Heisenbeans Genetics

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Undermining others efforts is universal and not new.

I remember over 20 years ago before the forums and the internet I used to get all my info from magazines like norml, Hightimes, Red Eye etc because I live in New Zealand where we had very limited access to genetics. Marc Emery advertised in Hightimes but Hightimes still did a hatchet job on him. He was breeding with the canadian Mighty Mite, crossing it with dutch strains, and selling them cheaper than the dutch. Even though he had a terrible article written about his practices I still bought his seeds. He was very generous to me. My first order I sent money for one strain but Emery instructed that you should request 4 in order of preference, which I did. He sent me back all 4 strains for the price of one.

He did not deserve the undermining and I paid little attention to it. I do my own research and have my preorder in with Heisen so when my seeds are ready I will buy Heisen's beans because I want to. The underminers won't be able to stop that.
marc emery is legitimately a piece of shit. i have friends who he fondled and came onto multiple times. dude is a creepy, greedy, out for self piece of shit. he doesn't care about cannabis activism as he claims, he just cares about capitalizing on cannabis for his own gain.
no offence to you in any way, but i am from where he is from and have been bumping into him at events for half of my life. as i said, i also have MULTIPLE female friends who have claimed to have been sexually assaulted by him. guy gives me the fuckin creeps.
that kind of thing gets thrown around a lit these I would just your 100% sure about something like that before ruining someone's character .... not trying to say anything but really that's a h7ge statement to be making in a public forum
that kind of thing gets thrown around a lit these I would just your 100% sure about something like that before ruining someone's character .... not trying to say anything but really that's a h7ge statement to be making in a public forum
Not really a big deal its a personal opinion if dude gives him the creeps . that's how he feels don't tell him how to feel lmao
True I'm sure he's no Cosby lol more of a trump grab hands ya know lol I don't even know the dude so I'm at a loss will mind my own now . lol
I actually just googled and saw that some women have come forward sooo seems to be some truth to it .... but I was just saying in case it was hear say ... people are strange creatures
When my wife was dying the dr put me on klonopin. After about 6 months it was making have some serious depression. Tried to quit cold turkey and the withdrawal was bad. I didn't sleep for 4 straight nights. So, the dr put me on gabapentin instead because it prevents benzo withdrawal, and I proceeded to taper off that instead. I did it successfully, but a couple of times I didn't take it when was supposed to, and the withdrawal was HELL.

As a point of reference, I was on hardcore opiates for six months due to getting stabbed 28 times, and the withdrawal from that was a cakewalk compared to gabapentin. Just want to warn anyone who might need to know, definitely avoid getting physically addicted to gabapentin. You can actually die from that withdrawal.
Bro :sad:... that's a very heavy post. Good onya fot beating that and overcoming all of that. Fuck that's rough.
Bro :sad:... that's a very heavy post. Good onya fot beating that and overcoming all of that. Fuck that's rough.
Agreed that is heavy shit . feels bad man and preach all opiates are some Dr. Prescribed BS the dentist for me on em as I had all my upper teeth removed two years ago . had to get dentures long story but fuck them pills . I rather feel pain and try n smoke it up rather than ever take man made meds again. Hope you doing good these days as well
the accounts i am speaking of came directly from the mouth of one of the people who accused him. she is a friend who worked for him and it made her so uncomfortable she quit. i am not just getting this from the internet randomly.

anyways, sorry for derailing the convo.

how 'bout that upcoming BBC x WC cross tho!
the accounts i am speaking of came directly from the mouth of one of the people who accused him. she is a friend who worked for him and it made her so uncomfortable she quit. i am not just getting this from the internet randomly.

anyways, sorry for derailing the convo.

how 'bout that upcoming BBC x WC cross tho!
Those seeds are super healthy and looking really nice. I might upload a video later
marc emery is legitimately a piece of shit. i have friends who he fondled and came onto multiple times. dude is a creepy, greedy, out for self piece of shit. he doesn't care about cannabis activism as he claims, he just cares about capitalizing on cannabis for his own gain.
no offence to you in any way, but i am from where he is from and have been bumping into him at events for half of my life. as i said, i also have MULTIPLE female friends who have claimed to have been sexually assaulted by him. guy gives me the fuckin creeps.
Those are some sad revelations Goats22, I hope your female friends are being supported appropriately.

I can only speak about my own experiences, which are from over 20 years ago and thousands of kilometers away, when I speak of my interactions with Emery. I acknowledge your experiences though.

Trying to support Heisen's efforts here, not trying to derail.
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