Heisenbeans Genetics

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Wow all this and quitting the death sticks man. Better man than i id lose it . At least your keeping yourself busy .

Fighting pm here. Im losing my mind 12 plants and a bottle of peroxide.

The hours spent in the garden/computer must be up there, You will figure out gmo and ecsd yet and that list will almost double . Yee haw
Wow all this and quitting the death sticks man. Better man than i id lose it . At least your keeping yourself busy .

Fighting pm here. Im losing my mind 12 plants and a bottle of peroxide.

The hours spent in the garden/computer must be up there, You will figure out gmo and ecsd yet and that list will almost double . Yee haw
I've heard of green cleaner being best for pm, never had it myself so idk!
Wow all this and quitting the death sticks man. Better man than i id lose it . At least your keeping yourself busy .

Fighting pm here. Im losing my mind 12 plants and a bottle of peroxide.

The hours spent in the garden/computer must be up there, You will figure out gmo and ecsd yet and that list will almost double . Yee haw
Only dealt with pm once, and it was in the commercial grow i used to work for. We used dawn dish soap and it worked, but the owner was a cheap, sleezy piece of shit lol.
I wonder when I should tell him I don't know that much lmfao, I just got lucky with my method!! lmfaoooo, now I gotta really learn
Yea like the previous poster said you don’t, as long as you don’t ruin the whole first crop you’ll be good to go.

Do you know how to run equipment such as loaders skidsters and tractors? I imagine you will be expected to use those to mix and or till soil.

I got my start in my field not knowing a damn thing. I knew I had the interview, so I went to a few local spots talked their ears of until I was basically told I had to go lol. And I read up on what was popular in my area and what was native aswell as invasive species.

Well I walked out of the interview as one of the highest paid employees they had 41k a year salary (foreman position having never worked in the field at 18 yo it was a great place to be). I worked there almost 10 years and became one of the best at what I do in my area. It’s all watching doing and learning from here.

Hell I was asked one time “hey you know how to run that D10 dozer over there” I responded hell yea went jumped in it and YouTubed a video of the controls and went on my way. Farm work is hard work but easy at the same time hard on body easy on mind (unless you own the farm) then it’s a stressful fuckshow 24/7
Yea like the previous poster said you don’t, as long as you don’t ruin the whole first crop you’ll be good to go.

Do you know how to run equipment such as loaders skidsters and tractors? I imagine you will be expected to use those to mix and or till soil.

I got my start in my field not knowing a damn thing. I knew I had the interview, so I went to a few local spots talked their ears of until I was basically told I had to go lol. And I read up on what was popular in my area and what was native aswell as invasive species.

Well I walked out of the interview as one of the highest paid employees they had 41k a year salary (foreman position having never worked in the field at 18 yo it was a great place to be). I worked there almost 10 years and became one of the best at what I do in my area. It’s all watching doing and learning from here.

Hell I was asked one time “hey you know how to run that D10 dozer over there” I responded hell yea went jumped in it and YouTubed a video of the controls and went on my way. Farm work is hard work but easy at the same time hard on body easy on mind (unless you own the farm) then it’s a stressful fuckshow 24/7
no man, I know some basics, but dude knows my situation about being hurt, and how lazy I am, basically said he doesn't care, said that's what we have Mexicans for lmfao, kinda fucked up, but he's got a point! he just wants me to control it! keep his genetics alive and make him a fuck ton of sips! I made 2! after that I explained for the cost of making them, and the fact he wants like 2 thousand of them, and more over time, we need to get with some kinda company that can roll them out using some kinda machines! then he starts talking shit about patenting the design and I showed him like 4 others that are already being sold, his response was but they aren't the same! so fuck if I know, and I don't care about that shit I just wanna grow! so I may be shrinking down my grow soon for just personal, like 2 or 3 big girls at a time, less work and I won't need to sell bud if I'm legal and killing it! just need to cover my personal smoke!
no man, I know some basics, but dude knows my situation about being hurt, and how lazy I am, basically said he doesn't care, said that's what we have Mexicans for lmfao, kinda fucked up, but he's got a point! he just wants me to control it! keep his genetics alive and make him a fuck ton of sips! I made 2! after that I explained for the cost of making them, and the fact he wants like 2 thousand of them, and more over time, we need to get with some kinda company that can roll them out using some kinda machines! then he starts talking shit about patenting the design and I showed him like 4 others that are already being sold, his response was but they aren't the same! so fuck if I know, and I don't care about that shit I just wanna grow! so I may be shrinking down my grow soon for just personal, like 2 or 3 big girls at a time, less work and I won't need to sell bud if I'm legal and killing it! just need to cover my personal smoke!
Is his hemp grow indoors?
Is his hemp grow indoors?
both, outdoor, greenhouse, indoor organics, and working on indoor hydro, I'm supposed to running indoor organcis, and greenhouse! but doing all the same design in both!

but I can finally get to run my comparison between my sips and hydro! plus dudes buying me all the books from the Jeff guys that I always wanted! like teaming with microbes, and fungi! all that shit! it's really exciting and like a dream come true, I've just been hurting I haven't worked a job in years!
both, outdoor, greenhouse, indoor organics, and working on indoor hydro, I'm supposed to running indoor organcis, and greenhouse! but doing all the same design in both!

but I can finally get to run my comparison between my sips and hydro! plus dudes buying me all the books from the Jeff guys that I always wanted! like teaming with microbes, and fungi! all that shit! it's really exciting and like a dream come true, I've just been hurting I haven't worked a job in years!
You can do it. Put in the hard work it’ll make you feel better after time and help knock your exhausted ass out after a few months out in the sun.

Indoor hemp man I don’t know the situation but I don’t see the benefit or value in that at all lol.

For the green house you should plan a much bigger version idk the size of said green houses but imagine 500-1000gal sip ponds
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