I Need Your Help! There's a New Light on the Block

He mentioned to @Stephenj37826 in the quantum board thread about his testing and Stephen told him they were holding out for for some more accurate near field testing equipment to be finalized and explained clearly why they wouldn't be interested.

So he went to another thread bagging on him claiming the reason they didn't want him to test was because they thought he was after some free lights when he clearly explained to him why.
Near field testing is not as accurate as far field testing, near field testing needs to extrapolate the data and gives a false reading. If Stephen bothered to discuss it with me I would have explained it.
You posting other peoples videos and equipment proves nothing. Is that you in that video operating that equipment? I didn't ask you to show me what type of testing equipment you used, I said show us YOUR equipment. Take a picture of you using it, or of your lab with a little paper with your user name on it maybe. Or your stack of hundreds of lights you test like you have claimed.

Who exactly are the "you guys" that you are so proud of your testing for, because I havn't seen you post anything other then a lot of loud mouth talk and arguements telling everyone why their lights suck and you are the only one qualified to make a real light and so on.

You will not see my own products on here for good reason.

There is NO good reason not to post your product if its actually a real product and actually any good. If you can't build it and get it to market before someone steals it then I guess you suck at business. I'm really a very tolerant person, but frankly I'm pretty sick of your holyer then thou attitude with nothing to back it up.

You literally make all kinds of claims with ZERO support, and then turn around and tell eveyone else they are wrong, or can't possibly do what they say they are doing.
I'm sorry if I offended you with my knowledge, and you won't see my lights on an open forum, not from me posting them anyway.

The IES thread is coming soon and you should read it and pay attention to it to get an understanding of how things work in the real lighting industry.

You probably need to read some of the other threads that I have been involved in also.

I offered this guy free testing on his light that would cost him alot of money otherwise, not sure how much fairer I can be than that.
I'm sorry if I offended you with my knowledge, and you won't see my lights on an open forum, not from me posting them anyway.

The IES thread is coming soon and you should read it and pay attention to it to get an understanding of how things work in the real lighting industry.

The real one where people sell lights that cant be seen by human eyes.

The real one where people sell lights that cant be seen by human eyes.
You guys need to understand I have no interest in selling my fixtures here so there is no need to show them to you. I'm simply here to help you all out and you will understand it soon enough.
You guys need to understand I have no interest in selling my fixtures here so there is no need to show them to you. I'm simply here to help you all out and you will understand it soon enough.

You aren't helping anyone by talking shit and making baseless claims. You still are just acting like a troll and dodging the actual issues. Like I said either put up or shut up. You aren't saying anything and you aren't proving anything.

Telling everyone they aren't smart enough to understand why you are so smart really doesn't make sense. If we are all so dumb and useless that you don't want to show your super special amazing magic lights, then you might as well just fuck off with them. If we don't deserve proof of anything then please don't bother posting.

You claim your lights are only for the "real light industry" so why don't you stay there too, because your negative bullshit isn't wanted here.
First off, I'm not a sponsor here and I won't be a sponsor so it's not going to happen. I've been copied too many times and know better than to get copied again. I'm here to teach you guys how to effectively use IES files and once you understand it then you will get a better idea of what I do. This is the reason I haven't started a thread yet as I'm trying to make it less complicated for you guys. I am engaged with many here that actually do understand what I am talking about and they are the ones waiting for me. Takes time to do all these things. I'm very sorry that I do know the latest technology available that you guys haven't seen yet and because of that you think I am making baseless claims.

Can we stop bombing this guys thread and make an I hate Teknik thread instead for entertainment purposes. This guy needs to get his $300,000 of sales up and your criticism of me is not helping.
Your presence is not helping, and you've done nothing but talk shit to this guy since the beginining. So take your shit else where. No one asked you to be a sponser, or anything else. I said put up or shut up, and you can't put up so you should try shutting up.

Your claims are baseless until you prove otherwise, the burden of proof lies with those that make the claim. You can't helping anyone here by going on and on about how we don't understand what you do. You have explained what you claim to do, we actually do get it. What you don't get is that you havn't proven you DO anything. You havn't showed us lights or test equipment, or any proof your not just a sheila sitting in a walabee nest thumbing your ass while you talk shit about other peoples lights on the internet.

I'm normally a really nice guy, but I'm pretty sick of your nonsense. Like I said before put up or shut up. If your worried about muddying the thread, then how about deleting all your bull shit negative posts since you started all this by hating on the OP.
"Can we stop bombing this guys thread"

Coming from the guy who has done nothing but shit on the OP.

You are just a toxic troll. I really don't post much here as I am a hobby grower who just wants to grow some plants with leds. I've been around for almost a decade and have seen first hand what helping others looks like by many regular posters on here and other growing forums. You are not one of them.
"Can we stop bombing this guys thread"

Coming from the guy who has done nothing but shit on the OP.

You are just a toxic troll. I really don't post much here as I am a hobby grower who just wants to grow some plants with leds. I've been around for almost a decade and have seen first hand what helping others looks like by many regular posters on here and other growing forums. You are not one of them.
Just an observation of mine, you have been on here for almost a decade, I've been on here for almost 2 months, yet I have nearly 10X more likes than you do. I asked you once before to block me kotobide but you didn't and now because you perceive me differently as you do others you are the one trolling this guys thread. Just block me it's easy.
Just an observation of mine, you have been on here for almost a decade, I've been on here for almost 2 months, yet I have nearly 10X more likes than you do. I asked you once before to block me kotobide but you didn't and now because you perceive me differently as you do others you are the one trolling this guys thread. Just block me it's easy.

