What did you accomplish today?

Right there with you brother. Edit: except for the farm part...
For several years now the farm has been all planted pines. Since they are broke, not really much I can do until enough time has passed to burn everything and replant. But the wife doesn't like me to be gone too many nights in a row, and I'm working 6 nights a week right now anyway. The job I could quite, not the wife.
Went to an ENT today, said the same thing as the audiologist, my hearing sucks and nothing can be done about it until I need hearing aids. Waste of time and money. Checked out a "new" hydro shop today on the way home. Nice place but it is tucked back off the main road aways, they need to put a sign up on the main road and possibly they'll get more business. Fertilized the roses and put out some snail bait so possibly the rest of the Daffodils can bloom without being eaten.
Went to an ENT today, said the same thing as the audiologist, my hearing sucks and nothing can be done about it until I need hearing aids. Waste of time and money. Checked out a "new" hydro shop today on the way home. Nice place but it is tucked back off the main road aways, they need to put a sign up on the main road and possibly they'll get more business. Fertilized the roses and put out some snail bait so possibly the rest of the Daffodils can bloom without being eaten.

The VA gave me a really nice set - even adjustable/programmable with a smart phone but contrary to popular belief they do not restore your audio reception back to 1975. :cry:
The VA gave me a really nice set - even adjustable/programmable with a smart phone but contrary to popular belief they do not restore your audio reception back to 1975. :cry:
The Dr did bring up that VA would hook me up. I have a dumb phone so that won't be used. I had been to plenty of ear destroying concerts by '75...
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My wife loves that. She is always watching for matches.
i had a hippy friend that i couldn't get to use the word "coincidence"...it was 'the two thing".....said in a conspiritorial tone of voice..."look, there was a dog when we left, and there's a dog here, it's the "two thing " !"...."no, we went to the store, then came back to your house, so it's your dog, both times..."...
200000 miles is hardly much these days.
I rebuild a Toyota with over 300000 km on the clock, still had the factory honing in the cylinder bores.
yeah, but 300K Kilometers is only like...10 miles? ... it's actually 183,000 miles

Us "Mericans" are really dumb when it comes to the metric system.

Well, at least I am & then I had to convert $$ from USD to Dom Rep $$ - it's almost 50/1 so a really good bottle of Brugal rum will cost you like $1,100 bucks.
(Pro tip: Buy it at the market & not the factory - it's less than 1/2 the price for the same thing).

Makes my head hurt just doing that math.
Us "Mericans" are really dumb when it comes to the metric system.

Well, at least I am & then I had to convert $$ from USD to Dom Rep $$ - it's almost 50/1 so a really good bottle of Brugal rum will cost you like $1,100 bucks.
(Pro tip: Buy it at the market & not the factory - it's less than 1/2 the price for the same thing).

Makes my head hurt just doing that math.
I've been doing it long enough that my ballpark estimates are within 15% or so...

I finally got the basecoat on the wall in the bathroom and the toilet next to it. Shit takes 16 hours to dry though. The paint doesnt smell too bad, I used that product before... but never had to use a basecoat to reach my desired colour. And the basecoat is smelly and not waterbased stuff. My hands look like I have vitiligo as I can't get it off....
That's a Toyota Tundra. In my neck of the woods the road salt in the winter destroys everything and seeing anything with 200k is quite rare.

At least not without sheet metal welded to the wheelwells, door bottoms and sides.

I've seen some pretty creative repairs lately at the inspection place where I hang out occasionally. The local Floyd's barber shop. Lol.