What did you accomplish today?

Went to the store earlier to buy beer for my roommates. Had some change that was weighing down my pocket so I spent it on a lottery ticket. Just two quarters and a few nickels/dimes. Bought a $1 scratch off. First time I ever bought a scratch off. Won $100 off it. I'm quitting while i'm ahead!
Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
smoked beer ... it's a thing

Debris removal is set to end on the 15th. I got a load of old stereos, speakers and other electronics and two loads of roofing out to the road. More shit to move than I have time.

15th is also a good above ground planting day, and I haven't done any plowing or tilling yet. I may just plant in cups and trays for now, but I'd sure love to get a pea patch in this go round.