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Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life.
Short (extremely edited) version:
In February, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) reported to the Senate that genome editing had become a global danger. The 2019 DNI " Worldwide Threat Assessment" reiterated the 2016 bio-threat danger. There's many important reasons why all commercial crops in America are supposed to be regulated for genome editing (GMO's), yet cannabis legalization laws, as exampled in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and California, do not require licensed cannabis cultivators to disclose information about genetically engineered cannabis (GEC), aka GMO cannabis, genetically edited cannabis, bio-engineered cannabis, etc.
In December of 2018, Canadian researchers at the University of Toronto announced they had completed mapping the cannabis genome.
Meanwhile, some American growers are following the non official "don't ask, don't tell" policy, claiming they are already gene editing to achieve "certain traits", yet are not required to disclose genetic modifications to state governments or to the public.
According to the US government, "The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety and proper labeling of all plant-derived food and feed, including those developed through genetic engineering.". FDA public affairs did not want to be quoted, but said the FDA had no jurisdiction over cannabis, and that the DEA was the authority with jurisdiction.
From DEA Headquarters , Public Affairs Officer, Barbara Carreno, offered this apparent observational comment that "no one at any level appears to be regulating this".
Originally, Congress created the "Controlled Substances Act" (CSA), providing the authority to schedule substances to be restricted to varying degrees from use. The problem here is that the CSA allows for scheduling natural plants as "controlled substances".
Scheduling natural plants resulted in consequences aside from the current jurisdictional quagmire of an ongoing bio-threat to the national security of the United States. The foremost consequence of scheduling natural plants, is that it nullified an American's self evident, naturally endowed, basic human right to access, grow, and use natural plants. At this point in America, to legally grow so much as a carrot you are exercising a "civil right", not a human right. So in effect the Congress scheduled a basic human right into obscurity.
Having no basic human right to access natural plants, means no basis in law by which to protect natural plants or the broader natural heritage from cross pollination contamination with bio-engineered, privately patented plants that enjoy the full scope of protection under intellectual property laws.
Congress will eventually remedy the issue of unregulated GEC by removing cannabis from the CSA, but the CSA problem's will continue.
For example, people in Oregon intend on floating a measure to legalize psilocybin mushrooms, a schedule 1 controlled substance. If "magic" mushrooms were legalized in Oregon, we are right back in the same circumstances of no oversight regulations for bio-engineering "shrooms".
DEA has jurisdiction over all schedule 1 "substances". Any natural life form listed as a schedule 1 controlled substance is outside the jurisdiction of federal agencies that regulate for GMO's. Therefore, as long as natural life forms are considered to be schedulable under the CSA, we will continue to have this gap in the law.
Civil litigation is needed to challenge governments assumed authority to schedule natural plants or any natural life forms, and proceeding on the basis that such government overreach has disparaged a self evident fundamental natural human right. When the basic human right is restored and protected, it establishes the basis for litigating to protect the genetic integrity of natural heirloom plants and all of our natural heritage from the bio-threat of GMO cross pollination contamination forever polluting the natural gene pool we all swim in.
Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life.
Short (extremely edited) version:
In February, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) reported to the Senate that genome editing had become a global danger. The 2019 DNI " Worldwide Threat Assessment" reiterated the 2016 bio-threat danger. There's many important reasons why all commercial crops in America are supposed to be regulated for genome editing (GMO's), yet cannabis legalization laws, as exampled in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and California, do not require licensed cannabis cultivators to disclose information about genetically engineered cannabis (GEC), aka GMO cannabis, genetically edited cannabis, bio-engineered cannabis, etc.
In December of 2018, Canadian researchers at the University of Toronto announced they had completed mapping the cannabis genome.
Meanwhile, some American growers are following the non official "don't ask, don't tell" policy, claiming they are already gene editing to achieve "certain traits", yet are not required to disclose genetic modifications to state governments or to the public.
According to the US government, "The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety and proper labeling of all plant-derived food and feed, including those developed through genetic engineering.". FDA public affairs did not want to be quoted, but said the FDA had no jurisdiction over cannabis, and that the DEA was the authority with jurisdiction.
From DEA Headquarters , Public Affairs Officer, Barbara Carreno, offered this apparent observational comment that "no one at any level appears to be regulating this".
Originally, Congress created the "Controlled Substances Act" (CSA), providing the authority to schedule substances to be restricted to varying degrees from use. The problem here is that the CSA allows for scheduling natural plants as "controlled substances".
Scheduling natural plants resulted in consequences aside from the current jurisdictional quagmire of an ongoing bio-threat to the national security of the United States. The foremost consequence of scheduling natural plants, is that it nullified an American's self evident, naturally endowed, basic human right to access, grow, and use natural plants. At this point in America, to legally grow so much as a carrot you are exercising a "civil right", not a human right. So in effect the Congress scheduled a basic human right into obscurity.
Having no basic human right to access natural plants, means no basis in law by which to protect natural plants or the broader natural heritage from cross pollination contamination with bio-engineered, privately patented plants that enjoy the full scope of protection under intellectual property laws.
Congress will eventually remedy the issue of unregulated GEC by removing cannabis from the CSA, but the CSA problem's will continue.
For example, people in Oregon intend on floating a measure to legalize psilocybin mushrooms, a schedule 1 controlled substance. If "magic" mushrooms were legalized in Oregon, we are right back in the same circumstances of no oversight regulations for bio-engineering "shrooms".
DEA has jurisdiction over all schedule 1 "substances". Any natural life form listed as a schedule 1 controlled substance is outside the jurisdiction of federal agencies that regulate for GMO's. Therefore, as long as natural life forms are considered to be schedulable under the CSA, we will continue to have this gap in the law.
Civil litigation is needed to challenge governments assumed authority to schedule natural plants or any natural life forms, and proceeding on the basis that such government overreach has disparaged a self evident fundamental natural human right. When the basic human right is restored and protected, it establishes the basis for litigating to protect the genetic integrity of natural heirloom plants and all of our natural heritage from the bio-threat of GMO cross pollination contamination forever polluting the natural gene pool we all swim in.