Trump will kill us all

President Donald Trump’s 2020 budget breaks one of his biggest campaign promises to voters: that he would leave Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare untouched.

“I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,” Trump told the Daily Signal, a conservative publication before his election.

Over the next 10 years, Trump’s 2020 budget proposal aims to spend $1.5 trillion less on Medicaid — instead allocating $1.2 trillion in a block-grant program to states — $25 billion less on Social Security, and $845 billion less on Medicare (some of that is reclassified to a different department). Their intentions are to cut benefits under Medicaid and Social Security,

Here’s what’s actually happening: This budget proposes finding $845 billion in savings over 10 years from Medicare as we know it. But $269 billion of that figure is reclassified under the Department of Health and Human Services, bringing the Medicare cuts to $575 billion. As Vox explained, the administration says it will achieve these cost reductions by targeting wasteful spending and provider payments and lowering prescription drug costs.

Just fucking alone, the Medicaid budget cuts amount to $1.5 trillion over 10 years, and then the budget also continues an attack on Social Security, including to a program which gives assistance to those who have disabilities that prevent them from being in the workforce. In all, the cuts to Social Security amount to $25 billion over the next 10 years, cutting roughly $10 billion from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program.

In all, the cuts to Social Security amount to $25 billion over the next 10 years, cutting roughly $10 billion from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program,

Yup, like I've said in previous posts, they have won, the Republican/Conservative/ Right wing assholes which are dominant now, it seems

Somehow after reading this budget, this came to mind.


Oh But we should just disregard all of the fuk'd up thing's Barry did? 150 Billion to Iran, for what? ISIS calmed down after His traitor ass left office. I don't usually comment on moronic posts but you little bitches need to get used to Trump. He'll win again in 2020.
no, you using all the infrastructure the rest of us willingly pay for is theft, you lazy fucking hypocritical piece of shit
A wise man knows once light is shed on his ignorance, not to repeat errors. That's why he's a wise man.

A fool defends and repeats his errors, puts his vanity on display, thus cementing his fool status. That's why he's a fool.

A service to be a service, must have the option of choice from both the buyer and seller.

Now that you're enlightened and I've given you the tools to shed your ignorance, tell me where I'm in error....or pay me the million dollars for the paint job you never asked for.
there is an option. you can go live in a cave with no utilities, and pay no rent or taxes. of course, when the property owner finds you and demands you leave, then shoots you for trespassing, you won't have to worry about it anymore. you'll be in an unmarked grave in a potter's field, paid for with someone else's taxes....
So, you are or you aren't going to send me the million dollars I decided you owed me for the paint job you didn't ask for but makes your laundromat look so much better?
no, i'm not sending you a fucking thing...come and take it from me. that's your only recourse in your fucked up "society" with no laws to enforce...come fucking get it....better come armed
I easily paid for that many times over. The point is, people are charged whether they agree to it or not and many people are charged who never use the so called "service".

If you were going to be charged $150 per week from a grocery store, whether you agreed or not ...or lose your house, would you be okay with that service ?
the services come as a package...whether you use all of them or do not get to pick and choose which parts of society you support, and which you do's a fucking package deal, take it and smile, or get the fuck out...the way to change things is to work from within, not shout from make stupid nonsensical arguments to support an untenable position...we all know your fucking fantasy world will never exist, and you'll never convince a single one of us you aren't a fucking lunatic. why do you keep trying? all we're EVER going to do is keep pointing out how stupid your ideas are, how impossible they would be to implement, if you ever found one single other fucknut moron that even wanted the stupid shit you want...ever notice that? that you're the ONLY ONE that wants what you want? good fucking luck with that
Oh But we should just disregard all of the fuk'd up thing's Barry did? 150 Billion to Iran, for what? ISIS calmed down after His traitor ass left office. I don't usually comment on moronic posts but you little bitches need to get used to Trump. He'll win again in 2020.
you're an ignorant pissant better fucking hope trump doesn't win again, or this country will be even more fucked than it is ignorant fucking assholes put a psychotic fucking stupid asshole into office, and by god, your party WILL own the damage YOUR candidate has done...and is still fucking doing
Aren't all Trump low IQ supporters the same, an actual detriment to civilized society and to this country?
Then the racist fuck can't even use Obama's real name (where did Barry come from?)
I don't get it, I thought most heads would hate Trump, but not on this site I guess.
Go figure
i can't help it, it just infuriates's like catching a bunch of kids torturing a cat...why are you fucking idiots taking joy from something clearly fucking evil? there is nothing fucking good about trump, at all. period. ever. there never will be. why do you goddamned idiots support this clearly evil, terrible, reprehensible, sickening piece of foul fucking filth? are you blind as well as stupid? he is a terrible, evil, foul fucking person, and supporting him makes you one as well...and an idiot, to boot
Oh But we should just disregard all of the fuk'd up thing's Barry did? 150 Billion to Iran, for what? ISIS calmed down after His traitor ass left office. I don't usually comment on moronic posts but you little bitches need to get used to Trump. He'll win again in 2020.

