What did you accomplish today?

ready to start this long ass 2 days of mine. made some coffee and i got 1 out of 5 things done. starting my cold turkey later on today it has come at a good time to start because my throat is killing me i think it is from vaping but my coil is burnt so it irritates my throat sucking in burn tasting fumes. feeling like i swallowed a bunch of fiber glass
In the Sea of Socks...
i got 4 out of 5 things done today. went to pick up my moms ashes in our pendants and put mine on but the chain is too short for my liking and fairly cheap will be buying a longer one and stronger one as i plan to pretty much wear it everyday. im not the type of person to wear any jewelry either unless it is a gift or holds significant meaning to me i don't wear any jewelry not even a watch.

got to go to work in a few hours shouldn't be to bad it's monday and i work with one of the fastest guys as well. still waiting for my sunflower seeds to get in i think the tracking number is broken though still says it's in processing when it's been almost an entire week. it should ship out either today or tomorrow though but regardless im not too worried i can't even plant them yet still running my girls in my tent. im starting to kind of flush them as an experiment see what happens due to all the flushing arguements but i always want to try and force my plants to use up all the nutrients in the soil and plants themselves.

im honestly not ready to start this cold turkey but it needs to be done the sooner i get it over with the better. in the long run it will save me around $150-200 a month
Pulled some weeds by the roses out front, bled on my jeans a bit because the roses like to grab my arm when I am near them. Topped one of my plants and put the tops in my cloning greenhouse in peat pots with rooting hormone. Bought beer and I'm in the process of emptying said beer cans of their contents. I think some tincture would be advised at this point.
Pulled some weeds by the roses out front, bled on my jeans a bit because the roses like to grab my arm when I am near them. Topped one of my plants and put the tops in my cloning greenhouse in peat pots with rooting hormone. Bought beer and I'm in the process of emptying said beer cans of their contents. I think some tincture would be advised at this point.
Yesterday I walked into the pond land with the chainsaw. Smoked a while, then worked a while. On the way back out, I noticed my shirt sleeve was wet. Looked and I had blood all the way down to my elbow. I was going from camp to camp, but had promised the wife I would stop in for a kiss when I went by the house, so I got her to clean it up for me. Later on down at the river camp I scratched the same arm, but down closer to the wrist. I noticed it when my watch felt wet. One of the joys of getting old is skin that tears when you look at it. {or work in a bunch of oak blowdowns wearing short sleeves}