how to get purple


Junior Creatologist
- If you wanna try to dye your buds, and not harsh up the taste or the smoke, spend a shitload of money on that Tasty Puff shit. It tastes pretty good, and it doesnt fuck with the burn really. As far as changing the color, i dont know, but try puttin a bud into a cupfull of that shit over night. At least youll end up with some fuckin fruity fruity ass tastin nuggets, lol.

- hell yeah, if McCain gets elected, im gone to Bc, Ill be done with America. N if Obama is elected, ill hang around a while to see if he puts his fuckin foot down n puts a bill up before congress to decrim pot once n for all (or at least for 8 years). If he dont, n ends up bein a bullshittin piece of shit, then im outta here. In fact, its actually gonna take alot to keep me in america over the next couple years here. I might just make my growing venture in the united states my own personal fundraiser - the "Fuck America" foundation. ill make it a 5 year project, n at the end, ill pack up my shit, n buy a house straight cash up in bc, lol.


Well-Known Member
What are you talkin about cynic???

I think we should all move the fuck out of this country. Lets host a mass exodus to canada!!


Well-Known Member
At first I thought cynic was replying to the original topic, then I realized this was about how to make your weed turn purple... :confused:

I'm not sure about the exodus to Canada, but I'm not to certain the middle class can overtake the rich in a civil war, I think a civil war is inevitable if something doesn't change soon.


Well-Known Member
If you people had eyes, you can see that someone had posted a thumbnail showing CFL's over some plant's that were too far away.


Well-Known Member
huh must have missed it man, don't start stressin. Were just chillin off topic lol.

I agree something has to change this country has only been around like 230ish years, and at the current rate of decline theres no way its gonna make it another 20 years with out something major happening.


Well-Known Member
It's some funny shit, almost every thread eventually goes way the fuck off topic, and turns into stoner chat... Then someone will reply on topic, and everyone gets jolted like "whoa, wtf was that?" When it was really a reply to a topic mentioned a few hours ago.

What can you expect from a bunch of stoners, the question gets answered, then we all hang out and bullshit with each other. Bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ya pretty much, I try to stay on topic if others are, or if its a journal. But you meet different peeps in each thread it seems, and its always kool getting different feed back, and meeting different types or people, and growers. Its like our own huge pot community!


Well-Known Member
2 stay on topic, drop the temps and put in biodegradable purple die during flushing,
doesen't fuck with the taste and alows u 2 the raise the price lol

but i know it works i turned some plants blue and sold 4 $700 a o

but finding true biodegradable dye that won't fuck with ur taste will be hard, if i were u make sure it's a tasty strain


Well-Known Member
700 an ounce?!?!

That's fucking dick :cuss:

I sell ounces for 250, or 300 if I don't know them real well. Quarter pounds for 4000.

That's outrageous, 700 for dyed weed, how can you live with yourself?

I try to make people happy getting an ounce of dank for 50 bucks less than normal. Normal dank price around here is 350 and ounce, or 50/100.

You doubled the price because you dyed it blue?

That's dick, man. :(


Well-Known Member
700 an ounce?!?!

That's fucking dick :cuss:

I sell ounces for 250, or 300 if I don't know them real well. Quarter pounds for 4000.

That's outrageous, 700 for dyed weed, how can you live with yourself?

I try to make people happy getting an ounce of dank for 50 bucks less than normal. Normal dank price around here is 350 and ounce, or 50/100.

You doubled the price because you dyed it blue?

That's dick, man. :(
i know it was fucked up but i needed the money, and it didn't smoke badly either so apart frm price, i didn't screw them 2 hell
i know 4 what i did i deserve that sad face but if i could tell u why i jacked the price 2 hell u'd understand:sad:


Well-Known Member
Whoops, I meant pounds for 4000, quarter pounds 1000, 250 and ounce, my bad... That would be ridiculous, 16,000 a pound!!! I wish.

But at 700 an oz.

It's 11,200 a pound. Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna let it go for under 400 an Oz, where I'm from the whole town has gone dry except for a couple people with DIRT. 2 main people just closed up shop, and there isn't shit around now.


Well-Known Member
Whoops, I meant pounds for 4000, quarter pounds 1000, 250 and ounce, my bad... That would be ridiculous, 16,000 a pound!!! I wish.

But at 700 an oz.

It's 11,200 a pound. Ridiculous.
i kno it's not coke were moving but i actually went and made it up 2 those guys they hit rock bottom and gave them an o 2 start off no need 2 pay me back


Well-Known Member
That's awfully nice.

Is 300 an oz for weight too cheap now? Is 350 normal, or even 400?

I always sold pounds for 4k, and I'm going to sell them for 4800, which I think is a very fair price, should I be charging more?

There are pics in my albums of previous buds, should I have charged more than 250 an ounce?

Basically do you think I'm retarded for selling for so cheap?