Dankonomics Genetics


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with switching it up cannabinoid confusion I believe the term is called. I'm really digging some of the newer strains out with .5-2mg CBd-a I think that takes some of the paranoia out of it and helps medicinally.
In my younger days I ate a .4 of reclaim from my dab rig. I didnt touch the stuff for years after that. Went threw the whole forgetting to breath/I'm dying for 4hours and then eliminating any food from fridge and cupboards . Was weed hungover for 2 days.
I have a 1lb cls with Edward's vac pump so I know my extracts should've known better.
Hats off I've lost ppl to cancer so the fact that u helped even 1 person is so awesome.

Hopefully the smarter ppl will figure it out via trials and testing and years from now cancer will be no more deadly than the flu .
I have quite a few people I’ve saved now. I lost track really. My dog though it really helped. He’s 14 now and a mastiff so they don’t live that long usually. 4AF4EAEB-8C53-465F-BF9B-93D3A41E0D2C.jpeg
He’s why I went to an expert and actually used my little power I have from this job to track down a best selling author or something like that on dogs and cannabis. He was very helpful and old Bruno here wouldn’t be alive today without it. He looks pretty good still for his age. He’s a really good friend of mine so I did my best to save him a few times now. He seems to be ageless though and have 9 lives.


Well-Known Member
This is his son. He’s my own breed of mastiff I call the Hibernian mastiff. He’s a fila brasiliero bx. Dad is a fila brasiliero. Mom is fila x dogue de Bordeaux. I don’t sell dogs though. I try to select these to good homes. Not payment. This breed is too dangerous for most people. But they can be anyone’s dog who has common sense and some decency and love. The fila is my favorite breed by leaps and bounds. But too hound looks usually and floppy. Slow too. But the Bordeaux improved the speed. He can run like the wind. He’s a great dog though. Gentle and loving and can be harsh too if he needs to be.


Well-Known Member
@Dankonomics_genetics would you share your rso process and notes from treatment? i think it would be good to have this info on hand. cancer sucks, and unfortunately a lot of us have seen someone we care about go through it. id like to be able to offer help to people that are dealing with it if i can. i really want to step up my medicinal application game, aside from just smoking/vaping or ingesting. i am also interested in treating dogs with cannabis, if you wouldnt mind sharing any info on that. i feel like ive seen too many dogs go before their time, and that some form of cannabis treatment could have helped them. and of course i want my own dogs to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. the whole larger dog-shorter lifespan thing is a real bummer, its really cool to see your elder mastiff doing well at his age


Well-Known Member
I just make sure I use very potent Afghan stuff with a chill high. And I let my jars of alcohol mix sit months in the jars. Longer soak imo the better oil. Slicker Black the better. And after I distill the alcohol off I get parchment out put it on parchment and bake at 230 Fahrenheit for about 1:15 minutes. This is where most go wrong. It has to be road tar like consistent. No watery alcohol mixes. It’s like a key to a lock. If the key doesn’t fit it won’t work. Dosage is much less for dogs. Start with a rice grain size and move up. Dogs can get sick and not eat if given too much and vomit and such. So find their limits and stay below them a touch. Old timer here has been on the oil years now. So he can handle a lot at a time.


Well-Known Member
Wow not really a dog guy but I know big dogs dont live that long. I take it hes not eating purina , Looks super healthy . Little grey in his beard but dont we all!!
No I feed him rice, with chia seeds and a meat or bean mix. He needs the chia seed to stay hydrated. Otherwise he’s dry a lot. You can tell by their poop. Even the vet couldn’t believe how well he is for his age. He eats a lot of what I do too. Oranges, fish, my French fries, I usually share my food too with him. We’ve been together so long he expects me to share. I give him dog food too sometimes mixed into rice and chia seed with beans too. He’s just really picky and spoiled by others so I have to special diet him. The others mostly eat dog food. He’s been eating weed for years though. Mushrooms too he used to steal from me. He’s like on another level of intelligence though. He understands people talking and can give me simple yes or no answers back. So I’ve learned to talk to him and see what he wants or thinks. His diet for example is his choosing. He hates dog food usually.


Well-Known Member
He’s had the grey since I went to prison. I got out and he was grey. He was a broken dog then. He couldn’t believe when I got out and we slept together that night and haven’t left each others side since. That was prob 8 years ago now. They took him to doggie jail when they got me and I bailed him out right away. But he had to spend the night so I broke in and fed him Taco Bell that night lol. Poor Bruno hates the cops too. Since then he hasn’t really looked any different though. Stress kills dogs faster then anything imo. Which weed helps them get past.