New England outdoor 400 gallon


Well-Known Member
i really want to use at least one 400 gallon smart pot, is the summer here though not long enough for the roots to fully utilize all that space? They’ll be decent already when they go out on 4/20 I got em vegging slowly right now I’ve just seen people use stuff like them in places like Oregon and it’s insane
i really want to use at least one 400 gallon smart pot, is the summer here though not long enough for the roots to fully utilize all that space? They’ll be decent already when they go out on 4/20 I got em vegging slowly right now I’ve just seen people use stuff like them in places like Oregon and it’s insane
What latitude you at? Around here you can still expect some frost until mid late may. Bigger the better for pot size, 400 gallons should give you some big ass plants.
I have no clue yet lol I might go with the 100 tho 400 is actually insane don’t wanna waste money on soil and I don’t know latitude but I’m zone 6 I have a spot with 30 55 gallon drums cut in half I plan to use I may need to contact landscape company for soil
Me too I can’t really do in ground where I am

Im putting my 4 legal in a pre-readied spot in my veggie garden. The others will go in home-made pots about 40 gals each. Chicken wire covered with landscape fabric ,as another member here showed us awhile back. I havent seen him here lately but he seemed like a helluva good grower and a nice fella.