The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

these do not seem like the actions of people with nothing to hide to me...
these assholes should just remember that next year is an election you really want to be shielding trump right now? do you not want to have a political career when it finally becomes clear that trump is a fucking criminal? if i was a Republican politician right now, i'd be calling for his tax returns, birth certificate (or at least his fathers, written in german.....) and TAX RETURNS for the last ten years....but i think it will be unnecessary once the report actually drops...Mueller thinking he did not have enough proof to nail trump to the wall on collusion is not the same as having entire political party doesn't fight to hide an important document because it has information in it that is helpful to them....
i'm very surprised that it hasn't already been hacked and released online.....slacker hackers.......

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i'm beginning to wonder why the report was written, if NO ONE is allowed to read it...why does it even exist if not one fucking person in the entire country is allowed to look at it, because it MAY effect some ongoing or even potential court case? u.s. congress people and senators don't have a high enough security clearance to read a report they ordered themselves? just exactly what kind of lab rat maze has the legal system become? is there a minotaur waiting at the middle of it?
give the fucking thing to congress, AND the senate...and let them decide what should happen....that is their job, isn't it?
checks and balances and all that? how can you check something when no one tells you it's happening? how do you balance something when you're not allowed to see it?
Barr shouldn't be allowed to touch the thing again, let Mueller do any redacting that needs to be done, Barr has already shown where his sympathies lie...with the fucking cheeto


Well-Known Member
i'm beginning to wonder why the report was written, if NO ONE is allowed to read it...why does it even exist if not one fucking person in the entire country is allowed to look at it, because it MAY effect some ongoing or even potential court case? u.s. congress people and senators don't have a high enough security clearance to read a report they ordered themselves? just exactly what kind of lab rat maze has the legal system become? is there a minotaur waiting at the middle of it?
give the fucking thing to congress, AND the senate...and let them decide what should happen....that is their job, isn't it?
checks and balances and all that? how can you check something when no one tells you it's happening? how do you balance something when you're not allowed to see it?
Barr shouldn't be allowed to touch the thing again, let Mueller do any redacting that needs to be done, Barr has already shown where his sympathies lie...with the fucking cheeto
They might wish they had released the report, the democrats are just going to publicly reconstruct it in hearings with the guidance of Mueller's people. I mean more people are gonna stand up and notice when Mueller testifies before the house judiciary committee than would pay attention to the report which might be soon forgotten, no matter how bad it was for Trump. Until they can get a hold of the report they can ask for the grand jury testimony to be released to the judicial committee and publicly reproduce some of the testimony in hearings simply by calling the witnesses to testify before congress.

Getting Trump's tax returns is a much simpler proposition, in the end the head of the treasury and the head of the IRS will go to jail if they don't cough up Trump's tax returns, end of story. I understand that it's illegal for Trump to even attempt to interfere with the release of his taxes and there is a specific statute that pertains to it. It doesn't mean Trump's taxes will be made public, just that Chairman Nadler and his hand picked experts can go over them to see if Trump cheated on his taxes or might have conflicts of interest. Word will get out that Trump's net worth is far less than a billion dollars and that's what concerns Donald the most. If he had to pay back everybody he screwed he'd owe ten billion, he took the family fortune and blew it in Atlantic city because he ran everything he touched into the ground. We've seen enough of Trump's mismanagement and incompetence to know that he couldn't make it as an honest man and kept afloat laundering Russian money and doing their bidding. How do you think he made it through the 2008 financial crises when he couldn't get money from regular banks in good times? They need to put trump's finances under a microscope since 2000 or at least go back to 2005, though his 2016 and 2017 returns should be interesting, so should Jared and Ivanka's.
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Well-Known Member
these do not seem like the actions of people with nothing to hide to me.
The report is suppose to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election and any Americans conspiring with it, along with any other crimes Mueller might find along the way (as we have seen). Why would the GOP, the AG and president fight tooth and nail to avoid releasing such a report to congress? It's about Russian interference in the election and congress has an oversight duty as well as a prescriptive one to make sure it doesn't happen again and it needs the unredacted Mueller report to do that. It's not like Nadler doesn't have clearance to work with classified documents...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

