Elev8 seeds is legit

Well that's what I hear about sour patch and blackberry. Hence I was so upset both packs entirely didnt germinate what so ever. I'm not even bothering to check new seeds till like tomorrow night lol. Give it some time. Should be good if the seeds are good this time around. Good to hear about the king tut. I can't wait for that one. But double stuffed sorbet has me curious big time. My current grow should be done in like 4 weeks now roughly I believe. Maybe 5 lol. Bunch of the packs I grew out last batch did mention 8-9 weeks flowering so. I got karmas terp line fruitbowl, ewe-2 and blackdog by humbolt, red dragon freebie from barneys farm, golden berry and el fuego by dna genetics. So far the only one I'm disappointed in is the black dog. Well, one pheno anyways.... Smells like spices and doesn't look nearly as good as the rest of anything in that room. Meh. Every other strain is doing great and starting to pack on some frost but that one black dog pheno is just weird lol
Hey, I remember that night, that was a fun night! I was into an ancient bottle of Glenfiddich and my head was sideways on the desk typing that. Looked like mites at that angle at midnight.

I was going to edit it in the morning but then noticed that he had doctored photos, was passing the finished product as his own. Saw it probably wan't mites, but who knows, he'd lie about that too.

He deleted the ripped off fotos from his initial posting is probably why U mad and confused, Bro....Go find stock fotos for Elev8 seeds if you want to see his other pictures he was passing for his finished product, or fuck off.
You only see half the pictures a year later and kick a dead horse.

He got caught flat out lying and claiming that was his stuff finished, then deleted it.

There were questions of male lineage, seeing how the red haired step children were popping up. People were confused by traits the early runs had, did you miss that?
If the king fucks the queen, it a royal child.
If the kings trans brother fucks the queen, its an illegitimate royal child.
If you fuck the queen, it's a royal bastard with red hair.

I see . Well all the photos I posted I legitimately grew cutes and smoked
Well that's what I hear about sour patch and blackberry. Hence I was so upset both packs entirely didnt germinate what so ever. I'm not even bothering to check new seeds till like tomorrow night lol. Give it some time. Should be good if the seeds are good this time around. Good to hear about the king tut. I can't wait for that one. But double stuffed sorbet has me curious big time. My current grow should be done in like 4 weeks now roughly I believe. Maybe 5 lol. Bunch of the packs I grew out last batch did mention 8-9 weeks flowering so. I got karmas terp line fruitbowl, ewe-2 and blackdog by humbolt, red dragon freebie from barneys farm, golden berry and el fuego by dna genetics. So far the only one I'm disappointed in is the black dog. Well, one pheno anyways.... Smells like spices and doesn't look nearly as good as the rest of anything in that room. Meh. Every other strain is doing great and starting to pack on some frost but that one black dog pheno is just weird lol

Right now I’m running some 60’s bag seeds which look fantastic, no clue what they are. Swiss cheese from nirvana , grand daddy purp from ken Estes , animal cookies from bc bud depot .
This Mac x aaw are going to blow you away. You're in for a treat. Those are from rosinallday, he's on this site, usually in the bodhi thread.

I take it you've grown these? If so what were they like?

I've been on strainly, but haven't seen them listed on the site.
Not yet, check out @Pa-Nature thread the snow show. I think he's got a couple going. So does @whytewidow