More likes

Lol really you are pathetic if you think that metric has any meaning
What will I do without being able to compete with Teknik the like master he sure schooled me.

Save that cream puff shit for facebook
I was able to pull them from other companies that use them to cross reference the data. Samsung was also very helpful.
I really do apologise for the outbreak in here, once you get your board done I will test it for you at 4 different currents of your choosing to save you some money if you like. I will test if fast for you so you do not have to wait for a lab.
More likes

Lol really you are pathetic if you think that metric has any meaning

He can't post a single picture or any proof of absolutely any of his claims or even of his job. I sure as hell wouldn't be shipping this guy a light, you'll never see it again.

But lol he has "more likes" wow, it's like being in kindergarten almost.

Well shit if that's how you want to measure the value of post content, then guess what I win ;). I've been here longer than all of you too ;).

Thankfully I don't see it that way and have never given a shit about likes. This site didn't even have a like system when I started here, way back then it was rep points :).

I really do apologise for the outbreak in here, once you get your board done I will test it for you at 4 different currents of your choosing to save you some money if you like. I will test if fast for you so you do not have to wait for a lab.

I told you to shut your mouth! You started the shit storm your getting so take it like the shiela you are! You made an ass of yourself over and over on this site. The OP knows whats up, he was already laughing at your stupidity. Now it sounds like you are trying to charge people to test their lights, is that your real game. You don't want to sell people lights, you just talk shit about people/companies until they pay you to test the lights? Really not a very solid business plan if so, you would be better off selling better lights then them, and having the test results to prove it. BUT you don't have better lights or test results, or atleast you have given us ZERO evidence that you have any of those things. Right now you have the credibility of crack head man.
He can't post a single picture or any proof of absolutely any of his claims or even of his job. I sure as hell wouldn't be shipping this guy a light, you'll never see it again.

But lol he has "more likes" wow, it's like being in kindergarten almost.

Well shit if that's how you want to measure the value of post content, then guess what I win ;). I've been here longer than all of you too ;).

Thankfully I don't see it that way and have never given a shit about likes. This site didn't even have a like system when I started here, way back then it was rep points :).

I told you to shut your mouth! You started the shit storm your getting so take it like the shiela you are! You made an ass of yourself over and over on this site. The OP knows whats up, he was already laughing at your stupidity. Now it sounds like you are trying to charge people to test their lights, is that your real game. You don't want to sell people lights, you just talk shit about people/companies until they pay you to test the lights? Really not a very solid business plan if so, you would be better off selling better lights then them, and having the test results to prove it. BUT you don't have better lights or test results, or atleast you have given us ZERO evidence that you have any of those things. Right now you have the credibility of crack head man.
Once again, please block me if you do not like what I say or how I say it, Also stop with the rants on this thread. I am more than happy for you to make a thread about your hate for me, I will join in on it.
A few questions to the new owner:

What voltage are these new boards and rated output with and without heatsinks?

What type of sinks fit your boards if you want to run them harder?

What types/brand of LEDs, whats the CRi, can I see a spectrum and how close to the Mcree curve is it?

How much far red and how low do they go?

Price seems very exy compared to what other reputable companies currently offer?

Sorry if I missed these answers amongst the other carry on going on....
A few questions to the new owner:

What voltage are these new boards and rated output with and without heatsinks?

What type of sinks fit your boards if you want to run them harder?

What types/brand of LEDs, whats the CRi, can I see a spectrum and how close to the Mcree curve is it?

How much far red and how low do they go?

Price seems very exy compared to what other reputable companies currently offer?

Sorry if I missed these answers amongst the other carry on going on....

It's in there somewhere, but I'll post them again.

The boards are planned to go to 200W with a heatsink and 100W without one. Color accuracy is important to me which is why I chose a more accurate diode than what HLG uses. Instead of using the whole binned option I'm using the Macadam 3-step ellipse bin. Check out the specifics sheet on the LM301b to see what it looks like but in short it ensures the color advertised is what you get. The efficiency of the bin is still SK.

The CRI is 80 at 3000k. There isn't any far red added as that would increase price. If this works out I'll be able to devote more time to creating different options but to keep it simple that's what I chose.

Price might be able to come down another $100 per light depending on the quotes I can get worked out with suppliers. No one wants to do better than 0.15 per diode currently but I hope to drop that a bit with more buying power.

Since there are 640 diodes per board that makes a kit very pricy component wise. Not to mention the cost of production and adding a driver.

For the light output and electricity savings alone this pays for itself in the first run.

For example in Michigan 3000W running costs somewhere around $400 a month. Which covers 3 4x4/5x5s.

Now if you use 6 fixtures at 600W that's 3600W to run three other areas for roughly the same bill maybe bringing it up to $500 for double the output.

I'll be building these for my self either way so if people don't want it now and want to wait for more long term results I'll be here.

I have to have the heatsinks custom made but they do cover the whole board unlike the off brand Chinese ones ive seen. Then again it's only 200W per board, my testing may come back that they don't really need a heatsink at that level since they have an aluminum backplate. I would love it if that ends up happening.

Consider that the light is 600W pushing the same amount of light as a 1000W DEHPS. Since the panels are not a single point of light you have more even coverage making sure you have no hotspots.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if I missed something.