i was waiting for this ...i knew there was no way in hell trump would let his tax returns out willingly.
he can't be a man and do the right thing, because he's a criminal fuck, and he knows this is the easiest way for them to bring his ass down...if he had nothing to hide, he wouldn't be hiding anything, he'd be freely publishing his taxes to make the point that he isn't a thieving piece of shit...
i cannot believe that the republicans are still supporting this fucker. but that's ok...they'll figure it out next year...


Well-Known Member

i was waiting for this ...i knew there was no way in hell trump would let his tax returns out willingly.
he can't be a man and do the right thing, because he's a criminal fuck, and he knows this is the easiest way for them to bring his ass down...if he had nothing to hide, he wouldn't be hiding anything, he'd be freely publishing his taxes to make the point that he isn't a thieving piece of shit...
i cannot believe that the republicans are still supporting this fucker. but that's ok...they'll figure it out next year...
Really, if nothing to hide, save the nation the money and time subpoenaing them.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Really, if nothing to hide, save the nation the money and time subpoenaing them.
never, ever happen...the only reason to hide your taxes is that you cheated on them...period. the more he tries to hide them, the more he expect a fucking EPIC battle before we ever see page one of trumps taxes...


Well-Known Member
Larry Mnuchin Must Not Stop IRS From Releasing Trump's Tax Returns | The Last Word | MSNBC
In a Washington Post op-ed, Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers argues that it is "inappropriate and probably illegal" for Steve Mnuchin to try to block the IRS from releasing Trump's tax returns. Summers joins Lawrence for an exclusive interview.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
everything trump and his entire camp does is inappropriate and probably illegal, why would we expect them to ever do the right thing? trump has to cover up every aspect of his life, because every aspect of his life could land him in prison...everything he has done up to taking office has had some aspect of illegality to it...everything...(and apparently, most of the things he has done after taking office, as well.) he's misreported the value of every property he's ever owned to get out of paying taxes...he's hidden assets, hidden cash, given his family the same illegal unreported "loans" that he got from his father. he set up a charity to steal from and hide assets with...the list goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
Here's why we must impeach Donald Trump: In fact, it's more urgent than ever
High crimes and misdemeanors? Where do we start? Even if he's not convicted, it's time to draw a line in the sand

One of the most challenging tasks Americans can undertake at the moment is to impeach the president for his myriad high crimes and misdemeanors. It’s challenging but we have no choice. It has to be done for a variety of reasons including and especially this: it’s almost impossible to simply name, much less adjudicate, every impeachment-worthy trespass by Donald Trump simply because there are so many.

Where to begin?

This is as good a place as any: CNN’s Jake Tapper reported this week that Trump ordered federal agents in El Paso to not only disregard asylum laws but to also defy any court-ordered injunctions against Trump’s barbaric and unconstitutional family-separation policy. Indeed, the most obvious impeachable crimes by the president involve abuses of power like this one -- literal crimes against humanity inflicted upon Central Americans fleeing from drug violence and death. Yet Trump clearly believes Richard Nixon’s unitary executive creed: “When the president does it, that means that it’s not illegal.” He’s milking this political theory so vigorously you could cut glass with Dick Cheney’s erection.

What else?

There are his hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, with the conspiracy reaching into the Oval Office where Trump handed over the Daniels payments to Michael Cohen.


Well-Known Member
It looks like Peckerhead fucked with the wrong guy when he screwed over daddy Warbucks Bezos, a man who can afford his own fucking space program with spare change. It's too late for Pecker to drop this hot potato and it looks like Bezos wants to see Pecker's plea deal in the Trump hush money pay off fraud case broken. Pecker must be freaking out now, he's got his ass hanging out and King Kong wants it!
Could Jeff Bezos Finally Crush the National Enquirer?

