Cutter New Web site

The 5050 BR strip is upto a 400W board. I don't know of any heatsinks that are available to take the heat out of a board that size, I have heard of people using water cooling to get the heat out. I wouldn't push it past 100w unless you had a really good heatsink.

"he 5050 BR strip is upto a 400W board"

>>what are you talking about??
I want to see this set up too, you are pushing them really hard. Have you checked the board temperature?
20190401_142435.jpg 20190401_142515.jpg 20190401_142553.jpg
I think we'd all appreciate some picos of a liquid cooled setup that actually works.
Its just a test bench right now, but here you go.
I want to see this set up too, you are pushing them really hard. Have you checked the board temperature?
I don't have a temp probe at the moment but feeling by hand its about 40C.

Aluminum 2"x1"x1/16" thick with welded threaded end caps. Cheap brushless aquarium pump. Hyperfan 10". Triple core Civic radiator. 1x ELG 300 24 per channel. don't have 220v to try out 600W, but plan to try soon.

My plan is to get a commercial product going and also supply DIY parts and kits. I will start a thread when its closer to final product. Cheers to the future!
The Cree 5050 is a 4-5 W chip. Theres almost a 100 of them. Not sure on how to run it that hard without active heatsinking.

>>Thanks......too bad wellight didn't tell me..or mr math guy[thanks anyway]


So this 80$ canadian strip [before taxes and shipping] can go to 400w?

so 200-250 w is a good wattage..but guess because of the size of it..running at 200-250 would still need cooling

fk the liquid cool
>>Thanks......too bad wellight didn't tell me..or mr math guy[thanks anyway]


So this 80$ canadian strip [before taxes and shipping] can go to 400w?

so 200-250 w is a good wattage..but guess because of the size of it..running at 200-250 would still need cooling

fk the liquid cool
On the product page, under the green box there is a 4 picture slideshow. There is a voltage, current, power slide. It states that the strip will operate @ up to 50W with no heatsinking.
Technically It is a 600W max strip. I think these can be run at up to 300W with a fan cooled heatsink and long as thermal grease is used.
Any body tried these yet?

At £5 a strip in bulk its less than half that of a Hinflux L06.

How accurate is this? Is that at board level at what TC ?
FV 44.36 Current 1040 lumens 8155.2 watts 46.1 lpw 176.77

All seems a bit too good to be true with them numbers. @welight
I have tested one of these. They are very good. Technically max power is 125 watts. The efficiency chart is based on 4000k 80cri I believe so it is too good to be true but used as reference for power v efficiency scaling. The 90 cri flavors will have similar radiometric efficiency within a few % and give better results.
It does say 155lm/w at nominal which is 25W. Should be around 140lm/w at 50W
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I will do a formal test on these soon and show you guys real life outputs, hopefully in 2 weeks cause I'm a bit busy this week and next week. My tests will usually be under what a manufacturer specifies as they are done in real life conditions
I have tested one of these. They are very good. Technically max power is 125 watts. The efficiency chart is based on 4000k 80cri I believe so it is too good to be true but used as reference for power v efficiency scaling. The 90 cri flavors will have similar radiometric efficiency within a few % and give better results.
It does say 155lm/w at nominal which is 25W. Should be around 140lm/w at 50W

Thanks for the info. Ill get a sample order and test the par output.
"that was a supple hint for you to check what the power usage of these chips is. which would have been self explanatory."

i would have prefered the answer bro...and i had no idea what what being talked about when i saw 400w

Hi Y2turbine

"On the product page, under the green box there is a 4 picture slideshow. There is a voltage, current, power slide. It states that the strip will operate @ up to 50W with no heatsinking.
Technically It is a 600W max strip. I think these can be run at up to 300W with a fan cooled heatsink and long as thermal grease is used."


so it could be run up to 600w but only 50w without cooling..ok 200w and fan cooling sounds good..for 80$ canadian plus shipping

at any rate..its an interesting move to higher wattage chips