3rd Monkey
Well-Known Member
Slang around here for do what you want/think is right, even if people disagree or try to shoot you down.
We live in the woods, cut us some slack lol.
Slang around here for do what you want/think is right, even if people disagree or try to shoot you down.
We live in the woods, cut us some slack lol.
Kinda had me imagining Jack Sparrow bring lynched
That’s right tho, I live how I choose ^_^
If I was in a different state I could just go online and order another copy like it was nothing. But if you go to SS a.gov And check... it lists about 11 states that CANNOT do that... low and behold!
And I DONT have my plastic copy of my new drivers license yet either... so I went to the SSA office here... and with my CERTIFIED/ON SECURITY PAPER copy of my ID FROM the DMV itself.... wasn’t good enough for them.
Lost my shit
Left loudly
Felt defeated
Did a 0.25g dab and regretted it
This is my FUCKING SONG every morning
Gets me In my thug mode
Get shit DONE boys! Marry the girl of your dreams! Smoke weed without fear of running out, and COMMAND respect wherever you go in real life.
Does anybody remember just a couple months ago I was struggling so bad that I was about to lose my home…
I finally decided I wanted something in life worth having so I swept up this girl and all the heart and she had to offer...
She turned out to be the best decision I ever made
Her father said he will pay to have all of my felonies expunged and he will pay to have my tattoos removed and he’s going to send me to real estate school because he said ““ I want my daughter taken care of for the rest of her life I do not want her to have to work, you will give her the world if I allow it?
And I agreed
Slang around here for do what you want/think is right, even if people disagree or try to shoot you down.
We live in the woods, cut us some slack lol.
Anyone to make the air pump not so load? Thinking of putting it on a styrofoam box or something to kill vibration a little .Jack Sparrow? Nah dude lol. Dolph Lundgren in the Expendables haha.
Don’t see many pirates there...
There’s a homeless man and his buddy running around town dressed like jack sparrow .Don’t see many pirates there...
Anyone to make the air pump not so load? Thinking of putting it on a styrofoam box or something to kill vibration a little .
Have it sitting out side my tent try to figure out something. The nozzle where main hose is getting some heat . Turning the main hose like flimsy rubber .Hang it from a bungee.
Have it sitting out side my tent try to figure out something. The nozzle where main hose is getting some heat . Turning the main hose like flimsy rubber .
Anyone to make the air pump not so load? Thinking of putting it on a styrofoam box or something to kill vibration a little .
Pirates don't just hang out on boats. Most of them wear suits and have a political affiliation lol.
You won the f#ckin lotto, man...