It’s a bad day for Trump’s favorite tabloid as American Media Inc. looks to sell the Enquirer and Jeff Bezos reportedly talks to prosecutors about his extortion and hacking claims.

American Media Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer, is seeking to sell the embattled tabloid just as Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is reportedly meeting with New York federal prosecutors over extortion and hacking claims that he and his associates have made against the publisher.

Earlier this year, the Enquirer enraged the billionaire after it ran a story on his alleged extramarital affair with media personality Lauren Sanchez. Bezos fired back with a scathing post on Medium in which he claimed that the Enquirer had tried to extort him with dick pics. Bezos’ security consultant, Gavin de Becker, also accused AMI of being “in league” in Saudi Arabia in a Daily Beast op-ed.

On Wednesday evening, American Media Inc. said it was exploring “strategic options for its National Enquirer (U.S. and U.K. editions), Globe and National Examiner brands” in a press release. The publisher said it expected a sale to occur “in the near future.”


Well-Known Member
It looks like Peckerhead fucked with the wrong guy when he screwed over daddy Warbucks Bezos, a man who can afford his own fucking space program with spare change. It's too late for Pecker to drop this hot potato and it looks like Bezos wants to see Pecker's plea deal in the Trump hush money pay off fraud case broken. Pecker must be freaking out now, he's got his ass hanging out and King Kong wants it!
Could Jeff Bezos Finally Crush the National Enquirer?

It’s a bad day for Trump’s favorite tabloid as American Media Inc. looks to sell the Enquirer and Jeff Bezos reportedly talks to prosecutors about his extortion and hacking claims.

American Media Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer, is seeking to sell the embattled tabloid just as Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is reportedly meeting with New York federal prosecutors over extortion and hacking claims that he and his associates have made against the publisher.

Earlier this year, the Enquirer enraged the billionaire after it ran a story on his alleged extramarital affair with media personality Lauren Sanchez. Bezos fired back with a scathing post on Medium in which he claimed that the Enquirer had tried to extort him with dick pics. Bezos’ security consultant, Gavin de Becker, also accused AMI of being “in league” in Saudi Arabia in a Daily Beast op-ed.

On Wednesday evening, American Media Inc. said it was exploring “strategic options for its National Enquirer (U.S. and U.K. editions), Globe and National Examiner brands” in a press release. The publisher said it expected a sale to occur “in the near future.”
catch and kill for a dollar.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they will remove Donald from the WH the same way as Assange was removed, dragged out kicking and screaming...
Why Assange’s Arrest Is A Huge Moment In The Russia Investigation | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Mimi Rocah, New York Times Washington Correspondent Charlie Savage and former FBI Executive Assistant Director Bob Anderson join MTP Daily to discuss Julian Assange’s arrest and its connection to the Mueller investigation.


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting fact about the risks of obeying Donald concerning the release of his taxes...
Blocking Trump Tax Return Release Puts Treasury Sec. In Legal Jeopardy | The Last Word | MSNBC
In a new Daily Beast article, tax expert David Cay Johnston reveals that if the treasury secretary and IRS commissioner do not comply with the request to release Trump's tax returns, they will be violating a law punishable by up to five years in prison. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses with David Cay Johnston in an exclusive interview.


Well-Known Member
catch and kill for a dollar.
I figure this little bit of sleaziness might cost Pecker quite a few dollars, maybe all of his dollars, if Bezos can get him into civil court over it. He's trying real hard to screw up Pecker's plea deal with the SDNY and it looks like Pecker might have violated it. I see AMI is trying to unload the National Inquirer ASAP fire sale cheap and it's not hard to figure out why. I hope King Kong crushes the fucker, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, maybe he'll squeal some more on Donald to get his sentence reduced. I wonder if Donald will pardon him, Bezos won't though since his ex wife just got 36 billion and Pecker fucked him over real good. I'd say King Kong wants Pecker's ass rather badly.:clap: