A question about lunar cycles and harvesting for anyone willing ro indulge. Waxing/waning, ascending/descending, apogee/perigee?
Me waxing, as close to ascention and perigee as possible.
i paid attention to that for planting and harvesting when i grew outside....doesn't seem to matter now that i've gone inside..