Male or female? help me

Mellow old School

Well-Known Member
Patience mate, most likely girls, because males often show signs earlier than females, but as also mentioned, give them time, within 10 days I would say you should see very clear signs...

Have a good day...


Well-Known Member
We dont guess small growths presented through magnifying glasses for accurate sex id.

Luckily im the best and thats a female 100% - Dont ask me ever again i wont answer :-)
Foto 1 is plant 1 and foto 2 and 3 are from plant 2. Both female? Ooh snap you said not to ask again


Well-Known Member
Foto 1 is plant 1 and foto 2 and 3 are from plant 2. Both female? Ooh snap you said not to ask again
Sexing is more complex than you lot know, grow fem seed and observe all the weird ball like growths that turn out to be 100% female and you see one of the complexities that has peeps shouting male when it quitexobviously isnt.

Ive written at length on these subjects but the only info trolled is grab a scope and early sex - ball its a male.

Now i did say dont ask because im not prepared to put my experience out on thin shaky limbs where even pros can call kt wrong but this ONE time only -

Photo 1- female (its a weird growth but im quite positive female)
Photo 2- Female 100% - easy one for me that.
Phot 3- Your dick - seriously just looks like a brown smudge so assume your hoping id say female then reveal your 3" slong so i can look a fool or somthing idk just a guess there.

Slow your roll in furure, let it flower or show sacs then you dont need to ask - this is waaaaay waaaaay too early :-)


Well-Known Member
Sexing is more complex than you lot know, grow fem seed and observe all the weird ball like growths that turn out to be 100% female and you see one of the complexities that has peeps shouting male when it quitexobviously isnt.

Ive written at length on these subjects but the only info trolled is grab a scope and early sex - ball its a male.

Now i did say dont ask because im not prepared to put my experience out on thin shaky limbs where even pros can call kt wrong but this ONE time only -

Photo 1- female (its a weird growth but im quite positive female)
Photo 2- Female 100% - easy one for me that.
Phot 3- Your dick - seriously just looks like a brown smudge so assume your hoping id say female then reveal your 3" slong so i can look a fool or somthing idk just a guess there.

Slow your roll in furure, let it flower or show sacs then you dont need to ask - this is waaaaay waaaaay too early :-)
I take it you can clearly see the ballsack before your other plants get polinated


Well-Known Member
I take it you can clearly see the ballsack before your other plants get polinated
Yes it actually takes a while for them to fully form before you get pollen.

If your thinking you have to remove males early dont, theres no real rush till you actually start getting pollen.

See for yourself :-)


Well-Known Member
I take it you can clearly see the ballsack before your other plants get polinated
I almost forgot - since i judged sex of your plants early the site rules require you to verify my claims in a few couple of weeks when true sex can be seen.

I reserve the right to occasionally get this wrong, like 2% of the time maybe :-)


Well-Known Member
The second plant is also a female.
I tip my hat off to you sir.
There are very few who have this skill - please dont early sex plants just let em go till easily obvious. Far too many call male at evey ball like structure - there is a trick to it.

Mainly happy that you got females - the main thing :-)