Heisenbeans Genetics

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These people are ridiculous. Did Sacred Seeds get permission from the Afghan, Mexican, and Colombian farmers when they created skunk #1? Did Neville ask Sacred Seeds and the farmers for permission? Did all these assholes accusing heisen of stealing create their own strains of GG#4, etc, from landraces, spending generations breeding them? Did they ask Neville, Shantibaba, Ben Dronker's, etc, permission? Hell no. Essentially, that's where all of these cuts originated. The hypocrisy is sickening. What cracks me up is how they say Heisen is capitalizing on all their "hard work", as if they spent years breeding these cuts, rather than getting a lucky pheno. Bottom line is they're jealous. And greedy. They know that Heisen is giving us an affordable alternative to their $200 packs, and the last thing they want is for us to have alternatives. They want to be the only source of these genetics, so they can charge us whatever they want. That is what is important to them. Heisen, on the other hand, could be like them and charge more, but he prefers to make it accessible to us. Thx, Heisen!
At the end of the day that is really what it comes down to. Good thing I'm my own person and dont give a shit about cool kid clubs and members only jackets. I've seen some of them so called OG growers and they wouldn't even qualify to sweep my floors. They can keep there imaginary patents on this shit. I'm in my lane and NEVER claimed otherwise. If someone sends me a cut or I find it on the side of the road growing out of a cow turd if its good in gonna use it. No sugar coating or BS here.
Correct me then:clap::clap::hug:
Seems like you can't read. I said I have never had proper sentence structure.

Doctors cannot spell or have good handwriting and guess what, they have their what?

But glad you thought you , actually were going somewhere with your comments

I'm pretty sure doctors can spell, and write in structured sentences.

Just sayin.

Good luck with your degree!!!
Dammit, I never had proper sentence structure, so let me write the First Part again
You seem to have experience being poor!
I have never been on welfare, have a degree and great at what I do.

You wrote too me First. Now deal with what comes with it. But continue that budget rent a grow of yours.

Never seen you with a breeders pack of anything on AnY forum fr 2009!

But yeah tag me and someone when you learn to grow!
How do you have a degree if you can't form a sentence, or even type? Basic formation of thoughts is pretty essential...
So what was the point of having testers?
Isnt the point of the testers to determine if these can have a herm trait.
A few that i know of like thunderfudge wont let it go out if there is more than one herm out of 7.
I dont remember if that was the correct number. Forgive me, this is a once in a lifetime,chance at helping @heisen start his shit.
But, as a small indoor grower getting ready for the outdoor, I dont have the time and I cant take the chance of running herm shit and wasting a whole season.
Are there Any seasoned farmers who could help ease my converns about the stability of these genetics.
Again, dont start your shit, I didnt come hear to argue or throw false accusations.
I know nothung. Just acting on behalf of the ignorant consumer.
I'm sure this meassage will get lost in all the BS this thread is...... Right?
No gear, no pics, just fags talking shit..lame

Some will be herm prone. Some will be mutants. Some will be fire. Not necessarily on that order lol. Some genetics just do not combine well. I sure you’ve seen two beautiful people with an ugly ass baby. There is no way to know for sure, you just have to,wait and see, or take your chances.
Attitude? I only nicely asked you to take your bs elsewhere. I don't care about your opinions, your views or any of your other hating as you don't like to call it. Oh and if you could read and process what youve read you'd see my name's Jesse, not Johny, and that you can't even spell that correctly. You must be a rich conceited fuckhole to go on about how much income someone makes. I came from a poor life too, now i own a successful business. Am i any better than anyone else? No, im not. Am i a douche like you? Nope, not that either. I do however have good English and punctuation though unlike your "learned" and "degree" touting self. I am also not a degrading punk ass bitch that downtalks other people like you seem to be. Done with my rant, now again please just go the fuck away. You dont like heisens stuff, then go away you fucking fucktard.
ooooo .. game set and match! noice!
So what was the point of having testers?
Isnt the point of the testers to determine if these can have a herm trait.
A few that i know of like thunderfudge wont let it go out if there is more than one herm out of 7.
I dont remember if that was the correct number. Forgive me, this is a once in a lifetime,chance at helping @heisen start his shit.
But, as a small indoor grower getting ready for the outdoor, I dont have the time and I cant take the chance of running herm shit and wasting a whole season.
Are there Any seasoned farmers who could help ease my converns about the stability of these genetics.
Again, dont start your shit, I didnt come hear to argue or throw false accusations.
I know nothung. Just acting on behalf of the ignorant consumer.
I'm sure this meassage will get lost in all the BS this thread is...... Right?
No gear, no pics, just fags talking shit..lame
I have an isolated area set up that is in separate bldg for what I preordered so nothing I already have can taint the preorder or vice a versa
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