I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

@Airwalker16 I Was just looking at your mini-dwc pics, the line leaving your pump,feeding the waterfalls, it starts out at 3/4" vinyl tubing from the pump, hits a 4-way manifold then reduces to 1/2" vinyl to the bucket,goes into the bucket and ends as a 1/2"(?) Elbow right?
The MINI system uses 1/2" black vinyl tubing connected to cross barbs. The tubing going to the buckets is 5/16" and actually fits INSIDE the 1/2" barbs. That's why I used marine grade heatshrink tubing to seal the connection.
If you do F & D or RTW, it is totally uneccessary to areate your reservoir.
The moment that water comes out of a tube and get in cpntact with the air, it will have maximum DO.
The only reason why one could use a circulationpump in your reservoir, is to make sure that your water and nutrients are mixed well.
For the rest, no need at all.
Maxium DO is soooooo easy to reach.
Besides that, there is oxygen around your roots when they are not flooded.
If the roots are just damp, they will uptake so much oxygen in gaseous state.
The moment the roots get flooded, the roots will uptake water and oxygen (DO).
And after the drain, enough small waterdrops are around your roots, and also enough oxygen.
Oxygen in gaseous state is hundreds of times more effective, which the roots will uptake because of the film of water around the roots.
Same reason when the water comes out of the barbed 90 and down in to the bucket sites, it's at fully Max DO.
I got rid of them by running a 1600 GPH pump from a res to 8 5 gal sites using a manifold and lines to water fall into each bucket from a 90 coming out the side wall through a grommet pointing downwards

Quick question mate, and good idea about skipping the airpump etc, what size of pump what you use as a minimum for buckets that are 5-6 gallon, 4 or 6 or them that is...
Cheers for the reply, 1600gph is also alot of water, must also use quite a bit of power, then the pump I have should be fine at 727gph at 40 watts...shall be fun having RDWC on the terrace this summer...
I don't know how feasible it'd be, bit one thing I would like to improve on whether with bulkheads OR Uniseals is connecting the two pipes that go into the trees into a single3" pipe instead. Using a 2"X2"X3" tee and a 3" cross with 2 reducing adapter inserts with threads to connect to the ends of the 2" pipe with female adapters. Would make for a much simpler clean up and less bulkheads
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I don't know how feasible it'd be, bit one thing I would like to improve on whether with bulkheads OR Uniseals is connecting the two pipes that go into the trees into a single3" pipe instead. Using a 2"X2"X3" tee and a 3" cross with 2 reducing adapter inserts with threads to connect to the ends of the 2" pipe with female adapters. Would make for a much simpler clean up and less bulkheads
Whatever you're saying there, I promise it's too complicated.
Whatever you're saying there, I promise it's too complicated.
Not at all. Very simple.

1 of these:

1 of these:

And 4 of these:

The bushings are threaded but the tee's and cross are not. I can't seem to find a threaded reducer in that size that's only threaded on the female 2" side.
Just to connect the two pipes going into the res into a single one.
The two pipes that connect all the buckets to the res. Just have them connect into a 3" pipe instead of two 2" pipes. It's not rocket science peeps.
I am fighting heat issues right now, this sucks. Thinking about going the o2grow route, I just wish for the money it would do more than 10-20 gallons. I don't want to spend that much on a o2grow unit.
I am fighting heat issues right now, this sucks. Thinking about going the o2grow route, I just wish for the money it would do more than 10-20 gallons. I don't want to spend that much on a o2grow unit.
Don't, it's a waste. Breaking surface tension is the answer.
Don't, it's a waste. Breaking surface tension is the answer.
Hey man, been awhile since we spoke, good to see you're still around.
I am thinking of building a peltier chiller, I have a large chiller that handles about 30-40 gallons, but not running that many plants as I replaced most of my moms to pursue other strains. I am running hydroguard and the plants look good and are still growing, but its def too hot in those buckets and I need to lower temps about 15degrees during the day and 10 at night, I think this is my best bet since I can run these small chillers per bucket pretty cheap. Two peltier chips per bucket at around 140watts, its prob overkill and will only need one per bucket, we shall see when they arrive. Hope this works.
As in a waterfall hitting the water and creating a stir in the water that breaks the surface tension that's caused by stagnant water.
There are other electrolysis emitters that are meant for fresh water that separate oxygen and hydrogen, they are made from stainless steel mesh, and in salt solutions, they will break down like you say, but the O2grow uses titanium and iridium coating, which won't break down. You do have to clean them thought due to calcium build up. It's the price that I don't like.
There are other electrolysis emitters that are meant for fresh water that separate oxygen and hydrogen, they are made from stainless steel mesh, and in salt solutions, they will break down like you say, but the O2grow uses titanium and iridium coating, which won't break down. You do have to clean them thought due to calcium build up. It's the price that I don't like.
Waterfalls are a lot cheaper