We're delighted to inform you that your order with Timber Grow Lights has been received successfully and added to the production schedule! Your item is being expertly assembled and will be on its way to your shortly. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information when your order has left our warehouse.
(Also, just a heads up the charge for this order will appear on your bank or credit card statement as DLP Lamp Source, our parent company.)
Your Order Contains...
Cart Items SKU Qty Item Price Item Total
Model 2VL
(Color Temperature: 3500 K, Include Ratchet Hangers (+ $10): Yes)
TI-LF-991131 1 $289.00 USD $289.00 USD
Subtotal: $289.00 USD
Coupon Code (TIMBERIG): -$25.00 USD
Shipping: $32.16 USD
Grand Total: $296.16 USD