Good fiscal sense shouldn't be a dividing line of politics. I find it curious.
Keynesian economics has been proven over and over to be the most fair and efficient. If it was truly applied in a non-diluted form for thirty straight years, no matter which party was in power, much more problem solving and improvement in society could be accomplished. Instead, by putting economics on a political undulation, we go back and forth and basically tread economic water. At some point we will run out of steam and the shore may be uncomfortably distant.
By the way, the ONLY reason Socialism seems to be remotely attractive is because every socialist system observable (Europe) is in partnership either directly or indirectly with a COLOSSAL economic Capitalist ENGINE called the United States. Something to consider. It's a slow burner so take your time with it and try and absorb the full meaning of the big picture.
Take care.