Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

anyone else losing weight? and height?...the doctor measured me the other day, said i was 5'9''....."no, i've been just short of 5'11' since i was 15"...."well, not anymore".....measured myself when i got home...5'9''.....almost 2 inches ....WTF?
and i've lost about 30 pounds over the last two years....seems like i'm eating as much, not any more or less active than i've ever been....it's just....going...somewhere....by the time i'm 75 i'll be a skinny midget.......
anyone else losing weight? and height?...the doctor measured me the other day, said i was 5'9''....."no, i've been just short of 5'11' since i was 15"...."well, not anymore".....measured myself when i got home...5'9''.....almost 2 inches ....WTF?
and i've lost about 30 pounds over the last two years....seems like i'm eating as much, not any more or less active than i've ever been....it's just....going...somewhere....by the time i'm 75 i'll be a skinny midget.......
I could stand to lose some weight, but the height is definitely dropping. I used to be almost 6'7", now I'm about 6'5". Discs and arches are slowly collapsing. But my feet are getting bigger. Wonderful.
Fuckin' late to the party again. Just another 60 year old shaking his head and wonderin where the fuck it all went. Lotsa good times...some fucked up times as well. You guys likely know some of the drill...

Pass the 'ludes and chop me another line...no...wait....it looks like I've somehow been redirected (cheated!) to Benadryl and hot tea...oh, joy. Where'd all the good drugs go? :confused:
Fuckin' late to the party again. Just another 60 year old shaking his head and wonderin where the fuck it all went. Lotsa good times...some fucked up times as well. You guys likely know some of the drill...

Pass the 'ludes and chop me another line...no...wait....it looks like I've somehow been redirected (cheated!) to Benadryl and hot tea...oh, joy. Where'd all the good drugs go? :confused:
Welcome to the "golden years":grin:
anyone else losing weight? and height?...the doctor measured me the other day, said i was 5'9''....."no, i've been just short of 5'11' since i was 15"...."well, not anymore".....measured myself when i got home...5'9''.....almost 2 inches ....WTF?
and i've lost about 30 pounds over the last two years....seems like i'm eating as much, not any more or less active than i've ever been....it's just....going...somewhere....by the time i'm 75 i'll be a skinny midget.......
I have shrunk 2 inches since I was in my fifties and I am shorter too
I'm 73 years old, started back smoking weed about a year ago. It's all different now. Some good smoke, lot's of bland weed out there too. It's nothing like the weed of the 60's and 70's as far as I'm concerned. It smell like weed, and taste like weed, it would rip your head pretty good. I got stopped one day while traveling on the road playing music. I had just made a buy, and had 2 lids of brick weed in my dress coat pocket. I was going 20 over the speed limit, so I had to follow the trooper to court house and go before the judge, and with the 2 lids still in my pocket I had forgotten about. If I didn't have the money to pay the fine, I would have been searched and locked up ….The good ole days.
A question for the old timers...

I was reading about the history of digital scales, and I'm wondering did dealers even bother weighing sacks back in the 1960s? I've seen pictures of "hand scales" with the protractor looking things, did dealers even use those? Or was it more of a 'toss some bud in a bag' type of deal?
A question for the old timers...

I was reading about the history of digital scales, and I'm wondering did dealers even bother weighing sacks back in the 1960s? I've seen pictures of "hand scales" with the protractor looking things, did dealers even use those? Or was it more of a 'toss some bud in a bag' type of deal?
Ever hear of 4 finger lids? That's how we did it back then by the fingers, so if your seller had fat fingers you made out.
A question for the old timers...

I was reading about the history of digital scales, and I'm wondering did dealers even bother weighing sacks back in the 1960s? I've seen pictures of "hand scales" with the protractor looking things, did dealers even use those? Or was it more of a 'toss some bud in a bag' type of deal?
i've still got one of those, and it weighs perfectly up to half an oz...and some did use them. some had nice Ohaus triple beam scales...and some did just throw some in a sack and tell you what they wanted for it...i miss a couple of those guys....the fat fingered guys ^
I didn't start smoking until the mid 70's. There were a lot of the hanging scales by then. Also since coke was coming on the scene, a lot more tripe beams in the 80's.

But when I first started buying and selling weed in '74, nickel bags were what would fit in a matchbox. The older, bigger matchboxes of the day.
A question for the old timers...

I was reading about the history of digital scales, and I'm wondering did dealers even bother weighing sacks back in the 1960s? I've seen pictures of "hand scales" with the protractor looking things, did dealers even use those? Or was it more of a 'toss some bud in a bag' type of deal?
O-Haus Triple Beam scales we used, street level dealers used those $5 hang from a hook scales.
Ok, no problems my friend - we moderate very lightly and believe that if you say something you should be able to back it up.
Well that rings true for the Aussie thread where a few posters speak shit and abuse people with impunity. most of which has nothing to do with the topic of the forum. I have asked for my account to be removed yet you guys fail to answer so please remove my account and content if you can not control the forum. I come here to talk about weed and the cultivation I should not have to put up with harassment or cock pictures and the like, unless that is the culture you are trying to cultivate here on the forum in which case I am happy to have my account removed. Plenty of other well moderated forums for those with a maturity level about 13. My apologies to the majority of posters but as they say a few bad apples spoil the barrel. Why not get rid of them?
Well that rings true for the Aussie thread where a few posters speak shit and abuse people with impunity. most of which has nothing to do with the topic of the forum. I have asked for my account to be removed yet you guys fail to answer so please remove my account and content if you can not control the forum. I come here to talk about weed and the cultivation I should not have to put up with harassment or cock pictures and the like, unless that is the culture you are trying to cultivate here on the forum in which case I am happy to have my account removed. Plenty of other well moderated forums for those with a maturity level about 13. My apologies to the majority of posters but as they say a few bad apples spoil the barrel. Why not get rid of them?
they don't remove accounts...usually too much humor value to get rid of.....
they don't get rid of people for not expressing themselves in away you consider appropriate, because there's this thing called freedom of speech...you, and they, can say pretty much anything you want to say, as long as it's not threatening to another member....what may be offensive to you, may be humorous, or true, to someone else. the way a person chooses to express themselves is a personal choice, not to be controlled by you or anyone else. if that person offends you, you can click on their icon, and ignore them. they'll never annoy or offend you again...and they'll still be free to express themselves without the censorship it takes to make snowflakes comfortable.....