What did you accomplish today?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ever since they privatised the dog pounds here and called them “rescue centres” it’s been fucked the bastards drive around looking for dogs that get out. They charge $250 per dog to get your dog back. 2 times 3 of my dogs got out they. They could never catch my youngest Rottweiler though he was like a jet lol the first time they got 2 of my dogs $500. I was not happy and the bastards were trying to get the other dog before I got there so they could get the extra cash. Next time they got out I caught up to them a bit quicker same thing but this time while they were chasing the young one
I went starlight to there van let my dogs out put them in my car threw there car keys in the bushes whistled to my other dog who came running said a few polite words to the “rescue rangers” and continued on my merry way. Both times I think it was the bastards letting them out because my dogs were smart but they can’t open gates.
Two words.

Camera system!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I moved to shortly after to my 33 acre property to get away from the suburban he’ll and installed cameras there and it has been money well spent
I've got an 8 cam system for the exterior and a very discrete motion sensitive/activated camera that covers the whole downstairs including both doors (that I can watch with my phone) not to mention one very loud beagle and one VERY large South African Mastiff.
I think I'm covered as the whole neighborhood is pretty much terrified of the giant dog whom is in reality a big pussy but sounds quite the opposite.


Well-Known Member
A foot of snow with that sky?
That's nutz, it looks like spring has sprung ffs.

I'd go bonkers too - we've got a bear in the neighborhood that has already busted down a wooden fence & killed a big dog that was on a runner so I'm paranoid af. Not to mention possibly being hit by a car.
I'd be a mess.
Windy af and the clouds have been stacking in west of the divide. If the moisture is there we will get wet, doubt we will have a foot accumulate tho.
20190428_152751.jpg 20190428_153103.jpg


Well-Known Member
Got to use my favorite tool, the sawzall to modify the return air hole in the grow room so I can fit a 4" return fan into it. Made a takeoff that will sit in my window to pull outside air in. Contemplating putting it on a timer to pull in cold night air and help with the cooling. Spread out the compost a bit more so it will dry and I can till it in. Even got a nap in.


Well-Known Member
finished trimming 3 of my strawberry cough plants hung up to dry for 10 days. end results https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/390404674219409410/572197347228909580/20190428_130729.jpg

going to weigh it but i dry trimmed not the best in the world only my 2nd harvest but more bud then my last grow for sure and better quality as well. i kept a lot of the leaves on still cause i aint got time to remove every single sugar leaf and i try yo keep the stems intact just for presentation purposes if there is a huge gap between nodes then i remove the stem but i try to keep it intact mostly. idc to trick people into thinking i got X amount of weight. idgaf about weight right now im looking for flavor wise.

181.83grams total weight just gotta minus all the stems not bad tbh imo bud is fully dried i could smoke it if i wanted to but i packed 5 mason jars with it.


Well-Known Member
Got to use my favorite tool, the sawzall to modify the return air hole in the grow room so I can fit a 4" return fan into it. Made a takeoff that will sit in my window to pull outside air in. Contemplating putting it on a timer to pull in cold night air and help with the cooling. Spread out the compost a bit more so it will dry and I can till it in. Even got a nap in.
I dont play favorites, so many of them are sharp. I do like using these though.
I like my 4 1/2 in hole saw for those jobs tho.
Heat is on as the temp has dropped 10 deg in the last 1/2 hr and the clouds are rolling in.


Well-Known Member
I dont play favorites, so many of them are sharp. I do like using these though.
I like my 4 1/2 in hole saw for those jobs tho.
View attachment 4324725
Heat is on as the temp has dropped 10 deg in the last 1/2 hr and the clouds are rolling in.
View attachment 4324726
Psych. Phase 1 I guess.
Might be a sunset worthy of the beautiful thread.


Well-Known Member
hopefully good news but i found something stating what looks like my car was paid off 2 days ago meaning if we do claim totaled then at least we get all the money to put down on a new car. at least if that is true i get peace of mind on that part. also came to the decision of 1. quitting cigs again for good this time as i am getting tired of going outside just to smoke and im starting to smoke almost an entire pack a day. i can but i ration it out usually to last me 4-5 days but now im down to a pack every 2-3 days. 2. if i do get a new car im going to be getting a 2nd job. one full time and one part time unless the 2 coexist with the times then i'll keep both at full time if possible.


Well-Known Member
hopefully good news but i found something stating what looks like my car was paid off 2 days ago meaning if we do claim totaled then at least we get all the money to put down on a new car. at least if that is true i get peace of mind on that part. also came to the decision of 1. quitting cigs again for good this time as i am getting tired of going outside just to smoke and im starting to smoke almost an entire pack a day. i can but i ration it out usually to last me 4-5 days but now im down to a pack every 2-3 days. 2. if i do get a new car im going to be getting a 2nd job. one full time and one part time unless the 2 coexist with the times then i'll keep both at full time if possible.
I’ve been off the cigs for 18 months. Where I come from everyone smokes there weed with tobacco in it, it’s horrible I know but it’s just how you get taught to smoke it. The younger generation coming threw generally smoke tobacco free. It was harder to stop smoking my weed with tobacco than to quit cigs. Only because the tobacco gives you are different high, i wasn’t used to a straight green high. Now I’m used to green weed I hate it the old way. I can’t eve smoke green weed threw my mates bongs cause they taste like ashtrays and they think I’m weird for smoking it green. Good luck bro quiting sucks


Well-Known Member
Good unmixed weed is so much smoother than mixing with tobacco.
I used to just tell people I put tobacco in when I roll joints... that is normally my job as I can roll joints with the dexterity of a knitter.
Eventually, I would mix in some tobacco on a later joint... and they would look at me confused when they now cough when I added the tobacco.