Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
So nothing
You just annoy people endlessly with your neo nazi, Ron Paul spam
So nothing
You just annoy people endlessly with your neo nazi, Ron Paul spam
So you’re a polite pedophile/pedophile apologist?Good manners prevents me from responding with a rude retort.[/QUOTE
Been doing it since i was a kid. Dad had me working for him since i was about 12. Been messing with shit ever since
So you’re a polite pedophile/pedophile apologist?
Nice self affirmation ya fukin pervert. Sorry I don’t value politeness as highly as youWell sometimes I treat people the way they deserve to be treated if they are shit heads. I am usually polite though.
Yeah im a shitologistSo you have like a degree in the Fecal Sciences ? Impressive.
Nice self affirmation ya fukin pervert. Sorry I don’t value politeness as highly as you
Yeah im a shitologist
Piss/shit.. Same thing. You should go for your shitology degree. Eat some chipoltle before the test. It all falls downhillI almost was.
I got constipated just before the test and totally fucked my score. Boy was I pissed. Now I'm a urologist.
Piss/shit.. Same thing. You should go for your shitology degree. Eat some chipoltle before the test. It all falls downhill
obviously not, Rob has been posting this entire timeThe eradication effort didn't get all the parasites.
no, you shouldn'tThat was not only not very nice, it wasn't very accurate. Should I take the time to point out the error of your "argument" ? Hmmm.
you talk a lot of shit and never do anything....when is your revolt scheduled to start? when you convince anyone to join you? so never, then? a normal person would look around, see that 99.9% of the population doesn't have ANY of the same disagreements that they have, and perhaps consider that they may have a problem...but not, to Rob, that just means that EVERYONE else on the entire planet is wrong, and it's up to Rob to convince them...but that's not hard enough, Rob will convince them by making specious, circular, fallacious arguments.The problem with "the package" as you refer to it, is it combines some goods and services with "bads and disservices" in every instance, doesn't it ? Which makes it schizophrenic and dangerous, at best.
If I made a deal with you like that, gave you what you wanted in a fair exchange for what we agreed to, but then also kicked you in the balls, (which wasn't agreed to) you'd be correct to declare my behavior out of line. That's the deal you get with government and I'm only the person pointing out to you those kinds of deals shouldn't exist and aren't necessary.
Goods and services CAN be separated from bads and disservices, but not if you keep supporting systems which are fundamentally flawed.
I make arguments that you avoid, not because they are nonsensical, because they point out what is, is nonsensical and contradictory.
i don't control my emotions, i control my response to them...emotions are meant to be felt, and if you don't feel them passionately, you're already half dead. you can't explain anything to me, you have never made any sense to anyone but yourself. you live in a fantasy world where people feel the way you feel, and want the things you want...but you're the only one that feels or wants those're alone...and apparently always will may find a few like minded luddites, if you do, go found a commune and leave the rest of us alone. please.Some day , after you can control your emotions a little better maybe I could explain how and why you are in error.
Your "better come armed" comment is very ironic, since that is how government agents roll, always with a threat of violence when you don't pay them for the deals they made for you...without your consent. I'm the one saying there is another way.
removing law enforcement, removing all taxes, letting the infrastructure of the country disintegrate, letting the strong oppress the weak....yeah, that's another wayI'm the one saying there is another way.
he is talking to you....Sounds like you might know your shit.
nice selfieImagine if there really was a shit monster. You'd probably be his friend wouldn't you?
My answer is what I did ? the first go around on my home I offered 7% percent under listing price, they would only go 5%. Pulled out to wait and see how long it would actually sit on the market. Came back after two months. Still did jump on it until 5 months with an offer of 11% below listing...again rejected. They took it at the 8 month mark. I only said 11% to get the 7%, was surprised that I got them on the 11...and you did what to negotiate your home or where you just excited to get you first home?? I'm almost afraid to ask your annual percentage rateYour answer is a cop out. The kind of "negotiation" you mentioned is like if you were going to get raped and your assailant let you decide if it was oral or anal. At least have the balls to admit the option you mention isn't a negotiation and the only thing compromised is your choice.
Tax assessor? Puhleeze.
I know all the whine to government for a lesser beating process quite well, but thanks anyway.
I have money saved up and waiting on the TAX Auctions. I'm looking at three properties that were struck off and will be listed cheaper than asking. My goal is to buy cheap and sell at market value after i clean/paint it up. If I can do that a few times I will have the money to move back home to New Orleans.My answer is what I did ? the first go around on my home I offered 7% percent under listing price, they would only go 5%. Pulled out to wait and see how long it would actually sit on the market. Came back after two months. Still did jump on it until 5 months with an offer of 11% below listing...again rejected. They took it at the 8 month mark. I only said 11% to get the 7%, was surprised that I got them on the 11...and you did what to negotiate your home or where you just excited to get you first home?? I'm almost afraid to ask your annual percentage rate![]()