Need some help gentelmen


New Member
So it's my first grow and I may have the wrong mentor...several problems going on right now but plants still seem ok thus far
growing in coco
problems are
#1 growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent and was told to use 10 gallon pots, I believe these may be to big. I don't know how much to water....I've been giving 4liters every 2 days never seen a drop of run off
#2 my ph meter was off and I mean way off, had it at the grow store and they said they calibrated it. I ended up getting a tri-meter and when calibrating it I checked the pen only to find out it was at 9 instead of 7 off by 2 so I've been feeding them with a way low ph
#3 I have roots right at the top of the coco, when I was watering I notices id washed the coco away about a half inch and exposed a bunch of roots I'm no expert but aren't roots supposed to be deeper?

Growing cannabis has just become legal where I live and I have a medical prescription as well so it only seemed logical to grow my own
I've spent a lot of money to get this tent set up in my house and am spending a lot more on utilities
If I fail I wont be able to continue growing
I really hope I can get some help from some who are more knowledgeable than me
thx in advance


Well-Known Member
Post some pics if you can.

In coco I think you could have went with much smaller pots than 10gs

And 4 x 10gs in a 4x4 is pushing it

Hopefully some of the more expierenced growers will pop in and offer some help.

They will ask for pics tho

Midnight Warrior

Well-Known Member
I can't help much with the coco, but 10 gal pots are way too big for a 4 x 4 IMO, but I guess it all depends on how long you veg them.

I have 4 plants in 5 gal. Air pots in a 5 x 5 and that is just about perfect. As the plants have a 2.5 x 2.5 area to grow into.

If the top roots are showing by your cause then I would just cover them up, but sometimes the roots do grow out of the soil and that is perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
If your confused about how much to water, let the pots dry out (not completely, so dont kill your plants) and lift the pot. You'll see its light, now start watering it. I'd go semi slowly and let the water soak in, and when I start actually getting runoff I can see how much water I gave them. (If you water too quickly or water around the edges of the pot your going to get runoff way before the plants have actually been watered because water follows the easiest route down, so edges of the pot where soil isn't typically packed as tightly to the pot walls is where water will go and just run straight out of your pots. Go too fast and the water flows out even faster, making it even easier for more water to run down the edges and out.) Now I have an idea of both how much water they need and when they need it.


Well-Known Member
How long have they been in 10 g pots?

Is it possable to re pot to a smaller size?


Well-Known Member
The roots are following the path of available water and nutrients. With your watering your just keeping the moisture available in the top of the media.