ripped off

"Your" safe place, eh?

From what I see you're another juvenille at this site. Takes all types....Some are here to learn or add knowledge, others are here compensating for a sad life.
I think you don’t understand what section you’re in. The grow section is for learning and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn up on growing. But this is the fuck off section. Where we joke around and laugh at all the people that don’t get it.
Enjoy ur shit talk, ur far away from me.
He tagged me because it’s kinda my thing to ask all new members how many dix they can fit in their mouths at one time. It’s a funny question, but it’s also a very revealing one. See, the way a person responds to the query let’s us know a lot about what type of person they are. So it’s actually a test. Now let’s see how you fare at it...

How many dix can you fit in your mouth at one time?
This makes sense.

I'll say a "my bad" to u.
Ya, in TnT folks get a warm and fuzzy feeling in the first few posts

or not
You,are a,stupid mother fuckin loser with to much time on your hands bro!
People always talk shit behind the phone. Come talk that same shit to my face i promise you that you won't do it
You will fuck me up???? Your a pathetic loser bro keep talking shit like a bitch.
Come fuck me up old man i will tell you where to go no need to talk to me,like you know me
So whatever someone says it true??? If your so humble and,so cool. Why did you have to talk shit to me??? Instead of being a bitch come talk that to my face
I said nothing to you old man and you wna talk shit lol I will leave you where I leave the rest of them homie!
Lol do you have any idea who you are even talkng to old man
You are a pathetic loser 'son' come have that same energy in my face bro. I garentee in my face your attitude will change. I don't have to talk about your mom or your family. That is just pathetic like the loser you are. Just come,talk that same,way to my face. I bet you dont
I dont care who the fuck is looking i actully thought these messages were between you and I only. The only bitch here is the guy bringing my mom into this convo you are a pathetic loser and when you get a lil butt hurt you don't know what to say so you insult my mom? Yea bro you are being the bigger man here. Fuckin loser

He tagged me because it’s kinda my thing to ask all new members how many dix they can fit in their mouths at one time. It’s a funny question, but it’s also a very revealing one. See, the way a person responds to the query let’s us know a lot about what type of person they are. So it’s actually a test. Now let’s see how you fare at it...

How many dix can you fit in your mouth at one time?
The answer is Because once everyone sees you bite the head off , there will never be two
Bro. I said it to the same guy. You didn't even take the time to see what he said to me. And my mom and what he's gna do with her. Listen. I have alot of respect for anyone who treats me with respect but when you start saying your gna run a train on my mom while I watch. And he said it for no reason. I didn't say anything to him at all. Im sorry if Im being disrespectful man. That's not me. But you have a mother also right?? No need to talk about moms or family members.
