Riot seeds. Roadkill Afghani

When I hear someone say it was about the novelty smell I know, they were not smoking the original skunk number1. I first heard about it in 1977 or 78 my brother came back from san diego and told me about it and about hawian that looked like grass clippings. In1979 I ventured to sandiego and got to try skunk for myself, about a gram for 20 bucks which was high for the time, sticky covered with resin dark green indica looking bud. Fire it up, choke you expansive smoke one lungfull was all you needed then laugh your ass trippy too high buzz for hours. Smell was not what I expected from something called skunk yes it was loud and at times skunky especially when left in a car or a room and you came back wow, the exhaled smoke stunk kinda like a skunk too. It was all about that insane quick too high buzz thats why it was crossed to everything and everyone kept cuts of it at the expense of making more pure seeds so you had to cross it to whatever you had and it kept that quick high. Oh and at the time I was not a newbe to smoking good weed all the time I was there it was thi stick and diff mexs and homegrown and smoked all most daily before going there, I was a pothead. I never tried a good blueberry all the ones peeps handed me were crap.
70's skunk and 90s-2000s skunk are very different beast for sure. The skunk we had in the 00s was smell only, the high was mediocre for sure.
This is what people are talking about when they complain about the watering down of genetics.. Some shit will be gone or hard as fuck to recreate. Skunk was a novelty.. smelled/tasted like skunk.. high was good but it was really the smell/taste that was a seller.. It was also a P-I-T-A because you could have a personal amount triple bagged and the shit would have your car reeking within 10 minutes. Then people starting breeding the funk out.. there was no gorilla growing skunk etc. and smelling your grow from a block or two away causes anxiety that is not worth the aforementioned novelty.

fwiw '02-'03 was the last time the actual skunk came around town.. there has been skunky bud since then but not the obscene skunk smell that was available somewhat regularly before 02-03 (same exact years I believe the real blueberry stopped going around also fwiw) @genuity and @thenotsoesoteric have touched on the topic a time or two and I think most of us respect their opinion/recollection.
THERE was acers and acers of rks growen out doors in ky.Why we stoped growing it was to dam hard to hide the smell to hall it out of state to sell.yes it was all gorilla growen for several years.
THERE was acers and acers of rks growen out doors in ky.Why we stoped growing it was to dam hard to hide the smell to hall it out of state to sell.yes it was all gorilla growen for several years.

That. Was. My. Point. Son

70's skunk and 90s-2000s skunk are very different beast for sure. The skunk we had in the 00s was smell only, the high was mediocre for sure.

Bro dont pay him no mind.. he's comparing it to the other old timey weed he was smoking. If we smoked some of that shit back then we would call it middles compared to what we smoke now.. "quick high" lol I saw that on an episode of drugs once when they were talking about sour diesel.. dont buy into that "I smoked one joint with 5 people and we couldnt even finish it" bullshit lol
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Oh the old debate of some shit that hardly anyone ever had a chance to smoke, lol. I do agree that our modern strains have got to put the old infamous ones to shame potency wise. We've been breeding cbd out and more and more thc in for a long time now.
Oh the old debate of some shit that hardly anyone ever had a chance to smoke, lol. I do agree that our modern strains have got to put the old infamous ones to shame potency wise. We've been breeding cbd out and more and more thc in for a long time now.

Nothing new under the sun all the strains today are rebranded.
Anyone who was willing to pay for it got to smoke it, it was very popular it first shows up in high times in june of 1980 as skunkweed purple buds oz 175-225 lb 2000-2400. Oh you think I am too old to still smoke, over time I have tried many newer versions of renamed weed. The mainstream breeders have let you down and lost the very best ones for many different reasons. Just because you have not smoked it does not mean it does not still exist, just search for laced weed it still amazes people to this day. It used to leave the growers hands and be auctioned off to the highest bidder even way back when, some stray pollen would find its way onto them and you would have chem 91 or shoreline or og ect. We used to take it to parties not to smoke but to put and end to obnoxious drunks, one hit and they would barf on there shoes and shut right up.
So I was looking through my seeds and found my J1HP which is Jack Herer x Skunk #1 x 88G13HP, and while its not nearly the loudest note, it does have some underlying straight skunkiness to it. Like that more acrid deep in your nostrils skunk stink like you REALLY just took a deep inhale around one, not so much the loud "is that skunk or is that weed" smell. Either way, its probably some of my favorite stuff right now. I also grew out Appalachian Super Skunk, and while that was good, my favorite one was a really lemony one, not very skunky at all.
Do you still have seeds of it?

