What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I slept in until 8, which is an accomplishment for me. I'm usual up between 5 and 5:30, no matter what, then toss and turn for 10-15 minutes trying to get back to sleep until I give up and just get up. Made breakfast, I got this bacon that's like 95% fat with just a little strip of actual meat running down the center and it's the best goddamn bacon I've ever had, I thought it was going to suck. Then i culled some sad looking clones, adjusted my res and got my RIU fix. I should've been outside already, working on getting an engine and tranny pulled, but the weatherman lied and it keeps raining out. I have 3 garage bays and not one I can get a vehicle into. Ones storage, I'm rebuilding a plow in another and I've got my Impala in the last one on jack stands half torn apart. I'm good for having a dozen different projects going at once, all in different stages of completion. :dunce:

Shit, my mother is coming over. Gotta get busy so she leaves quickly.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I managed to go a week without wasting hardly any time on RIU. I never want to do that shit again.

I had last weekend off, so worked on cleaning out the sheds for the roofers Friday and Saturday. The wife's cousin is a short timer, so we spent Sunday at the ICU in Tallahassee. He's home now, and they have called in Hospice.

I can't remember everything that was going on early in the week, but I did work in the shed until 1030 one night after I got home from work. Moved lots of stuff to the backyard and covered with tarps. We have lucked out in they didn't show when they said they would. Still lots of shit to be moved.

Wednesday and Thursday I pressure washed 300 chairs due to an upcoming event. 13 hours on Wednesday, {my one day off a week} then about the same on Thursday. And yesterday when the customer put on chair covers, I didn't shoot her. So that is my good deed for the year.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We've been having a staffing issue here at work since October/November. My cleaning guy turned 62 and started drawing his SS. He had to cut his hours back to near half. The part time guy {who was going to move up to full time cleaning and maintenance} is a contractor, and what he planned on as a small income on the side has turned into the goose that laid the golden egg since the hurricane. {and you can't expect him to walk away from that kind of money} He is not only not full time, he is not putting in any hours, so the cleaning and maintenance hasn't been getting done like it should. My boss's thinking is the budget kept her from getting anyone new. But I figured the portion budgeted to the part time guy was not being used, so that much was in play, in addition to the difference in what the cleaning guy was budgeted and what he was actually drawing. And it's been like that for six months.

Anyway, three of my board members were here yesterday for something else, so I took the chance to talk to them about it. We walked around and looked at the building and grounds. Many things they pointed out that needed doing that I wasn't seeing, and I was seeing plenty. {some of the shortcomings were mine. The lobby plants look like hell for example} They said the budget didn't matter. They wrote it, so they could change it. Short term we are going to hire the cleaning guy's lady friend for 20 hours a week for cleaning. That will clear up more of his hours for maintenance. Long term plan is to hire a part time maintenance guy for around 20 hours a week. Will be full time for a month or two, just to get caught up. Right now finding people is really hard. Lots of money to be made working the hurricane.

I hope the boss is not too pissed at me for going over her head. But now we can get started on fixing our problems.


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the qoute on damages to the car pretty sure it is deemed totaled though cause of the 2 air bags that went off. Internet not working now as well think my dad didnt pay the bill due yesterday but ill fix that later on today. Not sure wth we are going to do if car is totaled. Its almost paid off but i still need a car to get to work and stuff. Hopefully we can get a loan and i can pay foe it


Well-Known Member
We've been having a staffing issue here at work since October/November. My cleaning guy turned 62 and started drawing his SS. He had to cut his hours back to near half. The part time guy {who was going to move up to full time cleaning and maintenance} is a contractor, and what he planned on as a small income on the side has turned into the goose that laid the golden egg since the hurricane. {and you can't expect him to walk away from that kind of money} He is not only not full time, he is not putting in any hours, so the cleaning and maintenance hasn't been getting done like it should. My boss's thinking is the budget kept her from getting anyone new. But I figured the portion budgeted to the part time guy was not being used, so that much was in play, in addition to the difference in what the cleaning guy was budgeted and what he was actually drawing. And it's been like that for six months.

Anyway, three of my board members were here yesterday for something else, so I took the chance to talk to them about it. We walked around and looked at the building and grounds. Many things they pointed out that needed doing that I wasn't seeing, and I was seeing plenty. {some of the shortcomings were mine. The lobby plants look like hell for example} They said the budget didn't matter. They wrote it, so they could change it. Short term we are going to hire the cleaning guy's lady friend for 20 hours a week for cleaning. That will clear up more of his hours for maintenance. Long term plan is to hire a part time maintenance guy for around 20 hours a week. Will be full time for a month or two, just to get caught up. Right now finding people is really hard. Lots of money to be made working the hurricane.

I hope the boss is not too pissed at me for going over her head. But now we can get started on fixing our problems.
Sometimes it is as easy as just asking.

How is your relationship with "her"? Is she typically a C or usually reasonable person?

Either way things are gonna change now. I hope it all works out for the best.


too larry

Well-Known Member
Sometimes it is as easy as just asking.

How is your relationship with "her"? Is she typically a C or usually reasonable person?

Either way things are gonna change now. I hope it all works out for the best.

We get along good, but don't really hang out.{ I am anti social} The cleaning guy and the contractor are both real tight with her. She can be touchy about any implied criticism, but now a problem that has been bothering her for months will be addressed. Everyone tries to take as much off her plate as we can, even the board members. She was hit harder than most by the hurricane. She is still neck deep in recovery. Her roof blew off and all the walls, ceilings, cabinets, carpets etc, etc were ruined by rain. She lived in a man cave for a couple of months, then a travel trailer. She is back in her bedroom, but it's the only room in the house ready for habitation. I've been in a hurricane recover haze the last few weeks, but she has it way worse. I'm thinking by Monday getting the painting done before the windows are installed will be foremost in her mind.