Random Jabber Jibber thread


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Caves are OK with the electric lights and guide and walkway. NFW I would ever do this. Even being the best is no guarantee.

"A British cave diver who was part of the dramatic rescue of a Thai youth soccer team last year was himself rescued from a pitch-black underwater cave in northern Tennessee on Wednesday night, authorities said".

Got PADI certified in 1974 & have never had the slightest compulsion to swim into a dark cave. . . Ever!


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I dove lava tubes in HI, maybe 50-60' with a clear path to the exit at the other end, once was enough.
On the other hand diving in the dark can be fun!
In earlier years I (hobby/semi-commercially) collected tropical fish in Key West which is easiest while they're sleeping and you haven't lived till something big & solid bumps into you in the dark. :shock:


Well-Known Member
I did it, turned in my 2 week notice!
Bittersweet it is.
My direct boss was really excited for me, gave me a big hug. I'm really going to miss having him as a boss. My dotted line boss... not so happy. He told me I was breaking his heart. I've done a really good job for them. They'll obviously survive, but they're gonna feel it for sure. I'm certain they'll be hiring 2 buyers to replace me.
I'm going to miss my team but not the chaos. Controlled chaos I can handle. The shit I've had to deal with over the last 3 yrs... fuck that, I'm done!
I have a feeling I'm going to be bored at my new job. I can hardly wait!


Had to go take a drug test today. Turns out shitting in the cup is not a sure fire way to pass. I feel bad... I've been telling people it's how we do!!
Fortunately I had some synthetic pee with me. They took the sample, I should be good!

I start vacation tomorrow... 4/20 in Vegas! Gonna celebrate the new job!!


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
LOL good to see you @Blue Wizard
I got a bit of a break while I'm doing laundry. I even got to work on my shitty little car a little bit the other day. I'm looking for tires for it but nobody in town has any or can order any but I did find some on ebay. Took a while to sort through and find actual car tires instead of trailer tires (which 2 of the 4 already on it are btw) but I found a set of four for a little over $100 shipped.