I have access yes. Things got very bad for me and destroyed the entire KRKS project...

However, I am restarting and getting things back together. I am hoping I will have some to work with very soon, and get things back on track. I will drop word around when it gets to that point. A few people have helped me tremendously get back out of the hole I was in, they will have some free roadkill beans and possibly even cuts in the future, no doubt!
Week 5 is done.
Had some issues with this week.
Being a new room and scene. It usually takes one run to work out the kinks. So I got kinks!!
Little Sweet Pink threw out a herm on me and put a few seeds on pretty much everything.
Also some plants fading early, as some seem very hungry.
Gonna have to do a little tea or top dress.
So running into 2 that are very possible as roadkill.
So we shall see.
Not sure if they will make it the full 10 weeks, depends on how they respond to top dressing.
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right? like some of these guys cant even remember what they had for a single meal yesterday, but i'm supposed to believe you have an exact spot on memory of a pot smell from 30 years ago?
In 1999 in 10th grade i came to school with a dime of real deal rks walked in the west entrance and took 2 steps before the entire hallway looked around and started sniffing the air people 75 feet away or more were baffled. I quickly left and went and hid my bag in the power line field to go pick up at lunch. It smelled more potent than a dead skunk.
I also remember the smell of cleaning out the bandsaw at the meat market i worked at as a kid to this day I still can smell both smells.
Oh the old debate of some shit that hardly anyone ever had a chance to smoke, lol. I do agree that our modern strains have got to put the old infamous ones to shame potency wise. We've been breeding cbd out and more and more thc in for a long time now.

Naa I became a pothead in 97 at 13
The dope back then was way better. The highs themselves were better. Todays weed may have higher potency when it comes to thc content for all weed together.
But the high quality weed of back in the day blows top shelf stuff of today out of the water. Let me ask when was the last time todays weed started dripping black resin down your chin after 1 hit off a joint.
Just look at the roaches you save up today. How many of them are black and gooey to where you could throw them at the wall and they stick? Yea todays weed on average is better no doubt about that. But top notch today vs 15 years ago plus no comparison.
Hell im only 34 and I can tell you that.
Naa I became a pothead in 97 at 13
The dope back then was way better. The highs themselves were better. Todays weed may have higher potency when it comes to thc content for all weed together.
But the high quality weed of back in the day blows top shelf stuff of today out of the water. Let me ask when was the last time todays weed started dripping black resin down your chin after 1 hit off a joint.
Just look at the roaches you save up today. How many of them are black and gooey to where you could throw them at the wall and they stick? Yea todays weed on average is better no doubt about that. But top notch today vs 15 years ago plus no comparison.
Hell im only 34 and I can tell you that.

Not only is the real deal skunk gone the real deal pine seems to be too. I got some 79 xmas seedlings going hope its just like the old school pine that smelled like you just threw a pine tree in the wood chipper needles and all.
That pine weed was insane back in the day. It oozed sap like a pine tree. That stuff always dripped resin down your chin when burned in a joint
Naa I became a pothead in 97 at 13
The dope back then was way better. The highs themselves were better. Todays weed may have higher potency when it comes to thc content for all weed together.
But the high quality weed of back in the day blows top shelf stuff of today out of the water. Let me ask when was the last time todays weed started dripping black resin down your chin after 1 hit off a joint.
Just look at the roaches you save up today. How many of them are black and gooey to where you could throw them at the wall and they stick? Yea todays weed on average is better no doubt about that. But top notch today vs 15 years ago plus no comparison.
Hell im only 34 and I can tell you that.
Agree fully. Same age.