"all the things Obama did" and then your example was returning money to Iran that was legally theirs as ordered by international courts. Hey, dumbass, Trump just put before Congress HIS recommendation to strip Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security from the budget. Earlier on, put this nation in hock up to his fat ass by giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy. Do you see the connection? The fucker is telling us quite clearly that he is only out for himself and the wealthy of this nation.

Democrats can fumble the ball but that's the only way Trump wins again. It was how he won before. That, vote rigging and some help from his patron, Putin.
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There's no sense in trying to help or tell Trump supporters anything, they would believe if he shit on a table and told them it was Meatloaf they would start gobbling it down like it was the last meal on the planet.

I always have faith they can change, But by what we have all seen lately, It's a lost cause. They can keep eating his shit because that's all they have an appetite for.

When Trump supporters stand behind him, and think Obama did nothing doesn't that says it all ? I think it's all that intelligence they must love.

It is un-american as you can get, and this keep talking about our economy how it's thriving, I have news for you trumpers, it's all because of the Black Man. But no worries it will soon be back to the way it was before the Black man brought the U.S. out of the ditch and back on to the road. Trump will destroy the U.S if not the whole world if we don't get him out in 2020.

Trump 2020 One and Done !!! that should be his slogan.
Oh But we should just disregard all of the fuk'd up thing's Barry did? 150 Billion to Iran, for what? ISIS calmed down after His traitor ass left office. I don't usually comment on moronic posts but you little bitches need to get used to Trump. He'll win again in 2020.
Hahahaha you sound as scared of Mueller as Trump ...Americans did
not vote for Trump at least the majority didn't and all he has done is cause people who voted for him to turn away in disgust...I will take my chances that the divisive POS will win in 2020 against anyone
There's no sense in trying to help or tell Trump supporters anything, they would believe if he shit on a table and told them it was Meatloaf they would start gobbling it down like it was the last meal on the planet.

I always have faith they can change, But by what we have all seen lately, It's a lost cause. They can keep eating his shit because that's all they have an appetite for.

When Trump supporters stand behind him, and think Obama did nothing doesn't that says it all ? I think it's all that intelligence they must love.

It is un-american as you can get, and this keep talking about our economy how it's thriving, I have news for you trumpers, it's all because of the Black Man. But no worries it will soon be back to the way it was before the Black man brought the U.S. out of the ditch and back on to the road. Trump will destroy the U.S if not the whole world if we don't get him out in 2020.

Trump 2020 One and Done !!! that should be his slogan.
Propaganda works by flooding the daily conversation with it's lies. It takes a long time too. That's what these endless trolls and socks do. There is some evidence that they are paid to do it.

One way to combat propaganda to correcting the lies with facts, early often and repeatedly. I know this is tiresome and repetitive to people like you who get it. Also a bit ridiculous to think I'm making a difference in a pot board. But that's what I do every time I hear another propaganda lie. Not always. Obviously there are times when one has to let it go. But whenever I can, I do and so I did. Others respond the same way. The person making the comment isn't convinced but that's not the objective.

. .
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Propaganda works by flooding the daily conversation with it's lies. It takes a long time too. That's what these endless trolls and socks do. There is some evidence that they are paid to do it.

One way to combat propaganda is to correcting the lies with facts, early often and repeatedly. I know this is tiresome and repetitive to people like you who get it. Also a bit ridiculous to think I'm making a difference in a pot board. But that's what I do every time I hear another propaganda lie. Not always. Obviously there are times when one has to let it go. But whenever I can, I do and so I did. Others respond the same way. The person making the comment isn't convinced but that's not the objective.

. .
doesn't matter where you find it. evil always has to be dealt with. you let it live in one nasty dusty little corner and it'll come back like the nasty infection it is.
bought gasoline the other day...paid a tax

enjoyed the view from my property....paid a tax

Saw some poor kids get hauled off to a government indoctrination center in a yellow bus...paid a tax

Took a shit yesterday using a government mandated size toilet...paid a tax

It rained in New Jersey...those slaves paid a tax

I could go on.

The people you call your leaders (they're really your masters) scheme all day to think of new ways to tax you....slave.
What is a government mandated toilet? You can shit in a bucket if you want to. The plumbing around your toilet isnt mandates. Its codes so your shit works right.
What is a government mandated toilet? You can shit in a bucket if you want to. The plumbing around your toilet isnt mandates. Its codes so your shit works right.
Hookworm has been found in the deep South, Rob's neighborhood, in the soil and in the homes of people living there. It is communicated between people when their skin contacts soil contaminated by feces from infected people. It was considered eradicated 50 years ago but it's back. The eradication effort didn't get all the parasites.
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