First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be starting my first small grow in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 grow tent. I'm currently looking at an HLG or AgroMax grow light, but I'm unsure about what model would give me the best value, and is able to take 2 plants full cycle in my space?

- I've budgeted ~$250 CAD for my light, but will spend a bit more if needed
- I'm open to kits / diy

Where are the best places to buy these things? Everywhere I've seen seems to be sold out... I'm in Canada if that changes anything.

I was just looking at an HLG 65 V2 4000k on amazon for $195 US, good deal?
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Thanks a lot, I noticed that they have the QB288 v2 4k on sale right now, would I bet better off grabbing two of these?
Go for it, worst case you have one for veg use the other to flower. I have 2 of those one 4k, the other is 3k my plants have never looked better...
You could look at Atreum and RapidLed too though duty fees and shipping will probably not be worth it unless you're ordering a large amount. The hortibloom systems being posted here are a great value. Alternatively, if you don't mind a little Diy you could source the parts from digikey
After looking at the Atreum, I think I've narrowed down my choices to the Atreum 288 ($75), or a pair of QB120s I found for $65 US... what would give me the best bang for my buck? Thanks for the suggestions so far.
I'm assuming the HLG uses the older diodes while the atreum uses lm301b diodes. Be aware that you'll need a driver as well. Atreum is great value but consider shipping and duty fees.
What about running vanity lights and screwing in 60watt bulbs to each port.

Get two vanity lights. Get 4 bulbs per.

Looking at about 480 watts total and about 250 from the wall.
After looking at the Atreum, I think I've narrowed down my choices to the Atreum 288 ($75), or a pair of QB120s I found for $65 US... what would give me the best bang for my buck? Thanks for the suggestions so far.
I believe you will under powered with only 120watt of lights in a 2.5x2.5
These prices are with shipping + duty:

Atreum 288 w/ heatsink = $158 CAD + driver
QB 120 x 2, w/ no heatsink, but leds are pretty spaced out = $135 CAD + driver (and maybe a heatsink)
Also found a local guy selling a QB 288 w/ heatsink and an HLG-120H-48A for $185.00

I'm a bit on the fence about what to get. About to get sucked in and go all out... just remove all the guess work lol
I'm going to be starting my first small grow in a 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 grow tent. I'm currently looking at an HLG or AgroMax grow light, but I'm unsure about what model would give me the best value, and is able to take 2 plants full cycle in my space?

- I've budgeted ~$250 CAD for my light, but will spend a bit more if needed
- I'm open to kits / diy

Where are the best places to buy these things? Everywhere I've seen seems to be sold out... I'm in Canada if that changes anything.

I was just looking at an HLG 65 V2 4000k on amazon for $195 US, good deal?

I know this isn't what you asked.

Personally what I would do is grab a cheap blurple (viperspectra's seem alright so far for me) get a 300W for 110$ or a 600W for 200$ Cad currently on amazon. Then properly invest in HLG's once you have saved money from your harvest. From what I've read when I was going through lighting selection you're going to need 3-4 HLG 65's to get a great coverage in a 2.5x2.5 where as you could use a cheaper 300W blurple and get similar results. But if you're looking to use HLG or quantums you're looking at a good 450 - 500$ CAD from a 2.5x2.5 or 3x3 tent.
These prices are with shipping + duty:

Atreum 288 w/ heatsink = $158 CAD + driver
QB 120 x 2, w/ no heatsink, but leds are pretty spaced out = $135 CAD + driver (and maybe a heatsink)
Also found a local guy selling a QB 288 w/ heatsink and an HLG-120H-48A for $185.00

I'm a bit on the fence about what to get. About to get sucked in and go all out... just remove all the guess work lol
In stock now at hlg you can get 1 pack qb132v1(4boards) 3500k $109 usd then get a hlg-240h-c1750a driver to power them all.
Think I'm going to go with those QB132s... not too bad after shipping. My only concern is the watts from the wall, its 300 for 4 of them, which seems to be a bit more than other setups for this size. Also, will I be ok running these without heatsinks? The LEDs are pretty spread out, but I remember reading a thread about these running hot and having to be dimmed.
Think I'm going to go with those QB132s... not too bad after shipping. My only concern is the watts from the wall, its 300 for 4 of them, which seems to be a bit more than other setups for this size. Also, will I be ok running these without heatsinks? The LEDs are pretty spread out, but I remember reading a thread about these running hot and having to be dimmed.
Get the HLG 185 c1400 to run em at 200 watts. 50 watts per board will not require a heatsink