What did you accomplish today?

I've been learning SEO and how to use Google Search Console and it's analytics to better market my new music website. I find it fun and interesting to see what works and what doesn't through Google's statistical feedback, then making the necessary tweaks to optimize my site's ranking. It's great to witness technology become easier and easier for the end user layman to understand and control. Science ftw...

Enjoying the learning curve of a new business adventure is a sweet feeling. It's good to hear your
interests are paying off.


The day the digital watch was invented my dad developed an allergy to learning anything electronic. :cry:
If it requires any programing he avoids it. The only logs he ever went thru were to pick the best fence posts.;-)

He has the imagination, give him the blue prints and conventional tools and he can build whatever you desire.
There is no need to ask him about the internet, he is not willing to turn a PC on. It can be aggravating at times.:wall:
kind of my attitude too...i don't look for nasty shit to roll around in, but at this point in the game....there's been more than enough damage done for me to get very excited about some herbicide
My biggest concern is how wide spread it's use is, and the fact that crops have been genetically modified to withstand the stuff. And now Roundup Resistant Hog Weed is kicking ass and taking names. Cotton farmers are in a world of hurt. They are trying two new poisons along with RU, but it's unclear if it will work.