Trump's Approval Rating Goes Up?


Well-Known Member
A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.

It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.

46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)

This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.

Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?

Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now

I can't take it anymore.
A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.

It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.

46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)

This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.

Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?

Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now

I can't take it anymore.

It's going to be a long hot summer for those poll numbers.

A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.

It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.

46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)

This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.

Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?

Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now

I can't take it anymore.

Unfucking beliveable. It just makes no sense. What more does that fucking idiot have to do ?!
A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.

It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.

46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)

This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.

Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?

Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now

I can't take it anymore.

Maybe American's have figured out or filtered out all the Fake New, fake investigations and 24/7 CNN and mainstream media Trump bashing has zero merit. "Trump's a meanie" is not working well for them especially with a smoking hot economy and record low Hispanic and black unemployment. I really hope the Dem nominee runs on the "Trump's a racist" narrative. Sanders is already well into it.
Maybe American's have figured out or filtered out all the Fake New, fake investigations and 24/7 CNN and mainstream media Trump bashing has zero merit. "Trump's a meanie" is not working well for them especially with a smoking hot economy and record low Hispanic and black unemployment. I really hope the Dem nominee runs on the "Trump's a racist" narrative. Sanders is already well into it.
Trump is racist. It’s a fact, not a narrative

People don’t go to prison over fake investigations

You are morbidly obese and a burden to the healthcare system
Maybe American's have figured out or filtered out all the Fake New, fake investigations and 24/7 CNN and mainstream media Trump bashing has zero merit. "Trump's a meanie" is not working well for them especially with a smoking hot economy and record low Hispanic and black unemployment.

You look at it like he's liked.

No, he isn't.

According to the “Presidential Greatness Survey” also published today by the American Political Science Association, Trump is ranked 44th out of 44 presidents.

The survey also ranked President Obama 8th overall, making him the greatest living president, one spot ahead of Ronald Reagan (Ha Ha Ha)

Even among Republican respondents to the survey, that moron Trump could only manage a ranking of 40th out of 44 (Fucking Loser)

So you see your Dummy President, (who soon will be Impeached and then go to jail :) ) is actually the most disliked POTUS in History, not only here in this country, but around the Globe, and that ain't Fake News, that's historical fucking FACT.
Blaze posting about the markets? Most people are not invested in any way. A smaller segment is passively involved with their restrictive 401k. Yet the numbers staying up give the ignoramuses the idea that everything is rocking.

It just is not for a very large segment of the population and 40% of families have absolutely nothing saved and no other backup. Listening to the ignorant blame these folks' plight on their laziness or bad habits is as maddening as listening to any other insane babble.
Maybe American's have figured out or filtered out all the Fake New, fake investigations and 24/7 CNN and mainstream media Trump bashing has zero merit. "Trump's a meanie" is not working well for them especially with a smoking hot economy and record low Hispanic and black unemployment. I really hope the Dem nominee runs on the "Trump's a racist" narrative. Sanders is already well into it.
Blaze is dumb
A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.

It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.

46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)

This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.

Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?

Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now

I can't take it anymore.
Trump had a relatively smooth ride where it matters to most Americans, the economy. Yet, he stands a few points below Obama in approval and many more below Obama in disapproval.

2011 was a comparatively rough time for many families. Obamacare was vilified too. Most people wanted something akin to public execution of bankers for misdeeds that led to the 2008-2009 crash -- for better or worse, Obama refused them their satisfaction. To cap it off, the 46% who voted for Trump already hated Obama because he was black. Obama did great with the public at that time, all things considered. After all, he mopped the floor with Romney less than two years later.

I'm just saying that the comparison isn't very good between Trump now and Obama then.
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Trump took office riding a booming economy. Obama was handed a sack of shit. Bush started the stimulus his last months in office but Obama was the one pushing the quantitative easing - cheap money and bailouts. And he was cussed like a scurvy dog for doing it every single time by the right and many on the left.

Wall Street is where it is because of Obama. It's only been propped up in the last couple of years by investors unwilling to let it die and who are counting on reckless deregulation.
Every time I read about Trump, a statement from the late Robin Williams comes to mind.

"You can be a paraplegic lapdancer, just not as well as the others"

Have a good day people...
Polls of that nature have always been seriously flawed because of the very small sample size.

It's nigh on impossible to get an accurate representation of 325,000,000 people when you only poll 1,200.
Maybe American's have figured out or filtered out all the Fake New, fake investigations and 24/7 CNN and mainstream media Trump bashing has zero merit. "Trump's a meanie" is not working well for them especially with a smoking hot economy and record low Hispanic and black unemployment. I really hope the Dem nominee runs on the "Trump's a racist" narrative. Sanders is already well into it.
I hope you get just the win you got in November MAGA