would you ever approach a head shop??


Well-Known Member
they will most likely kick you out your not even supposed to say bong. And they are supposed to be video taped


New Member
oh kk and what if they didnt and i was just trying to be really trusting what would you do to get them to talk to you and im assuming they smoke pot


New Member
ya i see what your saying the reason im asking is because im fucking dry and have been for a month because of hurricane ike destroyinh houston where my dealer gets his stuff. and i got ripped off the other day when so douche bag never gave me the weed i payed for. so im trying to find a new dealer or hook up cause all i want to do is have some pot to smoke. but im at a lost for trying to find new dealer. so any hints and dont say go to a hippie place cause there are none where i live.


Active Member
dayum dude... sucks that u'r dry like that and are craving for more... looks like you ain't got many connects... might wanna consider growing u'r own lil stash for emergency's like this.


New Member
ya i dont have many connects and i cant grow anything or else i wouldnt be having this problem, and im not gonna approch a crackhead becuase there arent any crackheads where i live or at least they dont be on the streets and i have seen some black guys that look like tokers but i dont wanna approach them. but all i really want is some fucking weed and im tired of getting ripped off.


Well-Known Member
Well it sure aint going to knock on your door .... If you dont ask you'll never know .. go to a smoke shop and watch for someone buying wraps , or blunts or rolling papers .. ask them ..


Well-Known Member
go to a university! ask them. u can tel the stoners. all their clothes say "stoner" or if your lucky norml/ dont ask at a headshop/