There was a good bit of pics in the old capulator thread, but it's gone.
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Little update, so a bit of good and bad.
First off, all the seeds have taken way way longer than any other brand of seed thus far to date...only today did the sour patch kiss have a couple far enough along to put into dirt...the rest need another day or two before. So all in all 5/6 sour patch kiss have germinated, just some faster than others. Holding out false hope on that sixth seed in the pack still lol. BUT...as for the blackberry dream... My goodness... Still zero roots showing yet out of the seed. Been doing its thing for Atleast five days solid now. However... I saw 2-3 seeds cracked open.. Just the root hasn't made it out quite yet. Figure I'll give it a couple more days to hold out hope for it. No idea why Elev8 has given me these issues lol. Still a way way way better ratio than 0/12 on the last two packs I got before they replaced mine free of charge. Way better. So far I'm thinking it was just the handling of the seed in store maybe where I got them from. But still, blackberry dream is becoming a blackberry nightmare all the rest not from Elev8 have taken right off already though. Terrible ratio of success on blackberry, however I'd recomend the spk so far. Developed bigger roots out of nowhere lol.
So I popped 22 exotic genetics falcon 9 seeds . Not one sprouted, I got some tails that was it . I popped 10 Cannarado orange cheddar (not ultimate cheddar I posted before) 10:10 for Cannarado. I put 10 elev8 dosi-Sherbet at the same time as Cannarado. The Cannarado already blew out of the shells of the seeds in 48 hours I put them in coco last night at 9pm checked them this morning at 7 am most of them already popped out of the coco. Still nothing from elev8 seeds just a few tails sticking out . So far I’m disappointed from elev8 surely disappointed from exotic genetics . Cannarado is obviously a great company .
So I popped 22 exotic genetics falcon 9 seeds . Not one sprouted, I got some tails that was it . I popped 10 Cannarado orange cheddar (not ultimate cheddar I posted before) 10:10 for Cannarado. I put 10 elev8 dosi-Sherbet at the same time as Cannarado. The Cannarado already blew out of the shells of the seeds in 48 hours I put them in coco last night at 9pm checked them this morning at 7 am most of them already popped out of the coco. Still nothing from elev8 seeds just a few tails sticking out . So far I’m disappointed from elev8 surely disappointed from exotic genetics . Cannarado is obviously a great company .

So as of now exotic will be sending me new seeds of a different strain they said that they had a problem with that strain and they’re all out of falcon 9 seeds. I’ll find out what they send when I get them . Hopefully it’s great
So as of now exotic will be sending me new seeds of a different strain they said that they had a problem with that strain and they’re all out of falcon 9 seeds. I’ll find out what they send when I get them . Hopefully it’s great

Same happened to me. Two packs of Elev8 and none popped. For the replacements, the sour patch kiss has 5/6 germinated super super well and have popped up through soil. Had over 1cm root tails before dirt lol. Their bla lberry dream though... Still nothing from replacements... Nadda...

Looking like I’ll get 9/10 elev8 dosi-Sherbert to sprout too . Took a lot longer to germinate than other seeds but they did germinate. Can’t wait


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Pics of one of my latest grows almost ready


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Met this guys wife not long ago. She was on business out of town. Never smoked any of the product or worked with it, but he definitely has a seed company :P Seemed like good people. Far from shady and more like the people you would want to roll one up with and go grab dinner or something...
Met this guys wife not long ago. She was on business out of town. Never smoked any of the product or worked with it, but he definitely has a seed company :P Seemed like good people. Far from shady and more like the people you would want to roll one up with and go grab dinner or something...
The grand dad is amazing. Had it for a few years now
Well, 5/6 broke shell germinating.. Two popped through soil a bit ago... The rest didn't make it so far. As for black berry dream. . 3/6 broke shell. 1 was rooted enough to pop into the soil. The other two are seriously seriously lagging behind. Still barely out of the shell. I keep thinking well maybe they failed? But every couple days the root gets just a touch longer on the remaining two, and is still nice and white. The one blackberry dream I have put into soil, still hasn't broke soil yet...not sure what to make of that. Sour patch kiss is growing slower as well but still growing Atleast. Worse comes to worse I'll.mother up a sour patch and if it ever pops past soil a black berry dream, and just use clones for a while.. I know it's not that I'm doing anything wrong I mean... My king tut and double stuffed sorbet by dna and pyramid seeds are doing fantastic. Thriving very very well. Has anyone else had this issue from Elev8 where the seeds take forever to germinate and pop through soil? I mean... Sour patch and blackberry, I was hoping were going to be the absolute hands down stars of the show so to speak.
Bought a 6-pack of Gorilla Glue Feminized seeds from Elev8. Only 2 germinated. So I tried to get ahold of Elev8. No response. They dont answer their phone calls, and they dont respond to email. Once you give them money, they are totally done with you. Horrible experience, and I will not buy form them again.